I'm baaaack...ha ha. Well here is the opener for my new story. I'm serious it might suck so if you hate it give me a heads up! Here's a little fun fact...all of the chapter titles are going to be emotions...way cool right? ha ha...


"DOUGLAS, WHERE IS MY TIFFANY HAIRBAND?" I yelled to my butler. I am going to the spa today with my best friend. People call us "The Fab Friends." We are the most popular girls in school and the richest. You see we go to Eastern Hills Prep School. It's mostly kids with money but "The Fab Friends" are over standard. I mean we have perfect grades, we are pretty, we are talented and we have all the boys drooling over us. Except for one, I hate him. We are equally popular but enemies.

"Ms. Montez, I insure you that it is in the third room of your closet with all of the rest of your headbands." I am very spoiled and honestly I flaunt that. I mean why wouldn't I? I'm fabulous, duh. I rolled my eyes,

"Are you going to get it? That's what we pay you for right?" He walked through my closet and fetched me the headband. I smiled,

"Thank you. Please tell me when Sharpay gets here?" Then the door bell rang and I giggled. Perfect. She was on time. Douglas opened the door and let her in. Sharpay and my families go way back. Our fathers actually share a rather large sports company together. Our moms are design clothes together. It's always ME Corp. or EM corp. It is ME Corp. for the clothes and EM corp. for the sports equipment. Everyone knows us at school. We are practically famous. Plus my daddy owns the school so…yeah.

"Hey!" I said primping my hair a bit. We were going to the mall of course. We don't need anymore clothes but we still shop. My closet has seven rooms. Sharpay's has six so it's all good.

"Hey chick! Let's go!" We linked arms and headed to her black stretch limo with pink seats. Our typical ride, when people see it they automatically know it's us. We are your typical drama queens.

By the time we got to the mall it was nearly packed. Good thing Sharpay and I don't shop in places with sale items because with all the WT (white trash) there I could have fainted.

"So we need new sunglasses. Where do you want to go?" She said looking around. I giggled and pointed to the expensive sunglass shack behind us. We turned around and walked in to the store and smiled,

"So school sucks. I can't wait to get out of there and go to college out of here. You and me and a college full of hot boys." I said when trying on a pair of Gucci glasses and puckering my lips.

"There are no cute people at Eastern Hills. I mean come on how come we are two hot girls in a sea of ugly people? I mean they make us look bad. How can rich kids be so hideous? Hello their daddy can buy them plastic surgery or something." Sharpay and I are Eastern Hill's Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. Perfect.

"I know! I mean come on. Then the boys…ugg…can you say disgusting?" I giggled,

"None of them are even worth dating. It's like GROSS!" Sharpay sat her five pairs of glasses on the table and I sat my three and she spoke,

"Well there is one cute boy." I glared at her. She knows not to mention him to me. Sure he was attractive but he's horrible.

"How can you even mention him?" Sharpay picked up the bag and smiled,

"Just to see what you would do. Come on…you two are the most popular people in school, minus me of course, but I have a boyfriend." Sharpay is dating a college student named Ryan. (Not her brother. She's an only child in my story.)

"No! We hate each other. I'd never even touch him." Sharpay giggled.

"Whatever. I wish you two would talk. He's like the only cute guy there." I rolled my eyes,

"He's a stupid basketball player who thinks he is just the most perfect person in the whole school. I hate people like that." (Ha Ha…) Sharpay walked toward the smoothie stand and cut in front of five people. No one said anything. Like I said, we are practically celebrities.

"Listen Gab…he is hot. You are hot. You are good at adding. Do the math." Whatever.

"More like dividing. Me divided by him is happy. Get it?" Sharpay giggled and sat a twenty on the counter for our two smoothies. The total was ten but we always give big tips, hello we are rich.

"Whatever, well I have to go study for my math final." I smiled. I have perfect grades, although I have to work my butt off to get them. The only thing I don't have really is love. I mean boys are drooling over me but that's not what I want. I want love not lust. Shar does have love, she's been dating Ryan since like…before she came out of the womb, but I don't really have serious boyfriends…and, gasp, I'm still a virgin, which means I'm a rare breed at the school.

"Dad! I'm so tired. I get it. Dribble, pass, catch, shoot. UG! Let's go home!" I yelled at my dad. It was two hours after practice and I was literally dying. He dropped the ball and shrugged,

"So I have a few students failing my basketball unit, if you tutor them then they will pay five hundred dollars a session and it will look great on a college application." College. I hate that word.

"I'll get five hundred dollars to teach some freshman boy how to dribble a ball?" Dad laughed a bit then spoke,

"No, you'll get five hundred dollars to teach some senior girl. There is one that won't try, so maybe if a guy like you could, you know, swoon her over and make her try. If she passes you get five hundred, if she gets an A you get one thousand." BANK!

"Deal…who is it?" Dad scratched his head,

"Oh I don't remember her name. Actually she doesn't even know she has to be tutored. Her mother's assistant called and tried to set an appointment to discuss the grade. Weird huh…but I told her I would hire a tutor personally then she gave prices…so yeah. Let's go, I'm starving."

"Five hundred dollars…" I whispered leaving the gym.

What do you think? If you like it say it...if you hate it be honest. I want to make sure I don't finish it for no reason. HONEST!