Nine Months later….

His mate was crushing his hand as the contractions became stronger and more frequent. He growled angrily, not at the pain she was causing him, but at the presence of a new doctor in the room.

A male doctor.

The doctor slowly moved around, as Vegeta glared coldly; how dare this human dare look at his mate when she was in this way, if he as much as batted an eyelid out of place; the prince silently-vowed that he would ensure the man couldn't eat solid food ever again.

Bulma crushed his hand even tighter, screaming so loudly it caused the birds outside to fly away, and for Vegeta to cry out at the pain his ears were taking.

Her stupid parents were still waiting outside; it was just his luck that she had decided to let her waters burst in the presence of her crazy air-head mother. She couldn't have just made those few steps to the gravity room where he was training.

Vegeta was distracted for a second, as he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw shut removing his hands from hers, only to fail. He hated seeing his woman in pain like this; he knew that giving birth to a Saiyan child was probably twice as painful as a normal human.

Although he was slightly proud that she had refused any drug treatments, she had insisted that she needed no help, was going to deliver the child herself and completely naturally.

However several hours into the labour, it looked to be a different story. Never before had she insulted Vegeta so much, or vowed that he would never have sex again. It scared him slightly that she queried a nurse on getting him castrated.

He hoped that she didn't mean any of the things said; he assured himself that she wouldn't be able to prevent herself from making love to him…

Another wail came from Bulma's direction; then the screams suddenly stopped. The dying notes of her echoed screams became mixed with the loud strange cry of a small child.

The door burst open, and Bunny Briefs came tumbling in before being quickly ushered out by a doctor as Bulma burst into tears at the sight of the blood and the wailing baby that was half out of her legs.

Quickly she pushed again, as Vegeta grimaced squeezing her hand tightly. He had seen bloody things before, but this was like something from a horror movie. A few more seconds…

After getting some fresh air from the window, Vegeta turned his attention to his mate, who still looked to be bleeding and was currently sobbing into a pillow. Then the nurse walked over carrying the ugly little child in a bundle of white blankets. The umbilical cord was still attached, as was the unmistakeable fluffy brown tail.

The child screamed, as Vegeta widened his eyes in horror.

"Congratulations both of you, it's a beautiful baby boy!"

The doctor walked over to Bulma, before Vegeta stepped in front holding the crying baby at arms length as if it had a million diseases.

"Keep away from my woman." Vegeta growled, before Bulma found enough strength to give him a hard kick.

The child instantly stopped crying, and then Vegeta growled again. "Woman this brat is humiliating me!"

Big mistake, Bulma had to be held down by two of the nurses as she fought herself from attacking her arrogant prince. Even in her weakened state she was hurling insults and abuse his way, she hadn't even had time to be overwhelmed or even hold her precious little baby.


Vegeta still holding the minutes-old-baby at arms length; happily tried to hand over the sobbing child before the male doctor pushed him away. "No sir, we need to sort out this after birth, it's most unusual."

Vegeta glared dangerously to the doctor; how dare this human challenge his authority. This measly grey haired human that had obviously never been in a fight before, if he hadn't been holding the little brat he would have blown the man into the next dimension by now.

Bulma buried her head back into her pillow; trust Vegeta to be making a scene in a labour room. All she wanted was to hold her baby, and feel that bond grow between them. She was feeling exceptionally tired, and as the nurses removed the placenta along with the remains of the cord, she felt almost numb with happiness.

Beating up Vegeta could wait until later; she could just banish him to the dreaded sofa.

Then again after all the pain he had caused her, and the nine months of non-stop grief he'd placed upon her, he should have been banished to the sofa in the first place.

Her child looked so beautiful, and even as her mate snarled and held it as far away as possible from his body, Bulma couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with relief and happiness.

The birth had certainly been hard and difficult; she had never been in so much pain before. Everything ached, she just wanted to have her baby and snuggle up to sleep.

The baby continued to wail, as one of the nurses smiled happily. "I think somebody is hungry!"

A few curses from the former space pirate caused half the room to turn and look at him. As he held the child with one arm, he looked seriously pissed that he had his other hand covered in red blood and amniotic fluid.

As the child screamed once again, this time even louder the prince cursed louder.

