(A/N And here it is! I would like to make an announcement. My love life is a wreak, my grades are in the toilet, my dance team is starting to make cuts and swim season just started! I am updating the best I can. I need more incentive though. If and when I get 15 reviews then I will update this. I can't keep sacrificing precious time for this right now unless people are actually reading it! And I can't know whether or not you're reading this unless you REVIEW! I'm trying to be nice and just have 15 as my requirement. Please, please, PLEASE REVIEW!)

(A/N 2.0 This is where I messed up. Sorry! You don't have to read the part in Italics if you read the new ending of the last chapter. I just put it here because I knew most people wouldn't go back and read it.)

"Angel!" Fang yelled his desperation obvious in his voice. He was yelling and his voice was almost cracking but he refused to let her see that weakness. He swallowed the lump in his dry throat and forced himself not to show any weak emotions like sadness or despair or love, but fierce frightening emotions like rage and vengeance.

"Yes, what do you want, Fang?" Angel's voice floated from a different somewhere above him and he knew she must be flying. He tried to still his breathing to figure out if she was moving in some sort of pattern but the pulsing in his ears would not go away.

"Dammit." He muttered. He wanted to use some other expletives but in some small portion of his mind he couldn't help but watch his language when little Angel was around.

"Oh my. Now you should remember that I'm just a little girl Fang." She read his mind. "I shouldn't have to hear that sort of language. I'll have to punish you now." Angel spoke so calmly and so patronizingly it made Fang stiffen. He thought that she must have found some way to hurt him, some way to make him feel physical pain. Electrocute the floors so that they send shocks through his body? Chains spring out from nowhere to pull him to the ground then have someone whip him? But instead he heard, rather then saw, Nudge fall back through a trapdoor in the statue holding her. That hurt much more then whatever he had imagined.

"Dammit Angel!" he yelled in near desperation. He ran toward the statue with wild abandon, not caring that the trapdoor had already closed itself. He pushed off the ground and started trying to fly…

Only to fall flat on his back. He couldn't feel his wings!! They were completely numb. He reached back instinctively to see if they were there…

They weren't.

He was having trouble breathing. He couldn't focus, couldn't form coherent thoughts. If anyone had asked his name right then there was a fifty-fifty chance he wouldn't be able to reply. And in all seriousness would you? When you had just lost everything that had ever meant anything to you, how would you react? I personally will doubt that you could form coherent thoughts either.

His breathing heavy and body feeling separate from his mind, he stood up and blindly searched the ceiling for white wings. He wasn't able to stand but he remained. He would stay for everything that he had ever loved, his wings his friends and family. And Max. He would fight for the everything that he had now lost. The last thing to lose now was his life. And right now, death would be a blessing.


Max (POV)

I have no idea what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't what was there.

The flock stood there…without Fang. I knew this couldn't be a good thing. They had made such a fuss when they left me and when the other girl had flown off. I felt light headed and dizzy already but then the girl, Nudge, started talking.

"Max! Are you ok? How's your head? Do you remember us now? OH I don't think you do cause your just sort of kind of staring at us. Well that's ok but we really have to talk to you! See the thing is Fang went off by himself even though we had a plan made up and everything! We were really worried and we didn't know what to do but we remembered that if even one of us got separated we'd meet back here so that's what we did and that's why we're here!"

I just kind of passed out.


A little while latter I woke up. I was in…what the (insert random swear word here)? I was in my room at Ella and my mom's house! I had no freakin idea where I was or how or why but I was going to find out!

I tore off the blue covers and instantly felt woozy. My vision was almost completely dark and there was a roaring in my ears that would not be ignored but I pushed through it to the general direction of the door. I was wearing my normal attire (jeans and a tee-shirt) so I didn't have to worry about modesty or whatever. I did, however, have to worry about where my family was!

I ran as fast as my still dizzy body would allow me, to the kitchen. I don't know why but don't people usually "gather round the family table?" That was the extent of my logic.

I turned the corner and, sure enough, there was my family, minus Fang and Angel, sitting at the table eating.

"Guys, what's going on? Why are we here? I thought we were supposed to be heading to Antarctica! Didn't we just leave here a week ago? What the heck?!" I was perfectly aware I was blabbering but I couldn't care less. I hated not knowing things and nothing would give me any indication that everything was all right.

"Oh my god." Was the only response I really got and that was from Iggy. Everyone else was just staring at me in shock. It was like I had just learned to speak!

"Max, do you remember things?" Ella asked. What kind of question was that?

"No freaking duh I remember things! Sorry to be terse with you Ella but I need to find out what's going on and I can't do that unless SOMEONE TELLS ME!" I was getting hysterical. My heart was beating and my vision was blurring again. The two people that I really did care about most in the flock were gone. In the group of six people that I cared about more then life itself, two were missing. I was not going to be calm until I figured out why.

Nudge squealed and tackled me. Not. What. I. Wanted.

"Nudge if you don't get off me right now then I will ground you for a month! I don't care that we don't have a house you'll be grounded!" I was not in the being tackled mood right now.

"Sorry Max. It's just that you lost your memory a while ago and none of us were sure if you'd be able to recover! That's why Fang went off to the School to find Angel to bring her back cause she's the one that wiped your memory because you and Fang finally "got together" and he said it would be best if we weren't there because with Angel on their side there was a better chance of getting her if it was one person going and not a group cause then we could be Super Spy-ish and just kind of sneak up. That's why we're back here."

That was the first explanation. Over about an hour I got the full detailed explanation about what had happened while my memory was on strike.

I needed to help Fang, kick Angel's ass and get the rest of the Flock to safety.

Oh, and apparently I'm going to have a baby. Not only that, but I'm going to give birth in half the time it would take a normal human to have one.

Guess everything was back to normal.