Disclaimer- Don't own...

Warnings- Wincest, violence, language, dead people...

My last update for now... Not sure when I'll finish another one, but for now here... A jump in episodes, out of order I know, but I felt like doing this one that day... The next one should be Hook Man... Whoosh! Enjoy!


Two large blue tents sat in the middle of a clearing of a large forests. Trees surrounded the area, large and domineering over the area. Inside one of the tents two young men laid on top of their sleeping bags, the still night the last of their worries. Glued into their hands, were two silver Nintendo DS'.

"You're cheating man!" A light skinned boy yelled, glaring at the other player. He turned his body around to face the man he was yelling at, only to see a smirk plastered on his face. Shaking his head, he traveled back to his game system.

Inside the other tent a single man sat, a silver satellite phone pressed between his hands. Smiling he pressed a button, and started to record a short message. "Hey Hailey, just wanted to check in and say I'm okay. We're at Blackwater Ridge tonight. I love you and see you soon." Pressing the message off, he leaned back listening to the sounds of his friends.

From inside the tent with the two boys, the darker skinned one stood up, throwing his game on the ground. "I'm going to pee." He announced as he noticed the other's questioning gaze. Leaning at the front of the tent flap, he unzipped the material, stepping outside. Walking past a burnt out fire, he heard a rustling noise, alerting him instantly. Looking around, he found nothing. "Must have been nothing." He whispered to himself in a reassuring manner, before walking to the edge of the clearing. Placing his hand on his pants zipper, he was ready to pull them down, when something grabbed him. Letting out a small scream, he disappeared in the night.

In the tent the other man threw down his DS, when he heard the small scream. Looking around, he tried to call the other's name from the tent. "Rob?"

From inside the other tent the lone man asked his friend what had happened, having heard the noise as well. "Gary what's going on?" He received no answer.

Gary started to walk towards the flap. Opening it he stuck his head out, swiveling it back and forth. There was nothing there. Ready to shove the head back inside, he felt a presence above him. Looking upwards he saw a flash, before nothing.

From inside the tent the boy with the cell phone looked around after hearing the second scream. "Gary?" Nothing answered. Afraid for his life, the man crawled forward, slowly turning the dial on his lantern, plunging the area into darkness. Sitting in the center, he waited, listening for sounds. "God help me," passed off his lips.

A shadow passed from the back of the tent, causing the man to turn. From the left another shadow and the sound of claw on bark. Then the tent ripped open, revealing the hunter. The man screamed, as the thing grabbed him, knocking him out cold.


A tall man with long brown hair and chocolate brown hues, walked through a graveyard, a bouquet of flowers clutched in his hands. Passing rows of stone gravestones, he stopped at one. A brownish stone square with the name Jessica Moore etched forever. A small circular picture was beneath it. The man looked down feeling tears prick at his eyes. Holding them back, he let himself give a small smile.

"I-I- know y-y-ou d-d-on't l-l-l-like roses…" He stuttered, feeling those tears come back at full force. Stopping he tried to compose himself once again. "…so I brought…" He stopped once more letting out a soft laugh. Feeling stupid was not on his list of things to do. Relaxing slightly, he shrugged, shifting his weight back and forth.

He tried again. "Jess…Oh I miss you so much…" Leaning forward, he started to place the flowers down, when a hand shot out of the ground. It's decaying fingers wrapping around the man's as he tried to back away.


Sam shot up in his seat in the Impala, looking around at his surroundings making sure it wasn't at the graveyard. He could just feel Dean's concerned stare boring into his back. The remnants of his dream passed over him, making him shiver.

Dean flickered his murky pools back and forth between the street and his Sammy. Watching the man struggle with the death of his ex-girlfriend. Sighing to himself he thought of a way to get Sam out of the silence that had fallen over the car. "Do you want to drive?" The question was random and popped out of his mouth on it's own accord.

Sam's mouth drop when he heard it, quickly looking over, he just stared. "Dean you never ask me to drive. Are you on something?" His words were disbelieving showing just how ridiculous the idea seemed.

Dean shrugged, his grip on the Impala tightening for the moment.

Noticing his brother's indifference, he leaned into the glove compartment and pulled out a map. Scanning his pools over the page, he landed on the dark circle, drawn in permeant marker. "Dad's coordinates don't make any sense." He watched Dean look over and shrug again. "There in the middle of nowhere in a place called Blackwater Ridge." Dropping the map, he leaned against his brother's shoulder, trying to keep himself awake.

