Hell High

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Naruto characters!

What's up?! A gaasaku story here and this is a dark one to but im gonna be pleased with it!


I don't want to go back to school!!!




Chapter 1Hell all over agian

The pale girl had thrown her alarm clock across the room into the wall to break.. The girl groaned and she slipped out of her bed only to fall onto her cold wood floor. She muttered a string of curse words as she picked herself up and headed torwards her bathroom. She turned on her radio and was playing 'A Vampires Lament'. She took a cold shower since her dad never payed the water bills. She looked in her mirror and stared at the girl looking back at her. She had shoulder length pink hair with black tips and streaks, a large forehead, dark bags under her empty emerald eyes, almost white skin, and scars on her skinny figure. Her face became full of anger as she punched the mirror into pieces. One large piece of the mirror flew out and made one large scratch along her cheek, but she didn't flinch. She just raised a pale hand and placed it over the deep cut and let the blood collect on her hand. She stared at her hand with her blood ran down her hand onto the tiled ground. She silently walked out not even bothering to clean up the mirror pieces or the blood on the ground.

She dressed in black baggy jeans with chains hanging off of them, a plain longsleeved black shirt, a black belt with a skull buckle, a black chocker, black fingerless gloves, black nailpolish, heavy black eyeliner and eye shadow to cover up her bags under her eyes, and finally heavy combat boots.

Yes this is Sakura Haruno. Your regular goth with a hell of a life. Her dad killed her mother, brought random women home to rape, brought his drunk friends over to play poker, locked her in her room for days at a time with no food, he would abuse her mentally, physically, sexually, and emotionally, and no one knew since he kills the women he rapes. Sakura was as depressed and gothic as you could get. She cut herself to numb the pain inside her, killed small animals like stray cats to take out her anger of her father. She knows very well how to fight, she was a black belt, but would never hurt her father. She was scared senseless of him and he knew that. He was a sick twisted man but now was actually sending her to highschool. She has never been to school since her mother was killed. When she asked her father why he punched her and said that he didn't want to see her face all the time. She thanked the gods. She wouldn't have to be at home all the time with him.

Now Sakura was walking to school with a bit of hope that it wouldn't be to bad here. Hey it was either be with your abusive father whose a murderer, or be at a school as a social outcast which she didn't really mind. When she reached the school she just stared at the building witha blank expression. She never showed her emotions to anyone for fear that they would take advantage of them like her father does. She silently walked thourgh the doors and into the empty halls since everyone was outside. She had a good sense of direction and found the principles office in no time. She walked in only to have the secretary stare at her in fear. Sakura wasn't surprised at all. People usuallt take one glance at her and are scared and then run away. The two women just stared at eachother for what seemed like hours when Sakura decieded to speak first. "I'm Sakura Haruno the new student." Teh secretary calmed down a very little bit but was still scared. She lead Sakura to see the principle in her office. When Sakura stepped in she barley dodged a flying sake bottle thrown at her. "Shizune who the hell is this?!" Yelled the blonde principle with an overly large chest that made Sakura never want to bring her home to her father. The secretary walked in like she was trying to get as far away from Sakura as possible. "Th-th-this i-s S-Sakura H-Haruno the n-new student Lady Tsunade.." Shizune said while looking like shes seen a ghost. Tsunade raised an eyebrow but gave a large smile to the stone cold Sakura that made the her uneasy. "Well then lets you your things and out of my face!" The woman said as she got up from her chair and went through a pile of papers. After finding the correct pepers she handed them to Sakura. Sakura just stared at them for a moment then took them and read them over. The first few papers were just some about the school which she skipped reading. She then got to her schedule and read it over.

Locker Number: 666(what a fitting number)

Lock Number: 13, 73, 89

First period: Homeroom: Kakashi

Second period: Gym: Gai

Third period: English: Kakashi

Fourth period: Language: Kurenai


Fifth period: Art: Jiryaiya

Sixth: Science: Orochimaru

Seventh period: Math: Asuma

'Jiraiya-san?' 'Cool we get to see the old perv in school...at home at poker night is bad enough' 'he isn't all that bad at least hes friendly a pervert but one of the only people i can fell okay around...' Sakura thought as she walked to her homeroom class with Kakashi. She sighed when she was in front of the door.

When she did open the door to her class all eyes were on her. "Ahh I see the new student is here." Kakashi said with a smile underneath his mask. Sakura just stared at him with no emotion whatsoever. "Well why don't you introduce yourself and take a seat anywhere." Kakashi said with the smile under his mask still on. Sakura closed her eyes and walked to the front of the class. All eyes were still on her. Sakura opend her eyes and introduced herself. " My name is Sakura Haruno I am 16 years old and my life is hell." With that she silently walked to the very back of the class and sat between a bot with blood red hair(guess who.) and a boy with spikey blonde hair(guess who.) Kakashi started class and Sakura wasn't interested at all the only reason she was here was to get away from her dad. She didn't care what they did to her because she knew it wasn't nearly as bad as her home. She took out her ipod and played 'Black Hearts now Reign' by Unearth(very good song) very loudly. Loud enough to make everyone look up at Sakura who was staring at her desk. The blonde kid poked her to get her attention, which he did but got her annoyed. She paused the song and took of her large dj headphones and looked atr him with a blank stare. "Hey there Sakura! My name is Naruto Uzumaki! Nice to meet ya!" The blonde yelled even though he was right next to her. "And this is my pal Gaara! Say hi Gaara!" The blonde yelled once agian and pointed to the red headed bot next to Sakura. Sakura didn't look at him when she sat down but when she did she felt a bit uneasy. But then again she feels that way with just about anyone. Gaara just replied with a 'hn' and Sakura said the same thing. " Jeez Sakura you're just like him. Always saying 'hn' all the time as your answer to everything!" Naruto pointed out. They just 'hned' again.


My eyes are sore now...

What did ya think ne?