Emotional Abuse

Sasuke and Sakura were locked forever, a sword though each other, one through his back and one through her chest.

But as Naruto approached, he saw that while Sasuke was undoubtedly dead, Sakura still had a spark of life left.

He quickly pulled her off his sword, and leaned in close so he could hear her heart beat, and knew that there was no saving her. Her eyes were clouded over, she couldn't see him, but it felt to Naruto as if she could hear, and Naruto knew he had to tell her now what he had been thinking all these years.

"Sakura," He started. "I love you, I always have, and I always will."

She lifted her head towards him, and although she was blind, she smiled.

"Sasukeā€¦ Is that you?" She whispered; as Naruto leaned in close to hear her.

He pulled back quickly, startled by what she had said, hurt. But then relaxed, and let sorrow over take him.

"Yes, Sakura. It's me." And he let her die with some small shred of happiness in her heart, though it killed him inside to do so.