"Maybe he likes camping?" Dean tried to offer as humor. At the look he received he sobered up.

"I think we should go find Dad." Sam announced, sorrow and anger creeping into his voice. Looking up, he continued, "I need to find Jess' killer."

Dean sighed softly to himself. His thoughts working on figuring a way to decipher his younger brother's new attitude. "Maybe Dad is there."

Sam said nothing, just stared out the window, as a sign told them they had just entered some small town in Colorado.


"Wow, Blackwater ridge is not the type of place you want to go for some fun hiking." Sam was amazed at the information he found in the ranger's lodge. Looking around at the small replica of the forest, he looked at the area with a critical eye. "It seems that there are abandoned gold and silver mines, rough terrain, and more than a dozen grizzlies." Finishing his speech, he lifted his head wondering what Dean would think. This would be hard for them, he internally cussed out every God and Goddess he could think of.

Hearing the words out, the older brother just stared a portrait admiring the picture. "That is one big grisly." He almost laughed as he felt Sam come closer, standing closer than he needed to. He smiled as he felt the heat radiate off the other.

"It is, isn't it." A deep voice announced, proudly, as a ranger walked out of the back rooms. Looking at the two men, he shifted his large brown hat. His outfit was the standard brown jacket, shirt and pants with a gun holstered on the side.

Sam was the first to turn, he could just see the question ready to pass off the other's lips. Opening his mouth he quickly came up with an excuse. "We're environmental study majors."

Dean nodded beside his brother, holding back his laughter.

The ranger looked at the two. "I don't believe you. Are you with friends with that Hailey girl?" He started to walk over to two men, running his hands down the sides of his display.

Dean perked up at that. "You got us, she sent us over Ranger Wilkinson."

The ranger shook his head slowly. "I already told her. Her brother signed a permit to camp in the backcountry." The man paused, walking a little closer to the brothers trying to look intimidating. "It says that he isn't due to come back until the twenty four." He tilted his head to the side, a grin spreading across his face. "That's not exactly missing is it?"

"No sir." Dean spoke up, a grin of his own coming onto his face. Leaning forward, he ignored the stare from his younger brother. "I think if Hailey had a copy of the permit it would ease her fears."

The ranger seemed to think it was a good idea. Sauntering to his file cabinet he found what he was looking for. Bringing it to the copy machine he leaned against the desk .

"Hailey's a firecracker huh?"

The ranger raised an eyebrow. "You could say that." Hearing that the paper was finished, he passed the copy to Dean. He watched the two brothers leave, wondering who the hell they were.

Once outside Dean smiled like a kid in a candy shop. "That was easy enough." He watched Sam frown before shrugging. He knew something was up in that kids mind. Before he could ask, the other told him.

"We should be looking for Dad, not helping some girl find her missing brother." Sam leaned against the door, his pools filled with unshed anger. He looked ready to maim the nearest object, which just happened to be Dean. He watched with as the his brother started to walk forward, placing his hands on his jacket, scrunching it within his closed fists.

"Because they may need help." And with that Dean placed his lips on the taller man, knowing that it would help calm him down. It worked and a few seconds later they parted. "Let's go." He clambered into the car, followed by Sam a few moments later.


Sam let out a deep sigh as he watched Dean press the doorbell. He looked at the house of the Hailey girl they were going to help. He still didn't think there was anything supernatural going on there, but he would amuse his brother. Thinking of the man, he let his pools wander over, gazing at the man. He snapped out of his musing when he heard the door open. He looked a woman a little shorter than Dean with black hair, and dark pools. Her pale skin had rings under her eyes, a sure sign of lack of sleep. He noticed the suspicion shimmering in them.

Dean held out his hand, as the woman took an interest in him. 'It seems I can still get the girls.' His ego thought. "I'm Dean and this Sam we're park rangers." He watched a glimmer of hope appear in the woman's pools. Feeling a smirk climb onto his face, he waited for the woman to let them in.

"Show me some ID." The woman looked at both men, an eyebrow raised.

Dean reached into his pocket, at the same time of his brother. Both pulled out their fake ranger badges. They watched the woman inspect it with a critical eye. "We're here to talk about your brother Tommy."