Bulma felt a serious headache growing; she really hoped her son didn't turn into a clone of Vegeta. There was only room for one of him that was certain.

"Woman deal with your brat!" Vegeta yelled, as the child suddenly instantly stopped screaming.

Bulma felt her face glow angrily. "STOP CALLING HIM THAT VEGETA!"

A new nurse entering the room and was met with a sight. Her first day on the job, and the family was being heard from way down the corridor. A child screaming, along with a yelling man, and a shrieking lady; it was certainly quite daunting.

Vegeta walked over to her, and quickly forced the child into the surprised nurse's arms. After the blue haired lady began yelling at him some more, he ignored her and walked over to the tap to wash his hands. The child definitely had some lungs on him, along with the cutest little fluffy…tail…

The nurse paled; the other infirmary staff had forgotten to tell her that the child was to be expected to be born with a tail.

After much money was handed over, the hospital had promised not to say a word to anybody.

They put it down to unusual genetics, and possibly human evolution. All of them ruled out that Vegeta was the culprit, and that he was an alien from a distant planet.

The nurse ushered the child quiet rocking him in her arms, little did that do, as Bulma began pleading with the doctors to let her hold her son.

Bundling the blankets up, the nurse wiped the remaining fluid from the baby's head, and was surprised to see a small streak of lavender hair.

As the nurse handed the child back to Vegeta, still with the cord and the soft tail, he cringed at its loud crying.

How did he let himself get into this situation? It taught him a vital lesson about being careful…not only did he have much less sex than usual during the pregnancy, now he had a crying, whining brat to deal with.

As he looked down to the sobbing baby, it finally opened it eyes and he was surprised to see they looked just like his. He found an overwhelming feeling of pride finally hit him, as he then noticed the funny coloured purple blob of hair.

"Is everything okay…?" Bulma asked weakly, as she grimaced in slight pain as the remains of the afterbirth were pulled from her. It was strange that she was not able to hold the child yet, the beautiful little baby that she had bought into the world in those few hours of severe pain.

"Yes Miss Briefs, everything is going good. We are just trying to stop the blood flow; it should only take a few more minutes."

Bulma could hear her mother shouting at some passers by outside, blushing she rested her head back down upon the pillow and breathed another long sigh of relief. Two nurses were now cleaning her legs up, and as she looked over Vegeta was holding the now silent baby and staring at it very oddly.

Vegeta was giving insight into his feelings, just seeing this innocent little brat made him reminisce about his mother holding him as a very young child. He couldn't remember her strongly, and this was the only memory he had left of her.

When he was just a few months old she had died from a fatal disease leaving him and his father alone.

In his life the prince had never really had anybody to care for him; all throughout his existence he had learnt to fend for himself, and had taught himself how to survive. Never before had he needed anybody to help him, and to this day he still detested asking for help from the woman.

What saddened the prince most however, as he looked into son's beautiful green eyes he found himself wishing he did have somebody to mother him.

His father had given him over to Freeza when he had been just five years old. He had been left in a dungeon in the bottom of Freeza's ship for a few months, then been forced to grow ever stronger whilst on purging missions, which even the boldest warriors would have feared.

When he was injured or sick, nobody had been there. When he was feeling alone and had quietly sobbed into his pillow again nobody had been there.

As the years grew by the pain and tears had stopped, he had grown stronger yet had also grown emotionless and cruel.

The planet Vegetaseii had been destroyed by that perverted lizard Freeza, all whilst the prince obliviously still served him and worked his heart out.

Vegeta looked down, and felt an overwhelming feeling engulf him. His son had fallen asleep and was snuggling against his tail it was just how Vegeta had slept on a portrait with his mother.

Nothing was going to hurt his new family, somehow the blue haired female and this sleeping brat seemed even more important than even the extinction of his race or the destruction of his planet.

In those few seconds of peacefulness he vowed that the androids would die at his hands, and that he would grow even stronger to defeat them to protect his family.

Never before could he see himself being a father, as he looked over to his mate who had now also fallen asleep he felt that horrid sickening feeling of 'love'.

His beautiful female; she was his and only his.

