Disclaimer: I don't own anyone from the WWE only Vince McMahon does, but I do own the idea of the Fic. I do own Kristin Ellis Flair and any other characters who don't sound familiar through out the whole fic. I Hope you enjoy my newest fic. Enjoy! I know that Ric Flair doesn't have a daughter named Kristin but he does have other kids who will eventually come into the fic later on.

Kristin Ellis Flair was the daughter of WWE Hall of Fame legend Ric "The Nature Boy" Flair, she grew up watching wrestling since she could talk. She didn't tell people who her father was cause she didn't want to get bombarded with questions and requests for his autograph. She gained her height from her father who stood at 6'1, she wasn't as tall as he was but she stood approximately 5'9.


Kristin Ellis Flair was spotted near the catering area with a phone to her ear, she glanced up into the eyes of Randy "The Legend Killer" Orton who just walked over to her. "Hey Kristin, long time no see" Randy said as he pulled up a chair and sat down next to her, she held up her index finger to him as she waited for her friend to take her off hold. Randy nodded as he decided to get up to grab a bite to eat, he stood up and headed over to the table of goodies. As he scanned the table he decided on some fries and a water, he picked up the two items and headed back to were Kristin was sitting. "Sorry about that Randy, How are you doing?" She asked as her blue eyes made contact with his blue eyes. He let out a smile as he sat down "I'm doing great, what about yourself?" He asked before he ate a salty fry, he made a goofy face causing Kristin to laugh. "Oh I'm doing great I've just been helping my father and stuff, he keeps telling me I should try to convince Mr. McMahon to give me a shot at being a diva. I don't think would make the cut if I even tried out" she said as she took a French fry from Randy's plate. She popped it in her mouth as Randy shook his head after she did that. "Hey get your own Kris" he glanced at the time on his phone as he ate some of the fries, as they shared a few laughs a backstage worker approached them.

"Randy your on in a few minutes, against Cody Rhodes good luck Randy" the dark haired backstage worker said before walking down the hall way, soon he was out of their site. "Well I'll see you later Kristin, don't go causing trouble now" Randy Orton said before he stood up. Kristin shook her head as someone else walked into the area. "I Love you too Randy, you should know I don't cause trouble..." she managed to yell towards him but he didn't respond back to her. "You must be Randy Orton's girlfriend..." a males voice behind her stated, catching her off guard slightly. She turned around to see who was behind her, to her surprise it was none other then Cody Rhodes. "Nah we used to date but we decided to be friends, I don't think we've met before." She stated with a smile forming as he nodded in agreement. "I'm Cody Rhodes the son of Dusty Rhodes and you are?" he said with a smile forming as he extended his hand out, she reached out and shook his hand as she smiled. "I'm Kristin Flair, I'm sure you can very easily figure out who my father is." she said with a slight giggle in her voice, Cody heard someone yell his name. "See you later Kristin, it was nice meeting you. Sorry I can't stay and chat but I need to get going." He said before he walked off in the direction of the curtains leaving Kristin alone in the catering area.


later that night

Kristin was spotted sitting upon a black trunk with the WWE logo upon it, she pulled her long blonde hair into a messy ponytail as she glanced around. From the corner of her eye she spotted Cody Rhodes who was holding a ice pack to his right eye, she quickly stood up and walked over to him. "Hey Cody, I heard you won your match. Congratulations Cody that's great news. I'm sure your gonna get a bad bruise" She said referring to his eye where the ice pack had been held to. He nodded in agreement as he wiped a bead of sweat that was trickling down his forehead. "I'm sure it will eventually, I'm hoping it doesn't get too bad." He said as he decided to sit down near her, as the condensation from the ice pack dripped onto his bare chest. "I'm sure it will but you could always use cover-up Cody, it does help cover up small things." She said with a giggle as he looked at her quickly. " Kristin I'm a guy and I don't use cover-up, only chicks do that kind of stuff. That would be very creepy as well, I think I should get going and maybe get my eye checked out. Hopefully we'll bump into one another again in the near future." He said in response to what she had said about cover-up. She felt the blood rush to the surface of her cheeks as she stood up. "I'm sure we will bump into each other again sometime, after all I did bump into you after your match. See you later Cody" she said with a smile before she turned around to head back to grab her bag from the ladies locker room.

Cody turned around and watched her leave as a shadow walked up behind him, then a familiar voice was heard behind him "Rhodes, leave her alone. if she wanted to be with a real man, I'm sure that she'll come back to me, after all I did treat her like a princess" Cody turned around to stare at the source of the voice, he tightened the grip on the ice pack that was in his hand. Cody dropped the ice pack from his hand before he spoke up. "You know Orton, I don't need your advice on who I should be looking at. And I certainly don't need your advice on who I should be dating to if that's what you're trying to get at. So I'd suggest you mind your own goddamn business." Cody said as his nostrils flared slightly as he pushed his way past Randy, he was on his way back to his locker room.

In the Girls locker room laughs drifted into the hallway as Kristin pulled the door open, she smiled as the divas glanced her way. "Hey Kristin!" All the girls said together as the door closed behind her. "Hey guys, I sure feel loved by you guys. Are you going out tonight by any chance?" She asked as she walked over to her duffle bag, Maria giggled before she spoke up. "Some of us are going after the show is over, do you want to come?" Maria asked the tall daughter of Ric. With a smile starting to form Kristin she nodded as she unzipped her bag. "I would love to go, just give me a little bit to get ready." she stated as she pulled out a black halter top with a tie around the neck, a dark blue denim skirt with a pair of black shoes. She walked into the bathroom to change into her outfit so she could join her friends. Kristin was fixing her make-up as she heard someone yell out her name, she ignored the yell as she applied her lip gloss. "Kristin someone's at the door for you…" Maria yelled for the second time towards the closed bathroom door before she started to knock on the door. "I'm coming I'm coming who is at the door for me anyways?" Kristin asked as she put her make-up back in the small bag that held her make up. "I can't tell you because it's a surprise" the giggling diva said as the door to the bathroom opened suddenly showing Kristin standing there with a confused smile. "if I open that door and nobody is standing there your asking for it big time Maria. I'm joking by the way…" Kristin stated as she walked over to her bag to place her make up way before she walked over to the door bare footed. With a smile showing she twisted the door knob as her heart fluttered as she pulled the door open, the person standing outside of the door had a smile showing as they spoke as she seen who it was. "Hello Kristin."

Authors Note: Hey Guys you've just read the first chapter of Conflict of the Heart, I hope you all liked it. Let me know if you think I should keep going with it or not, if you have any suggestions with what you want to see in this fic let me know. Thanks for reading I hope you liked it!! And Stay Tuned for an Update to This Road I'm on in the near future.