Hailey opened the door a little further, noticing the car behind the rangers. "That your car."

Dean nodded.

"It's nice." Hailey said, opening the screen door, stepping back to let her guests in.

Dean walked in, mouthing 'Fuck yes' to Sam, who grinned shaking his head.

When they were inside, she took off in the direction of the kitchen. She felt the two men follow her, their gazes on the objects in the house. When they reached the dinning room, she stopped looking at the two men. "Hang on a moment." Rushing into the kitchen she ran to get the food.

When she came back Sam started to question her, letting Dean check out the room from where he was standing. "What makes you think Tommy is missing?" He watched as she set down the dish, harder then she needed to. It seemed she had told this story more than once.

"Tommy usually sends something everyday. Sometimes it's a phone message, a picture, or a video, but for the last three days he hasn't sent anything." She rubbed her hands on the side of her jeans.

Dean leaned against a cabinet, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe he has been having fun, forgot to send something?" He shrugged, hitting his head with a bang.

Hailey stood up, getting defensive quickly. A fiery look, in her pools. "Tommy would never do that." A sad look then overcame the anger, looking at the table she picked at a piece of the material of the tablecloth. "Ever since our parents died, it's been me and my two brothers." The youngest brother looked up, nodding at that. "We're very tight…Tommy wouldn't just not check in."

Sam wasn't so sure, but he did his best to look convinced. "Can you show the video he sent you before he disappeared?" He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Sure." Running inside a room, she pulled out a laptop, placing it on the crowded table. Pulling up a page, she clicked on the play button.

Sam and Dean gathered around, watching the young man talk. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for now at least. "Would you send that to me in an email?"

Hailey nodded, already opening an email.

"We'll look at the email and make a decision." Sam said, ready to leave.

The woman just looked up, a determined look on her face. Sam was afraid of what she would say. "It doesn't matter. We're going to look for ourselves with a guide tomorrow." She wrapped her arms around her waist. "I can't leave Tommy alone out there, not if there was a chance he was alright."


Sam and Dean found a empty table at the crowded bar they were visiting. Pulling out his laptop, he popped it open, before digging into some bags and pulling out some papers.

Dean just watched remembering how much of a research dork Sam could be. Laughing to himself he waited for the verdict.

Sam started his little research speeches like he always did, using the knowledge he had learned. This time his voice was a little above a whisper, as he leaned in, trying not to be overheard. "Okay so I found out that its mostly local campers that go out to the Blackwater Ridge." He raised his hands, making gestures as he talked.

Dean was memorized. He almost missed his brother continue.

"For this year two other hikers have gone missing. Their bodies were never found. The locals called it a grisly attack, but I found something similar back in 1852." Sam picked up one of the pieces of paper, showing an article copied from an old newspaper. Pointing to what he was talking about he continued, "that time eight campers went missing, then again in 1936. It adds up like clockwork Dean.." At the mention of his brother's name, Sam looked at the other, worry seeping into his features. "Every twenty three years, but there is something else I found. In the 1952 attacks on person survived. He was barely alive when he crawled, though he just a kid." Sam looked down.

"Let's go talk this with guy." Dean rose up, making his way out of the bar.

Sam packed his stuff away, thinking about everything he could think of. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he rose and followed Dean.


"What do you rangers want to know?" A older man with a large beer belly asked, walking into what looked like a bedroom. Behind him Sam and Dean followed, watching the man, plop down in a reclining chair.

"We want to know about the attack back in 1952." Sam raised an eyebrow, as he heard the man snort. He moved into the room a little more, careful not to rub against anything dirty.

"It was a bear, and besides if I told you the truth you wouldn't believe no one ever did." The man leaned forward, picking up a can up beer, cradling it in his hands. A troubled look clouded his features, as he relived the terrible event in his head.

"Try us." Dean smirked, waiting for the man to speak. "We just want to know what you saw."

The man looked up slowly. "I didn't see a damned thing." He stopped looking down at his hands, trying to find a way to word his next sentence. "It was too fast, but I heard it though. It screamed the most inhuman scream, whatever that thing was it was not human." He looked up watching the two rangers nod, knowing that they didn't believe him.

"How did it get into your tent?" Dean asked, truly interested in the dreadful story.

"Tent? I was in a cabin." The man took a moment to compose himself, playing with his beer some more. "It didn't smash a window, or break the door like a bear would. It opened the front door. Tell me of a bear that can do that?" He looked up, tears lining his pools.