The nurses all nodded to him, and slowly he walked over with the sleeping bundle of blankets. Quickly they left the room, all breathing a sigh of relief that the arguing had ceased and everything was quiet and tranquil.

He balanced the child on his chest, as he squashed up to his sleeping female. He laid his head upon her soft hair and kissed it ever so gently.

A few minutes later Bulma fluttered her eyelids open; the first thing that came to her mind was her baby! Where was her baby? She felt her tummy; it suddenly felt so empty, she then noticed the dry blood on her thighs and everything clicked back into place.

Besides her Vegeta still laid, the new little child in his arms was also sleeping soundly. Bulma took the time to take in the picture, both father and son certainly looked alike in the facial features. They looked so cute, and her son still hadn't even had his first feed. It must have had a good feeding before deciding it was time to come out and say hello.

She had certainly had much more of an appetite when she had been carrying the little squirt. The doctors had weighed him at eight pounds after the birth, before shoving it into Vegeta's awaiting arms.

Bulma suppressed a grin at her Saiyan prince. She had been wrong; he certainly did make a great father.

Slowly taking the newborn baby from his protective grip, she placed a kiss on his forehead as he continued to sleep before awakening the beautiful little baby. Instantly it looked at her, and the bond began. Wordlessly she pulled her gown down and allowed it to nurse at her breast, and smiled contently to herself.

Bulma Briefs was the happiest person on the planet.

A few hours later…

Vegeta awoke, his back felt sore from the hard hospital bed and his head was throbbing.

As his mate smiled over to him, he found himself rubbing his eyes and yawning gently. Bulma was still holding the child, who was now sleeping soundly again, the babe's purple hair was now even more visible as well as its fluffy little brown tail.

The prince growled slightly, the Royal Saiyan bloodline had been tainted with purple hair. It should be black; all his ancestors had black hair; his mother, father, grandfather and so on and so fourth.

In fact almost all Saiyan's had black hair!

It was his fault for mating with a blue haired woman…

"Congratulations my prince…" Bulma whispered quietly, as Vegeta wrinkled his nose up.

"The brat has purple hair!" he growled, not finding enough energy to point to the little lavender blob of hair.

In her weakened state Bulma raised her voice dangerously. "He is not a brat, and he will have a name soon!"

"He already does, Vegeta Jr. Baka."

Bulma laughed heartedly, no way was she going to have two Vegeta's in the house. He could wish.

"I have some names planned…. He has gorgeous hair, what are you on about Vegeta?" Bulma paused, "He's the best little baby in the whole entire world! The cutest and the strongest!"

"I don't think he is my offspring woman." Vegeta said bluntly, as he looked up to the ceiling, Bulma found her temper rising. She knew the prince was trying to wind her up and it was certainly not the best time after she had been in labour for over nine hours.

"Shut your big mouth Vegeta." Bulma said angrily, as the child awoke at her raising voice and began to cry. Its fluffy tail unravelled and it began to flicker about wildly.

Arrogantly Vegeta smirked, as he felt the child's power level begin to increase at its frustration. Bulma instinctively placed it to her chest and allowed it to nurse at her breast again. Hungrily it ceased crying, and began to feed like a starved lion. "I have no family history with purple hair; the long royal bloodline has always been black."

Bulma leaned over to him; after her little demi-Saiyan son finished feeding and had fallen back asleep.

Using her spare hand she roughly grabbed him by his long spiky hair and yanked hard. "He has a tail baka."

Vegeta smirked and decided he would press her buttons even further. He loved her when she was angry and fiery; the child was now sleeping peacefully again. "You could have had an affair with Kakkorot."

"Goku's a friend, AND he's married!"

The child wailed as his mother yelled at Vegeta, who was chuckling and just adding to her rage.

Vegeta placed a hand on the child's forehead, and instantly it stopped crying. It looked up to him, and then ravelled its tail around his hand. Vegeta found himself smiling, and then tickled the little boy under the chin. The tail unravelled and then the boy seemed to smile, Bulma found herself thinking this was just a dream.

Vegeta was playing with her child, and seemed happy and proud to be a father.

She then remembered all the injections and the pain of the birth and aching in her legs. No this was certainly no dream, this was real-life.

