Days turned into weeks, and weeks became months. It was all lost in the agony in waiting for Edward to open his eyes. For Edward to move slightly, for Edward to show any form of life at all. He was more of a statue to me now then ever. His granite cold skin was untouchable. I barely moved, myself, save for the times I had to take care of Trinity, hunt for her. I grew tiresome of hunting myself. I barely ate, which made it even harder for me to move. The Cullens came and went in the Villa, and I barely remember seeing any of them. They would try to feed me, keep me healthy but I was slowly withering away.


"Mommy...Daddy loves you..." out of the blue, Trinity spoke to me.

I could feel the sensation of crying, but nothing happened. I hadn't cried in a long time. I hadn't felt anything but emptiness since I last heard Edward speak to me. All he wanted eel me, to touch me. I came closer to Edward's body. I caressed his beautiful cold face. The hope was diminishing inside me. I put my face close to his, to his ear. My breath hot on his ear "Romeo and Juliet, remember?" I touched his lips with my fingers, I kissed him softly "I will go where you are..." I whispered. I looked at him once more, nothing happened.

Still nothing.

I gave a soft sigh, but then smiled at what I knew I had to do.

I packed a few things I needed in the house but mostly I just put some shoes on. Trinity ran up to me with a confused look on her face, I opened the door, I couldn't look at her anymore, her emerald green eyes reminded me too much...of what I have lost.

"Mommy...Daddy wants you." She sounded as if I should know this.

I looked at her, it couldn't be true. I ran to Edward's side "Edward? Edward?" I touched his face. I saw his chest rise slightly and then, the most beautiful noise in all existance rang in my ears "Bella..." He was weak but he was alive.

"Edward!! Oh god, Edward!!!" I clung to him tightly and he coughed, I let go quickly "I'm sorry... your... your just... alive."

He smiled "Of course i'm alive! I'm a vampire Bella, I can't die that easily." I was not amused!

"Edward, you haven't moved a single centimeter in almost six month.s"

"Regenerating. We don't all heal as quickly as you, Bella."

I smiled at him. "Are you really here?"

He raised his hand to my face and replied "I've always been here Bella..." He picked himself up and brought his cold lips to my ear, caressing them softly on my ear and said "Romeo and Juliet, remember?"

Tears fell from my eyes again. I was speechless. Edward looked me in the eyes, his face close to kiss. He placed his cold cheek to my warm, wet one, and rubbed my tears on his skin. "Bella, I wish you were your tears."

I smiled "Edward, I love you. Please, don't ever do that to me again..."

"Bella, I am never leaving you. Never, for any amount of time. No matter what! Not even death can keep us apart."

The Cullens filed themselves into the room, Carlisle walked closets to Edward and I. He bent down towards Edward and hugged him gently "You gave us all a scare Edward. You took a very long time to heal. Only Bella truly still had hope after a few months."

Alice ran up to Edward and hugged him tightly, and the others approached graciously. Trinity smiled and sat in Edward's lap "Daddy!" Edward smiled and snuggled her nose with his own nose.

Bella's tears were warm, and wet. A sensation I missed myself. I missed looking at her beauty, when I opened my eyes and saw her, it took everything in me to breathe again. She was more radiant then I had even remembered, not even my memory gave her the credit she deserved.

After my family gave me their warm welcomes back, I asked Alice, completely between the both of us, to please entertain Trinity while I spoke to Bella. She obliged. Bella and I were alone once more.

I held her in my arms tightly and she snuggled to my chest, whispering things to me. "Edward, I was planning on killing myself..." she suddenly brought up, but I knew it would be a topic of conversation.

"Bella, you destoryed the most powerful vampire, I don't think you ...or any vampire for that matter, can really kill themselves anymore. Unless envoking another vampire's wrath, which is altogether harder."

She smirked "Well, then that is what I would do."

I looked at her "Bella, we are free. We can live how we want now. We don't have to worry about anyone"

"For now, at least, right?"

I smirked, "Yes, at least for now"

I cradled her in my arms, her warmth, her smell, it was my peace, my serenity. I was home with her beside me. Home...

AN: OMG! ITS OVER!!!!! So sad...hope you guys all enjoyed. I'm sorry it wasn't up at 3. LOL! I had to run to the bank and open a new account. Yes, much fun!!! So, enjoy guys and be on the look out for new stories from me, because they are cooking in my head!