"What happened?" Sam's voice was soft and reassuring. He hoped it would help the man to continue.

"I was sleeping in front of the fireplace, my parents were in the back room. I didn't hear anything, the damned thing didn't even wake me up. All I saw were my parents screaming bodies being dragged out of the door. The thing left me, but it did leave me with this." The man pulled back his blue robe, and the white tank top underneath it, showing off a scar of three very large claw marks, running from a little below his neck, to a point beside his back. Leaving the scar exposed for a moments, he dropped the cloth. "I have been asking myself since that day, why did it leave me behind?"

Neither man could answer instead, they let themselves out the way they came in, hearing the man crying from the other room.


Sam looked at Dean with something akin to worry and fear. They were walking back to their hotel room, the hallway was black and void of life. The perfect way to talk about what they did. "Dean this is thing is caporal." He held his hands out in front of him, refusing to look at his brother. He could just feel the grin appearing on the other's face, just begging to make of him.

"Whoa big words college boy!" Dean acted shocked, before reverting into his serious manner, the way he got when he was on a hunt. "That means it's not a spirit or a demon." He racked his mind for anything that could be plausible. "It could be a skin walker or a black dog?" He left the two creatures as a question up in the air, something that he knew would be solved in due time.

"Who knows." Sam offered.


Dean leaned inside his the trunk of his baby. Scanning his surroundings he deemed it safe enough to open up the secret weapons rack. Opening it up, he picked up a shotgun, and placed it as a prop. Looking through his weaponry, he pulled out a few items that would be useful, barely noticing Sam coming up next to him.

"Why are we going to help her Dean?" Sam asked, his voice showing his anger at that.

Dean just pilled the weapons inside the duffle bag, wondering what the hell was wrong with his Sammy.

"Why?" He asked again, ready to punch his older brother.

"Because she needs help." With no other explanation, Dean closed his trunk, grabbing the bag and walking into the apartment building.


As the morning started to come over the treetops a group of three got ready to start their hike. Hailey hefted a pack over her shoulder, as her guide loaded a shotgun.

The guide looked at the youngest member of the group Ben the younger brother of Hailey. "I don't think Ben should go." He spoke his concerns from his heart. "I mean you paid me more than enough money, but I'm concerned for his safety." He continued hoping it would get the point across.

"Ben comes Roy." Hailey shot a quick glance, at the dark haired putting earphones from a iPod in his ears.

Roy shrugged, continuing his preparations, when the rumbling of a car alerted him to on comers.

Hailey sighed, as she recognized it. Out of the doors, stepped out the two rangers from the day before. Looking at them, she watched them take a duffle bag and walk forward, towards them. "You're not going to stop us from going."

"I wouldn't dream on it." Dean rolled his eyes, watching as Sam walked up beside him, their weapons over his shoulder.

Roy started to move in front of Hailey. "Who are you?"

Hailey answered for the brothers. "They're park rangers." She watched the brother's start to move closer. Making a motion for the other's to start walking, she turned to them. "What are you doing?" She practically hissed.

"We're going hiking." Dean raised an eyebrow, acting like there was nothing wrong with the statement.

"In jeans and biker boots?" She looked the man up and down again.

Sam watched the exchange, starting to walk forward, feeling slightly jealous at the attention Dean was receiving. Telling himself that it was nothing, he started to walk ahead, trying to catch up with Roy and Ben.

Dean watched his brother leave, then started to walk forward. Stopping next to the woman, he couldn't help, but let out a sarcastic comment. "Oh sweetheart I don't do shorts." Continuing his trek, he caught up with the others.

Hailey just stood there for a few moments, then reluctantly pressed on, not sure of what to think of the two out of place rangers. If they were even that.


Tommy, the young man from the tent, was hanging from chains in a dark almost lightless room. Groaning softly, he started to come out of his state of unconsciousness. Opening a blue pools, he scanned the room, finding Rob dangling there a few feet away from him. He opened his mouth to call out his name, when he noticed the other focused on an advancing creature.

He watched through one pool, as the thing walked over to the man. He saw as the thing, started to hold onto the other, keeping him in place. The screams of the other made him turn away, disgusted as he heard, flesh rip from the bone. He knew in that instant that his friend was no more.


