Here's the new and improved trailer for God's First Nightmare :)

Troy Bolton

A.K.A. King of East High

Top of the food chain

Shows Troy high fiving somebody in the hallway with girls hot on his heels.

"Troy! Sit with me at lunch!"

"Troy! Be my date to prom!"

"Troy! Marry me!"

"It feels good to be popular." Troy smiled to himself.

The guy everyone wants to be except…

Brandon Montez

F.Y.I. Prince of East High

2nd on the food chain

Shows Brandon walking with his friends through the hallway, chomping on his gum and rolling his eyes at some nerds.

"I really need to take care of this problem." Brandon whispered to himself.

"Dude, isn't that the king's job? Namewise Troy?" A buddy of Brandon's asked.

"He won't be king for long." Brandon answered, grinning evilly.

The guy most people want to befriend except…

Welcome back,

Troy Bolton

Troy and Brandon have been enemies ever since Troy became everything Brandon wasn't, which produced raging jealousy inside Brandon which was reduced by…

Shows Troy and Brandon screaming at each other

Show's Brandon's envious eyes staring at Troy

Shows Brandon sighing and hugging someone

Gabriella Montez

New shy girl of East High

Shows Gabriella walking through the halls with her head low

Troy's new crush and…

Shows Troy staring at Gabriella with soft, loving eyes

Brandon's sister!

"Please welcome... Gabriella Montez!" Ms. Darbus announced. Troy spit out the water he was drinking and choked out "Gabriella who?!"


Things become interesting at East High like…

More Troy/Brandon brawls

Shows Troy and Brandon throwing punches and kicks at each other


Shows Troy holding a sobbing Gabriella


"He did WHAT to you?!" Troy shouted to Gabriella.

"He... he..." Gabriella tried to answer, but no words were able to form. She just broke down into sobs again.


Shows multiple clips of people laughing their heads off

Wild hogs?

"Please Troy!" Gabriella retorted "The day I forgive you is when you ride three wild pigs through these halls, yodeling at the top of your lungs, and dressed as a hobo! Now leave me alone!" With that, she walked away from the two boys.

Troy smirked to himself. Chad turned to him and groaned "Don't even."

"Too late." Troy crooned, spacing out.

"This ought to end well..." Chad thought to himself.

We'll… get to that later

"That's not a problem." Troy said.

Troy's used to getting anything and everything he wants, including sweet victory.

But this time, he'll have to fight for it.

"I'm ready for him." Troy said, clenching his fists.

This means war at East High and Troy's sure that he'll win it

"You guys are screwed if Montez finds out it's you, especially Brandon." Jason warned, gulping down his water.

"I don't care," Troy shrugged "If he threatens to beat me up, I just laugh. When's he ever gonna figure out that he'll never win with me?"

But if Troy's the God of East High...

Shows Troy playing with a crown in his hands, looking distant and regretful

Brandon's the devil...

Shows Brandon glaring at something, hatred lining his eyes

And Gabriella's the prize,

"You're lucky." Taylor sighed

"Why?" Gabriella asked.

"You have two boys fighting over you!" Taylor answered.

Than this could just be...

God's First Nightmare


Zac Efron as Troy Bolton

Vanessa Hudgens as Gabriella Montez

Corbin Bleu as Chad Danforth

Ashley Tisdale as Sharpay Evans

Lucas Grabeel as Ryan Evans

Monique Coleman as Taylor McKessie

And Joe Jonas as Brandon Montez

God's First Nighmare

This could get messy

So there you go! Some future moments for our fave characters! REVIEW!!! Thnx :)

Rachel :)