Logan Identity

By: Thowell3 & V.K. M Kimball

Chapter 7: Fade to Black

Raven sat staring at Garfield. He was sleeping again, but restlessly. Raven was still in shock about what he had said had occured in his latest dream

"How does he know about Trigon?" she wondered aloud. "He shouldn't know about that. No one should except myself, Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, Slade and Beast Boy. Could he be? Could it be him? Or is Slade just screwing with us?" She sighed. "I don't know what to believe."

'Well,' Knowledge piped up inside her mind. 'Let's think about this logically.'

'How is this logic?' Raven demanded. 'This man may or may not be Beast Boy.'

'He has no memories prior to eight years ago," Raven replied.

'Really?' Knowledge challenged. 'I think otherwise.'

'Don't interrupt me,' Raven scowled. 'You wanted to think this out. Just remembering little things doesn't make him Beast Boy. For all we know, this is one of Slade's tricks.'

'Look past that and look at what we know,' Knowledge encouraged. 'Ignore that this may be a Slade trick.'

'Fine,' Raven frowned. 'We never saw him before recently, and he has no proof that he was there before Beast Boy was captured.'

'Good,' Knowledge replied. 'Now, what does he remember?'

'Trigon,' Raven replied. 'And the beast.'

'And what about those pills?' Knowledge pressed.

'I have no clue what they do,' Raven admitted. 'But they do cause him pain.'

'Why do they cause him pain though?' Knowledge was starting to get on Raven's nerves.

'I don't know, I'm not a doctor!' Raven exclaimed.

'Then ask one,' Knowledge suggested.

'But Cyborg's convinced that Garfield's evil,' Raven argued.

'I was not talking about Cyborg,' Knowledge replied gently. 'House Raven, ask the house.'

"Uh House?" Raven felt a bit weird addressing the walls.

"Yes?" House replied.

"Why would taking medication become painful to someone who's been taking it for a long time?" the words came out in a torrent. House considered.

"Well," it mused. "It could mean the body is rejecting the medication."

"Why would a body reject medication in such a viloent way?" Raven asked.

"If the medication was doing something that his body didn't like it might try to cleanse itself," House replied. "That might cause a violent response."

"But what would cause that to a normal human?" Raven inquired. "He has been taking this medication for the last eight years without fail."

"Well," House replied. "I would have to say that Mr. Logan is not a normal human."

"What?" Raven took a step back.

"I analyzed the medication," House replied. "It's designed to repress genetic material."

"Why would someone want to do that?" Raven blinked.

"Obviously there's something wrong with Mr. Logan's genetic code," House replied.

"Can you check his gentic code?" Raven was becoming excited.

"Get me a piece of hair," House answered. Raven snuck over to the sleeping form of Garfield and pulled out one of his blonde hairs. Garfield groaned in his sleep.

"Shh," Raven stroked his cheek gently. "Everything's okay Garfield. Go back to sleep." She went over to one of the walls. A panel opened, and a tube appeared. Raven placed the hair in the tube. The tube went back into the wall and the panel closed.

"Analysis started," House stated. Raven hardly dared to breathe. This was it, she was about to find out whether or not Garfield was actually Beast Boy. "Now I'm going to remove the traces of the medication and see what happens."

"How long will that take?" Raven asked impatiently.

"A few minutes maybe," House assured her.

"Hello Raven," Raven spun around to see Nightwing and Starfire in the doorway.

"Friend Raven," Starfire pulled the telekinetic Titan into one of her bone-crushing hugs. "It is good to see you again."

"What are you doing here?" Raven demanded once she had freed herself from Starfire.

"I called them," Cyborg entered the room. Raven stared at him.

"What?" she exploded.

"I had to Rae," Cyborg sighed. "He killed Beast Boy."

"We don't know that," Raven argued.

"And when did you start trusting people trained by Slade?" Nightwing demanded.

"There's something different about him," Raven replied softly.

"What's going on?" everyone turned at the sound of Garfield's voice.

"I am taking you in for questioning," Nightwing approached the young man. Raven phased in front of him.

"You can't do that," she growled.

"Why not?" Nightwing demanded. There was a sigh behind them

"Just let them question me Raven," Garfield's voice was dull.

"But..." Raven turned towards him. "I can help you..."