The group was walking through the forest, quiet each lost in their own thoughts. That was until Dean started to take a step forward, only to be stopped by a large shotgun belonging to Roy. Looking at the man, anger flashed in his pools. Behind him he could hear Sam shuffle forward, ready to help him if a confrontation happened. "What are you doing Roy?" He raised eyebrow, his lips tilting upwards at the ends.

The man said nothing, instead he looked around for an object. Bending he found a large stick, holding in one hand, he hit the ground with it. A large metal trap came up, sinking it's teeth into the stick. "Bear trap." He continued to walk forward, followed by Ben.

Dean just stood there, looking at the trap. Shrugging he muttered, "bear trap sure." Before he made a move to start forward, this time he was stopped by a hand on his shoulders. He turned to see Hailey looking at him confused.

"Who are you?" She asked, her tone demanding the truth.

Dean watched Sam start to walk forward, but he waved him off. "Sam and I are brother's. We're looking for our missing father, he may be here." He stopped to shrug. "I figured we were in the same boat and could help each other out."

Hailey nodded, accepting the man's words. Chuckling she said one more thing. "That explains the lack of provisions." She started to walk forward, but was stopped by Dean rustling in his jacket.

"I have provisions." He pulled out a crumpled yellow bag of peanut M&M's. Moving forward, he started to pop one of the small candies in his mouth.


It took less than an hour to reach the campsite where Tommy and his group of friends had disappeared from. Sam and Dean just watched as Hailey, Ben and Roy explored the area.

"Tommy!" Hailey screamed, Ben by her side. Together they looked around frantically taking in the state of the camp. Blood stained every surface, while the tents were caved in on themselves torn into pieces. It didn't look good for the family.

"This was one bad grisly attack." Roy commented, looking at the things with a critical eye.

"Tommy!" Hailey screamed one last time, before a flash of silver caught her eye. Looking down at the ground was a object a few feet ahead of her. An object that she knew all to well. Kneeling on the ground, she held the remains of a cell phone. The front screen was crushed, cracked beyond repair, the back faired no better, the back had been taken, the wires cut. The woman felt a tear prick at her pool.

Dean noticed. Making his way over, he kneeled next to her. Placing a hand on her arm, he gave her a reassuring smile. "He may be still alright." It was the only thing he could say in the situation.

Anything the woman was going to say was cut short as a scream rang out through the woods. Everyone lifted their heads up, looking at each before taking off into the woods. Following the leader, they ran to where the source of the noise seemed to originate from. Stopping Sam looked at everyone, hearing nothing once again and knowing that something was wrong about that. "Everybody get back to camp." He ignored the confused looks as he started to run back.

The sight that greeted group was not reassuring. Doing their short stay at the campsite, they had put down their gear. It was all gone. Hailey whined about it though, only making it more real. "All of our stuff is gone."

Sam gave his brother a look, communicating with him. Placing a hand on his arm, he dragged him off, muttering, "we need to talk."


He took his brother off to the side off the clearing. Once he made sure he was alone after a quick sweep on the area with his pools, he spoke. "This not a skin walker or black dog." He looked down, noticing drag marks underneath their feet. It arose his suspicions, he knew what they were hunting. "Look at that."

Dean followed the finger. Following the drag marks with his pools, he noticed they disappeared. "They stop…" He trailed off, as he felt a hand digging through his jacket pocket. He then noticed the arm was connected to Sam. "Sammy I know you want to get into my pants and all, but I don't think is the best place."

"Shut up." Sam continued his rummaging, pulling what he wanted. Their father's leather-bound journal. Opening it, he turned to the page he was looking for. "I think this is what is here."

Dean looked at the words in disbelief. "A wendigo?" He raised a eyebrow at that. "That is impossible, they don't come this far. Maybe in the Mississippi area, but defintely not in Colorado."

Sam rolled his pools at the other's protest. "It all makes sense. And if it is a wendigo then Tommy will still be alive or at least there's a greater chance."


When they returned to the campsite, Sam made his way over to Hailey. "You guys have to go." He was concerned for their safety. He watched as the woman looked at him in horror, unable to grasp the concept.

"No I have to find my brother." She was practically yelling, her hands balled up at her sides. Her feet stayed rooted on the spot.

Roy started to step in front of her, acting as a shield. "I'm a hunter, I'll be able to kill this thing."

