Disclaimer: ok guys we all know the drill, I don't own them, don't make any money from this … blah blah woof woof.

General info: set towards the end of season one so Papa Winchester is still alive….yay!

Before he could even realise that it was happening the blade sliced its way through his shoulder. His body lurched forward slightly causing the knife to go in deeper. Strong arms wrapped around his middle holding him in place as his attacker withdrew the knife. Sam gazed up at the woman in front of him she was quite attractive slim, dark hair, nice facial features she would have been beautiful if it wasn't for the black soulless eyes.

She walked over to a near by trash can and placed the knife on top. She slowly sauntered back were Sam was been held up by her demonic boyfriend, she grabbed him by his hair forcing him to look at her. Her other hand was on his injured shoulder she savagely pressed her thumb into the gapping wound causing Sam to grunt. Her face lit up with joy at the pain yes was inflicting on Sam. He did his best to stifle a scream as she pressed the wound a second time, more and more blood pumped out of the wound and he started to feel light headed.

Today is just getting better and better he thought bitterly. It really had been a god awful day. Him and Dean had a huge argument this morning, things had been tense all week each getting more and more on the others nerve until it had finally blew up this morning with each saying extremely harsh words to the other and him storming. He had automatically regretted what he had said but he had just needed to cool down and give Dean the same opportunity. Oh god how did everything get so messed up?

He struggled against the hands holding him up the man's grip tightened around him. She ran her hand up his chest in a almost loving gesture outlining the muscles hidden underneath the fabric of his shirt. In a last ditch attempt to escape he threw his head back, he smiled to himself as he heard the man's nose break with a satisfying crunch. At the same time he lifted his legs up and kicked her in the middle making her stumble and fall backwards.

He pulled himself out of the man's grip and ran towards the opening of the alley one hand on his bleeding shoulder and the other fumbling inside his pocket for his phone.

He felt something pull at the back of his shirt pulling him away from sanctuary. He was pushed into the wall by the guy who proceeded to slam his fists repeatedly into his face. Each blow caused white hot bursts of pain to flow through his skull. He let out a small whimper as his nose shattered from a particularly brutal hit. He could feel the bricks behind his head get wet as his head bounced of it from the impact of the punches. He let out a shallow cough as blood filled his mouth.

The women came up beside and halted the mans punches. She grabbed him and pushed him to the ground and straddled his hips.

She lent forward and licked Sam's bruised and swollen face. Sam flinched in disgust as he tried to get away.

"God you taste good boy so sweet and full of power"

She smiled at guy who walked over to retrieve the knife for her. For the first time Sam was able to get a good look at the second guy even if it was through blurred pain filled vision. He was fairly tall about the same age as her around 25 and look like your typical meat head.

"Well I guess this is it Sammy boy" She said her voice laced with mock concern.

She used the knife to cut away his shirt. Sam struggled and tried to push away from her. The guy knelt by his head and held his arms down. Between the two he was pinned down and completely powerless.

He looked at her hand and the knife. The blade was long and had a savage serrated edge to it from what he could see of the handle it was wooden and had strange symbols carved into it.

"It's been fun" she said while the other laughed down at him. She slowly lowered the blade down to the flat plane of his stomach teasing him with it. She moved the knife to above his heart and drew the blade across his skin. He winced as the blade began biting into his skin. She continued to carve into his skin he was able to glance down at his stomach and noticed that she was mimicking the symbol from the handle of his knife. He screamed as she tore pieces of flesh away. When she was finished she handed the knife to the guy.

She placed both hands on the wound and began to mummer something. Suddenly new waves of pain erupted into his chest. He couldn't contain his scream and his back arched as the pain shot through his body. The pain was immense he let out another scream of pure agony and closed his eyes fighting back tears.

When he opened his eyes he noticed that they where both gone. He lay there gasping for breath and clutching his wounded shoulder, he pressed his hand harder to the site in a desperate bid to stop the blood gushing from it. His head was pounding and every movement caused a new stab of pain to jolt through his head and chest. Oh god he thought Dean where are you?

He turned onto his side and spat out a mixture of blood and saliva. It was becoming more and more difficult to stay conscious but he knew by giving in he would certainly bleed out. No can't die, have to see dean. Suddenly remembering his phone he reached inside his pocket and pulled it out. He fumbled with it as the blood from his hands made the buttons slippery he managed to find the autodial key and waited.

"Hello" said Dean familiar voice.

Sam tried to answer but the sound that came out was more of a whimper.

"Sam! What wrong? Where are you?"

"De… Dean he..l..p" Sam said with the remains of his strength the phone slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground by his head.

"Sam where are you!"

"Dean" he mumbled again as his body began to shake. "Didn't see ...behind me ..knife..ohh god Dean it hurts so bad"

"It going to be ok, Sam tell me where you are" Sam could hear the mix of panic and fear that laced his brother's voice.

"Alley way…. near…" his voice broke off as blackness encased his vision and the blissful darkness claimed him.


Hi guys thanks for reading, next chapters will be longer. Reviews are greatly appreciated and will speed up the posting of the next chapter

Also I'm English so I have no idea what town this is set in. So if anybody would like me to set it in their home town let me know, and if your town has a tourist website where I can do a bit of background reading even better. So suggestions please!