
I was planning on waiting until I got 50 reviews but I decided to go ahead and update! YAY! I'm SOOOOOOOO sorry I haven't updated! I have no good excuses! Wah!

Gaara: Lazy-ass

Sakura: Yeah Seriously

Kodomo: Shut up not my fault I was born this way. I can always make this a DeiGaa.

Gaara: o/o

Sakura: NO! NO NO NO NO NO! He's mine!

Kodomo: NO HE'S MINE!

Sakura: He's mine you blonde bitch!

Kodomo: What did you call me you sixhead!

Sakura: -gasp- That's it!

PMSing Kodomo + PMSing Sakura Worlds best cat fight.

Gaara: ...am I forgotten?-sob-

Jin: -sigh- Just start the chapter...

Chicken Soup for a Chicken Ass

"Sakura-chan!" Tobi whined. "Hurry up I wanna leave!""Hold on a sec!" she yelled back at them from upstairs. "I need to call one of my friends!" she said and dialed the number of Gaara's cell phone. It rang a few times before a voice sounded.

"Who is this?" and even voice asked.

"Hey Gaara it's me Sakura are you and the others all ready?" she asked.

"Hey Sakura and yeah a few are all ready there."

"I still don't know why I have to pull pranks.."

"It's considered an initiation in our little "group"." he said sounding like he's said it a thousand times. "Ooohhhhh...and by the way I think this guy named Sasuke was trying to hit on me earlier." she said slowly.

Gaara was silent for a while. "Gaara? You there?" "Sakura I advise you stay away from him." he said sternly.

"Eh? How come?" she asked clueless. "Sasuke...well...no one in our group likes him and he's considered a pimp in the school for having slept with so many other girls. He even raped a few." Gaara said sounding annoyed that Sasuke was messing with Sakura." It was Sakura's turn to be silent for a few seconds.

"You okay?" Gaara asked over the phone. "Yeah I'm fine I'll see you in a bit." she said quietly and hung up. She looked calm for a minute and then yelled at the top of her lungs. "IIITTTTTTAAAAAAACCCCCCHIIIIIIIIIII!!" she yelled through out their small base. Automatically Itachi came in in a half run. "What happened?" he asked quickly. "Sasu-Sasuke ra-rapes girls?" she asked quietly and shakily. "Huh?...Uh he has a bit of a history with it yeah..." the Uchiha said slowly. Sakura looked depressed. "He's gonna be there" she said with anime tears falling down her eyes."And?" Itachi asked. "He was hitting on me earlier and he was WIERD" Sakura said depressingly. Itachi raised and eyebrow and sighed. "Don't worry about him Sakura he shouldn't try anything while we're around." He said encouragingly. "Okay...Lets' go or we're going to be late." Itachi helped her up and the rest of them set off to Konoha High School.

"Hey Sakura-chan you're here!" Naruto said running up to her. He stopped when he saw the others there. "Ummm...who are you guys?" he asked. "We are the Akat-" Deidara started but got elbowed in the stomach by Sakura. "Akatsuki." Gaara said simply glaring at Sasori who glared right back. "Sakura why are you hanging with them?" Gaara asked sternly never averting hi glare away from Sasori. "She hangs with us because we're her friends." Sasori said to him with venom. Sakura looked worried. Sasori told her that the two cousins hated each other but not this much.

Sakura sighed. "Can you guys please do me this favor and don't fight? Please?" she said in a semi-pleading voice. The redhead's eyes softened and they looked at each other and nodded. "Alright Sakura-chan." they said at the same time. She gave them a small smile. "Let's go cause some trouble!" Naruto said grabbing Hinata's hand and ran into the school with the poor girl looking like she was about to pass out. Neji being the protective cousin ran after them to get Hinata back. "Get back here you dumdass blonde!" Neji yelled. Sakura elbowed Itachi and said in a monotone voice "Don't try anything with Naruto Itachi you remember what Pein said." Itachi nodded silently. He had orders, as did all the rest of them, not to touch any of Sakura's new friends.

"So Sakura you've never really pranked anyone?" Temari asked tapping her foot on the ground in a random beat. Sakura nodded. Temari and Kankuro grinned at the same time. "Well my dear pupil we shall show you the fine and sacred art of pranking!" they said and also ran into the school. Just as Sakura was about to walk in Konan grabbed her shoulder and bent down to her ear. "Sakura I've been having really bad feelings all day so far. Some things going to happen please let Pein and I watch over you and be careful." she whispered in her ear. Sakura was a little concerned. Whenever Konan got a bad feeling things were probably going to be bad. She nodded and walked into the school where all the others were waiting for the two girls. "Let's GO!" Naruto yelled pumping his fist in the air then cringing in pain from the giant bruise on his head thanks to Neji.

It had only been around 20 minutes before an obstacle came up. Sasuke.(Boo hiss Boo You suck!) He had walked up to Sakura and wrapped an arm around her waist like she was his girlfriend. Sakura was as rigid as ever, like she was frozen. "Hey there Good thing you came Little Cherry Blossom, I've been watching you." He leaned over and brushed his lips over her ear. Which earned him a punch from every guy in The Akatsuki including Gaara. He fell to the ground holding various parts of his body. "Don't you ever touch Sakura-chan again you gay ass!" Deidara snarled. Sakura fell back and was caught by the other girls. She looked like she woke from a nightmare. After Sasuke regained his composure he glared at Itachi. "What are you doing here?" he said more than asked with poison dripping from his voice. Itachi looked as emotionless as always. "Hanging with my friends. Have a problem?" he asked evenly. Sasuke ground his teeth and grinned. "You're not going to last here long brother." he said grinning sadisticly. He looked at Sakura who had recovered. "Your father never left for that meeting." he said smirking. Sakura had a look of sheer terror. Gaara and the others were clueless as to what he meant, but the Akatsuki knew...and they spent a while beating up the raven haired boy. Konan walked over to Sakura. "Sakura do you want to leave?" she asked sincerely. Sakura shook her head."Iie I'm fine Konan." she said quietly. Gaara was curios as to what was such about her father but decided to ask her when they were alone.