That only seemed to aggravate Sam more. In an instant he was moving closer to the man, his anger pouring from his being. "This thing is a better hunter then you know." He watched the man smirk, the cocky attitude still controlling his movements. "It will kill you before you shoot it." Sam taunted some more, hearing Dean come closer, and feeling the pools that rested on his back. He would have stopped, if the man hadn't egged him on.

"I can kill it." Roy kept up that tone, clearly not knowing what he was dealing with.

"Have you ever killed a wen.." Sam was cut off, as he was torn away from his proximity, Dean holding him back.

"Shut up." The older man hissed, making sure to say it directly in his ear. "I need help with the Anazai symbols." Turning away, he grabbed the nearest stick and started on his work. It wasn't long until he felt the questioning gazes on his back. Sighing, he took a moment to figure out how to explain to them what he was doing. "I'm drawing Anazai symbols with this in place we can camp out tonight without the thing being able to reach us." He could practically feel the protest ready to roll off the other's lips, waving a hand he continued his explanation. "This thing is a very good hunter, we have a chance in the day, but at night we are as good as dead."


Night had fallen on the campsite a few hours ago, and the hiking group was sitting around the camp fire. Sam sat off to the side a brooding look on his face. Dean noticed and stood excusing himself from Hailey and Ben's side. Going to sit down on the other piece of log they had collected earlier, he watched, waiting for the other to acknowledge him. "Sam you need to stop holding this anger in."

Sam looked up, the emotion creeping onto his face once again. It came up on it's own accord, not letting the youngest Winchester forget how it was started. The flames, and guilt from Jessica's death washed over him in waves, but he held it at bay for the moment. Looking at Dean, he waited for the advice and words his lover was sure to say.

"If you do this will kill you." Dean felt a lone tear carve a path down his face, wiping it away with a hand, he stayed silent, watching the internal dilemma play across the other's face.

Sam came to a decision. Opening it out his words tumbled out. "I think we should find dad, take them back and leave here!" He kept his voice down to a whisper, the passion in his voice however was clearly heard.

Dean shook his head, wondering what had become of the person he had once known. Looking down at his hands, he couldn't help, but watch Hailey and Ben. "They need help, and that's what they're going to get. You really can't believe they don't deserve it."

Sam deflated at that. Looking down, he didn't know what to say. "How do you and dad do it?" He let out a small smile, hoping the other would cheer up.

"We do it because we can." Dean rummaged through his jacket pockets, pulling out the leather-bound notebook once more. Clasping it within his hands, he started to speak the speech that would stay with him forever. "And there's the fact that Dad left us this journal. I believe he wants us to continue his legacy, take on the family business, save those who in need." With those final words he made a move to stand, when the bushes started to rustle.

Both Winchester's stood up alarmed, while Ben and Hailey did the same at the fire. Roy just cocked his gun. With a crazed look, he aimed, ready to shoot it at the next noise it made. "Don't shoot it Roy, you'll just make it mad."

The man didn't listen though, instead he kept the gun poised, finger hovering over the trigger. When the bush to his right moved, he shot at it without a second thought. A scream rang out, alerting everyone. "I've got that son of a bitch!" Running out of the clearing he started to make his way after it.

"Roy no!" Sam screamed, but it was too late. Looking at the two by the fire, he made a gesture to stay put, then ran off in the direction of Roy with Dean hot on his heels.

Roy continued his running, when he felt a pair of hands grab him. A sickening crack rang out through the forest, as the man's body went limp. Dragged into the tree, the thing left the area.


Morning descended over the clearing, leaving the remaining group of people with little options left. Sam and Dean stood off to one side, while Hailey and Ben were on the other. The Winchester journal sprawled open to the wendigo page in the palm of Sam's hand. Looking at the two the said man started to brief the unfortunate hikers. "Okay, your brother was taken by a creature called a wendigo which means evil that devours in the Indian language." He paused, watching the two nod like bobble heads, trying to absorb the information. He was grateful for that it would probably save their lives.

"What is a wendigo exactly?" Hailey spoke up timidly, doubt in her voice.

"A wendigo is a man, usually an Indian, early pioneer, or miner who was thrust into a situation such as a harsh winter, and was forced to cannibalism." Sam stated like a textbook, making Dean to wince from his spot.

"Like the Donor Party?" Ben asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Exactly. People say that there are spiritual properties in human flesh, if you eat enough of it you become what we like to call a wendigo." Sam slammed the book shut.