Vegeta retracted his hand, and as the child closed its eyes again he smirked and looked out of the window. Bright sunlight was pouring in through the window, whilst in the sky a beautiful rainbow was etched across the city's airspace.

He felt that nothing was going to ever harm his new family; he would never let his child lead the same life that he had been sworn too. His son was never going to have to do another's evil bidding, and he was certainly not going to be bought up like Kakkorot's brat.

Never before had the prince felt so protective, his new small family was something he could never believe he was ever going to have and he was definitely not going to let anything happen to them. He would protect them with his life.

Bulma looked over to her lover, and laid her head upon his strong muscular chest. The child was sleeping soundly; it still hadn't been placed in the fish-bowl like bed. She found herself smirking as she reminisced their first real-date at the seaside.

"See I told you the tortoise that bit you, didn't damage anything."

Vegeta growled as he too was reminded of that painful mistake. How embarrassing, the woman really did remember the most horrid things. "I'm sure the brat was conceived before then."

"Well… we could always have another one to be sure…" Bulma teased, Vegeta's reaction was the perfect picture. She didn't want another child for a very long time; this one in her arms was so perfect, as it slept all the pains seemed to ebb away. The androids seemed so far away.

The reaction from the prince was blunt. "NO"

"I want to name him Trunks…"

"I am not having a child named that. Its bad enough he has purple hair."

"Well I'm not having a child named Vegeta Jr!"

"Fine then we'll call him Vegeta Trunks."

"No, did you carry him for nine months? Did you just give birth?"

Vegeta did not reply; his mate could be so stubborn sometimes.

"What about Trunks Vegeta Briefs."

"Your child is going to be a mockery to the entire world, how is a fighter going to be called Trunks. It's a pathetic earth name."

"I'll make you a deal, if we have another child-"


"If we have another child in the not so near future we will call him Vegeta Jr."

"Then why not call brat Vegeta Jr, and then call the other one that ridiculous name."


"Then give him a name and I won't have to call him brat."

"FINE! Trunks Vegeta Briefs it is!"

Vegeta caved in; how could Bulma be so demanding? All he wanted was food, and sleep.

"I suppose it's not as bad as Kakkorot's brat's name." he gave in.

"So it's settled then, little Trunks is such a cutie! He's going to be big and strong like his daddy!"

"I'll only train him if he has a Saiyan name."

Bulma growled, then she decided on plan B. She fluttered her eye lashes and gave the biggest blue eyes she could muster; then as she pouted at him she placed her spare hand close to his groin area.


"Damn you woman! Fine Trunks it is."

"I love you Vegeta…Thank you for little Trunks…"

She pushed her lips onto his, and the prince felt the passion in that one very long kiss. They stayed on the uncomfortable hard bed for what seemed like hours just kissing with Trunks still asleep in her arms;

The door slamming open disturbed them, and a very excited squealing grandmother came rushing into the room; slowly followed by a tired grandfather carrying many shopping bags and teddies.

Finally security had let them through, Bunny had been escorted away from the hospital after she had burst in on a different couple in labour and tried to help out. Poor Dr Briefs had been caught up in the wildfire, and it took much bribing and a free car to a security personnel until they were finally cleared to go back into the hospital.

Vegeta buried his head on the pillow; his perfect day had just been ruined. How could his son be related to these imbeciles…? All he needed was for Kakkorot and the banshee to turn up followed by the prissy-head Yamcha and the annoying old pervert man.

And that was just what happened….


Disclaimer: That is the very last chapter, I just thought an epilogue of the birth would capture the fanfic and make the perfect ending!

Thankyou everybody that has taken the time to read, and I must say an exceptionally big thankyou to Hayles1 who has taken the time to beta this last chapter for me and make it look so delightful!

As a way to say thankyou to me, you could always leave a review… I would appreciate it so much!

Thanks from me for reading, and I hope you have enjoyed 'date at the seaside' I am always posting new stories so if you liked this maybe you would like to check out some of my other work….

Without all your time, and lovely reviews this fanfic wouldn't be possible, my fans really gave me the inspiration and they will hopefully continue to do so! please please do leave a review, I'm quite close to tears…. My fanfic has ended…. :-0(