Me: Okay, so this is a songfic on everyone's favorite mutant hybrid teenage boy. Not Fang! Omega! Anyways, I don't own Maximum Ride nor Everybody's Fool by Evanescence. For everyone's convenience I changed all the she's in the song to he's because Omega's a boy and the song's in italics. Special thanks to Supergirrl, BlackTippedRose, and DarkBlade98. Now on with the story!

Everybody's Fool

Omega's POV

Running. I just have to keep running. I'll lose them eventually. Who's 'them', you may ask? 'Them' is those avian hybrids. They found me in my hideout in the United States. And now, they're chasing me through a forest, trying to find answers about Itex.

I still hear them behind me. Maximum was on my tail, the rest of them behind her.

Weren't they tired? We have been running for a good 30 minutes, and even I was starting to get tired of crashing through trees, bushes and shrubs. Did they have higher endurance levels than me?

I smirked at that. Of course not.

Flashback in outside POV

Omega looked at the scientist, Dr. Thomas, who was busily looking through the notes and back at the boy.

"You've really outdone yourself this time Dr. Janssen. This has to be the ultimate, no the perfect specimen." Omega wanted to but didn't smirk at the compliment. Of course he was.

Perfect by nature,

"He even goes to school?" the scientist continued.

"Yes he plays as my heir. The heir to Itex," Dr. Janssen said. For some reason, that made both scientists chuckle.

Icons of self indulgence,

"Omega is our pinnacle achievement, with six decades of research..." Omega rolled his eyes behind the Director's back. Something told him he was going to hear this a lot. "He is the next generation of the human race. Of course this utopia won't happen until the By-Half Plan is completed."

Just what we all need, More lies about a world that...

Omega frowned. He never told the Director that the odds of her actually succeeding world domination were slim to none.

Never was and never will be,

"You, my son, are going to lead the new world when I'm gone," the Director said patting his head.

What am I? Omega thought furiously, A dog? A dog hybrid? No! And son?! Hah! Not to you, nutcase.

Have you no shame, Don't you see me?

But Omega didn't say a thing, hating himself for it. Just act perfect, he thought.

You know you've got everybody fooled.

End Flashback

Whatever. That doesn't matter now. The past is the past. I'm Omega. I will outlast these experiments.

Because I'm Omega.

I was meant to outlast.

I was made to outlast. As I remember...


"I present to you..." the Director said pressing a button on her remote. The wall opened, revealing a silver-blue eyed, pale brown haired teen. "Generation Omega!"

Look here he comes now

The scientists flocked over to the teen, some reading their clipboards, others staring at Omega with sick smiles on their faces, eyes alight with amazement.

Omega barely suppressed a shudder.

Bow down and stare in wonder


"This is the highest score yet!"

"It's perfect!" Omega gritted his teeth. IT?

"The ultimate specimen."

Oh how we love you,

"But isn't there complications with it's eyes?" a scientist piped up.

"Yes, it can't track well with it's eyes," another one said. The Director glared at Omega, like it was his fault. He knew what that meant. Act like you don't see them waving idiotically in your face.

Each of them took a turn, waving their hands in front of his face. He concentrated on the wall behind them.

"Must be a typographical error," the first scientist muttered.

No flaws when you're pretending,

"Yes, yes, just an error," the Director purred, obviously pleased. "Now..."

End Flashback

So what? One minor flaw.

One little flaw that was the destruction of the Itex empire, my common sense said.

Shut up! I thought back desperately. But my common sense was right.

But now I know he...

I'm the best hybrid, right?

Never was and never will be,

Perfect? If I was the best, if I was perfect, Maximum would never have defeated me. What happened to 'no flaws' when I needed him? Where was he now?

You don't know how you betrayed me,

"C'mon, lets stop already Max. Wonder boy's not going to stop anytime soon," one of the hybrids, the blind one said. Little did he know that my lungs were burning, begging me for air.

You know you've got everybody fooled

I couldn't help it. I stopped. I wasn't trained for this. The Director lied in her papers. Yes, I'm strong, yes, I'm fast. But I wasn't made to run in a forest that had polluted air in it. All the pollution was supposed to be gone in the Director's plans.

And I was tired. Tired of running, of the Director. Tired of the hybrids, that were trying to sneak up from behind me, like I couldn't hear them. Tired of Itex and everything to do with it. Especially me.

My head shot up and my eyes widened in surprise when I realized it. I was tired of me. Of putting a face to please everyone. Tired of that mask that pleased Itex. I was Omega with that mask.

Without the mask, where will you hide?

Who was I now? What was I?

What am I thinking?! I was still Omega. Even without Itex. I was still perfect.

Everyone said I was perfect then? What's changed?

Everything, my common sense said. Absolutely everything. Omega's perfect. You're not perfect.

Can't find yourself, lost in your LIE!

"STOP!" I screamed, breaking down. I didn't know who I was. Was I just another hybrid? Just another experiment?

I know the truth now,

I was a teenager that was mutated at birth to be a superman. To be perfect.

But I wasn't.

I know who you are,

I wasn't perfect. I wasn't a superman. I was a teenage boy. Who was an experiment. A mutant.

And I hated myself.

For putting a face.

For being obedient.

For not beating Maximum.

For not being like Maximum.

And I don't love you anymore,

"What the hell?" he heard someone say. I whirled around to face the hybrids.

"Was that Omega?" the blind one asked. Omega? The end? He's gone. There never was an Omega. Omega's perfect. I'm not perfect, I thought.

It never was and never will be,

"We still have to get him," the boy with the dark eyes said. Omega did this to me, I thought. He left me here to fend for myself.

You don't know how you've betrayed me,

"Somethings wrong with him. His head is clouded with too many thoughts," the little girl said.

"He's Omega. The superman, remember? What could possibly be wrong with him?" Maximum said.

And somehow you've got everybody fooled,

"I'm not Omega," I muttered. Not me. Never was.

Never was and never will be,

"Be careful, everyone. He's dangerous," Maximum said going into her fighters stance. The rest followed suit. What? Was I supposed to fight them? To fight to the death for Itex? Like Omega, a person who didn't even exist in the first place?! Hah!

You're not real and you can't save me,

"What happened? Mommy lost you? Did mommy go to jail?" Maximum mocked.

I glared at her "That bitch isn't my mother." Maximum's eyes widened in surprise.

"Talk about an attitude adjustment," the dog muttered. Some of the hybrids smirked making my anger flare.

"Leave me the hell alone! You don't know what's happened to me! I'm just an experiment trying to live! Trying to survive!" I shouted.

"Oh yeah?! Since when did Crazy Old Mom program a heart into you? Or did you visit Emerald City and wizard gave it to you, free of charge?" Maximum snarled. And the other hybrids laughed. They were laughing. At me.

And somehow now you're everybody's fool

"DAMN YOU ALL!" I screamed and started to run through the forest, towards the cliff. I stopped and looked down. That was an awful long way down..

Just jump, don't argue. It's better than your other option, my common sense said. It was right.

"NO! DON'T DO IT! DON'T KILL YOURSELF! HE'S GOING TO JUMP, MAX!" the little girl said. I didn't care. What did I have to live for? I threw myself off.

The wind whistled through my hair and was making my eyes water.

This is it, I thought. This is the end.

Then arms wrapped around me and feathers brushed my hands.

"I've got you, big boy," Maximum said. "I've got you."

Me: Alright was it? Please tell me in your review:) And do I want flames? No. Do I need flames? No. So don't flame.