"So how do we kill it?" Hailey asked, not really sure she wanted to know.

Dean grinned, holding a kerosene filled bottle, with a rag. "We burn the bitch!" He laughed like a madman causing Sam to roll his pools.


The group had left the campsite not to long ago, trying to find the areas where the thing might have hidden bodies. Cold, dark caverns couldn't be that hard to find. Looking around, Dean found a handprint, pointing he motioned for the other's to follow. They did so.

Following various marks on the trees bark, led them to another smaller clearing. Stepping in the center, Sam looked upwards, craning his neck as far as he could. "This was too easy Dean. I think it's a…" Before he could finish his sentence his fears were confirmed. A loud shrieking sound. Everyone started to back away from the clearing.

As the shrieking continued, Hailey felt something drop onto her light blue jacket. Flicking the liquid off her shoulder, she noticed the deep red color. Following the drip with her head, she screamed as she saw the body of her guide Roy fall. She jumped back just in time to miss it.

Dean was on the ground instantly, feeling for a pulse. "Neck snapped." He barely let it out, before rustling was heard, looking up he screamed. "Run." With that they spilt up into two groups, Sam and Ben, Dean and Hailey.

Running through the forest, Dean could hear the wendigo following them, it wasn't long until he felt a pain in the back of his head and stars in his vision. As the darkness overcame him, he managed to drop something out of his pocket.


Sam and Ben stopped when they felt they had run far enough. From their positions they could tell that the other two members of their group were missing. Panic was the emotion that gripped at both of them, but they concealed it. Looking around they started to scream their partner's name. "Dean!"


"I think the wendigo got to them." Sam stood up to his full height, and started to stroll looking even harder for the drag marks, or a cavern. He was so lost in his thoughts that he barely heard the teenager come up next to him.

"Why did the thing kill Roy? I thought they stored people, isn't that what you said?" Ben was confused, this was something he never thought he would have deal with in his life. And now without his sister. He didn't know what to think or do.

"I think it's because he shot at it." Sam continued the stroll, not once stopping.

It continued that way as they retraced their steps. Just about the time when Sam was ready to give up, he heard Ben yell about a find excitedly. "I think I found something."

Ben reached down, grasping a brown candy within his fingers, and pointing to several more. He couldn't help, but let the grin he felt come across his face.

"This is better than breadcrumbs." Grinning, along with the boy, they followed the trail.


The trail led them to an abandoned mine. Walking inside they quickly flushed their bodies along the wall. "Wh…" Ben started to say, but was stopped by Sam's hand.

"Shh…" He jerked his head, to the creature coming towards them. Both watched it walk past them going into one of the dark passages. Sam let his hand drop as soon as he was sure the coast was clear. Looking back one last time, he gestured for the other to follow.

Walking down the passage both of them looked around for any signs of their missing family members. Coming down a narrower part, Sam let Ben leave. The ground cracked underneath them, as they walked on the unstable ground unaware. It didn't take long for it to crumble sending both Sam and Ben plummeting to the area below.

"Are you alright?" Sam sat up getting his bearings once more. Looking over the room, he found no trace of the wendigo. Letting out a breath of relief, he watched confused as Ben stood up and started to walk towards something. Moving his gaze there he found the still form of Hailey hanging from ropes. That meant that Dean would be there as well.

"Hailey?" Ben asked, shaking the hanging girl. He was disappointed when she didn't stir. Trying again, he started to shake her again. Nothing. In the background he could hear Sam doing the same to Dean, he ignored it though, and focused on his sister. "Hailey!" He slapped her across the face, and watched with glee as she woke up instantly.

"Ben?" Hailey was confused. The last thing she remembered was running through the forest, avoiding the wendigo. Shaking at the thought of it, she noticed that her hands were above her hand and going numb. "Get me down."

Sam had finished cutting down Dean with one of his concealed knives, when he noticed that the man was wincing. Looking at the other's side, he pressed a finger against it, it seemed his brother had fractured something. "You're hurt." Sam felt stupid the moment the words left his mouth, and he could feel the blush that was sure to be there on his face.

"Yup. Bring me to the wall." Dean's murky pools sparkled as he noticed the weapons bag. He felt his body move as Sam helped him. Wincing once more, he leaned against the cavern wall, enjoying the cold that radiated off of it. Looking up he saw Sam had that puppy dog look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Sam glanced back and noticed Ben was busy with Hailey, he mentally noted that he would have to help her down soon. At that moment he didn't care though, instead he leaned forward, kissing his brother on the lips, before pulling away. He missed the smile Dean sent his way, as he made his way over to the other two. "Need help getting down."

Hailey nodded, her arms fully numb.

Sam pulled out his knife and cut the rope just as he had done for Dean. With the help of Ben he lowered her, when he noticed a third body. "Is that Tommy?" He pointed in the direction of the body, ignoring the emotions the other's were going through.

Hailey stood up quickly forgetting all about her problems as she noticed her brother was still and dead looking. Making her way over, she ran a hand down his face, feeling the cool touch against her skin. She let out one word, "Tommy."

The man jerked his body out of the hands, and opened his pools. Looking out he saw the two people he never expected to see again Hailey and Ben and two others. Watching them all, he remembered what would happen if they stayed for too long and that thing came back. He was about to open his mouth, when one of the strangers spoke.

"We have to go…." Sam started to say when a loud shriek alerted them.

"It's back!" Dean ran to the duffle bag, and pulled out two flare guns. "I found something to kill this bitch with." Waving them in the air, he took one for himself and gave the other to his brother.

Sam leaned down to grab his brother, as the other's helped Tommy down. Together they took off down the only passage in sight.


The large group was about to reach the fork in the cavern when the sight of the horrid creature came into view. Looking around, Dean decided to go as bait. Turning back to his brother he commanded, "Go, get them out! I'll handle this." Running ahead of the group he went down the other side of the fork, making sure to call out for the creature. Waving his hands around he screamed the first thing that came to mind. "Come here creepy bastard." Running a little further down the hallway, he screamed again. "Come on baby I taste good! I know you want to eat me!"

Sam held his laughter at bay as he helped the family stumble to the exit. It seemed they were home free, when he heard the snarls of the wendigo behind him. Glancing back, he stopped. "Go."

"Sam…" Hailey started to say, keeping her pace with the others.

"Go!" He yelled, reaching into his back pocket he pulled out his flare gun, and went against the wall. With his back against the stone, he looked at the exit making sure the creature wasn't there. "Come on." He whispered, when he felt a breath on his cheek, turning around he was confronted with the wendigo. Jumping away from the wall, he blindly shot at it, missing. "Fuck!" He cursed, taking off in the direction of the others.

He reached the confused group in no time and urged them to go by pushing them. The shrieks were getting closer and he knew that they would never make it. Stopping he turned around, spreading his arms out in front of him. "Stay behind me." He growled, watching the creature come closer, drool dripping from it's mouth.

It was about to attack when a gunshot went off and the thing reared in pain, as it's body started to burn. "I say we should have a barbeque." Dean commented, throwing the useless flare gun to the ground.

Sam smiled, and let out a breath of relief, everything was going to okay. Turning around he finished climbing out of the cave with the others.


Night had descended on the ranger's cabin, as cop cars and an ambulance. Off to one side, by a cop car stood Ben and Sam. The boy telling the cop about the attack that had plagued them on their hiking trip. "It was a huge grisly bear about twelve feet tall…"

Sam nodded in time, watching the cop believe the story with wide eyes.

Dean and Hailey were walking towards the ambulance where Tommy was, talking about what they had done. " Thanks for all your help." The woman said, looking down at her feet.

"It was nothing, just what I do." Dean tried to play it off as nothing eager to get away from all the law enforcement.

"Do you want to ride with your brother?" An EM asked, placing what was meant to be a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder.

Hailey nodded, looking back at Dean. "Thanks for all your help I really mean it." Leaning forward, she placed a kiss on Dean's cheek before making her way towards the ambulance.


Sam rested against the Impala's hood as he stood next to Dean. Looking at his brother with a grin, he commented on the whole wendigo adventure. "I hate camping."

Dean laughed and nodded in agreement. He was about to make a comment about leaving, when he saw a hand in front of his face.

"You got some action before…" The younger man trailed off, a smirk on his face. Not letting Dean answer, he asked for the keys. "I want to drive."

Dean shook his head, pulling the keys out his jacket. Throwing them, he watched Sam catch them, before making his way into the car. Grinning they took off to their next destination.

A/N: Review plz.