"Raven its over," Garfield shrugged. "I've lost. I will comply. I am in no condition to be fighting at this point."

"Your surender is wise," Starfire swooped over. "For I will not hesitate to hurt you again."

"Dude, I still hurt from when you 'opened the can of the butt-whoop' on me thank-you very much," Garfield muttered. Everyone in the room stared at him. "What?" He asked sullenly.

"How do you know that expression?" Nightwing asked. Garfield shrugged.

"Just popped into my head," he replied. Nightwing cleared his throat.

"Cyborg please put some handcuffs on him," he instructed. "I don't trust him." Cyborg put handcuffs on Garfield. "Alright." He addressed the prisoner. "Let's go."

"I'm not going," Ravan replied, crossing her arms.

"Fine," Nightwing shook his head. Garfield turned and gave Raven a little smile as they led him away.

"Well that was interesting," House commented once they had left.

"Tell me about it," Raven replied. "So, what have you found out?"

"It looks like Mr. Logan's genetic code is naturally unstable," House replied. Raven blinked.

"What was that?" she whispered.

"Unstable," House repeated. "The medication stabilizes his DNA, and enhances some of his natural speed and strength. Theoretically, his code be rearranged to allow him to take various forms." Raven felt as though she might explode with emotion.

"That means that he is, was, and always will be Beast Boy," she whispered.

"Clever girl," Raven spun around to see Slade standing in the doorway.

"Slade," Rage began to seethe in her mind. "What did you do to Beast Boy?"

"I robbed him of who he was and created someone new," Slade replied. Raven stared at him horrified. She was surprised that House hadn't set off an alarm, and then noticed Gizmo typing on a laptop in the wall.

"I've erased the house's records of that conversation taking place," Gizmo grinned.

"Why would you do this to Beast Boy?" Raven demanded.

"I needed an apprentice," Slade replied with a shrug. "And a way to drive the Titans apart."

"How dare you!" Raven bellowed. "You took him away from me, from the Titans!"

"Just like how I am about to take you away," Slade replied. "Ironic isn't it?"

"You will never take me," Raven replied.

"Oh I would dissagree," Slade mused. "If you resist, I will kill Beast Boy."

"You wouldn't!" Raven croaked.

"Are you willing to risk it?" Slade challenged. "To lose him again?"

'Surrender Raven,' Love pleaded in her mind. 'I couldn't bear to lose him again.'

"Fine," Raven sighed. "I will go with you."

"Good," Slade gestured to the door. Raven followed them out, feeling a deep feeling of despair. All the proof of Garfield's true identity was now in Slade's hands.



Nightwing paced back and forth in front of Garfield. The young man didn't look up at him, instead his eyes were downcast.

"How long have you worked for Slade?" Nightwing demanded.

" I only remember the last eight years," Garfield replied.

"And before that?" Nightwing pushed.

"I don't remember anything before that," Garfield replied.

"You have to remember something," Nightwing was almost desperate.

"Only what I see in my dreams," Garfield replied.

"Tell me a few of these 'dreams' you have," Nightwing instructed. Garfield closed his eyes.

"I remember being the beast and fighting Adonis," he spoke slowly. "I remember Raven's death and the rise of Trigon."

"Slade told you about those things," Nightwing argued. Garfield snorted.

"No," he shook his head. "The only thing Slade ever told me was how bad an apprentice I was."

"For all I know, you have been spying on us since the Titans started," Nightwing snorted. "Maybe it was you that took over the Red X costume."

"I remember when you were Red X," Garfield muttered.

"What?" Nightwing stared at the young man.

"Betraying your friends to catch Slade," Garfield continued. Cyborg and Nightwing stared at him. Abruptly his arm began to beep.

"What's that?" Nightwing demanded.

"It's House's alarm," Cyborg replied. A horrified expression crossed Garfield's face.

"Raven!" he jumped to his feet. "She's still in there!" He began to run towards the house, but Starfire swooped down and blocked his path.

"You're not going anywhere," Nightwing smirked.

"Get out of my way!" Garfield let out a primal snarl. Starfire responded by throwing him across the room. "You're all idiots!" He bellowed. "Can't you see what's happening?" They looked at each other. "He's taking her! Slade's taking Raven." Garfield panted. "Just like he took me."

The End For now......

To Be Continued in Logan Supremacy.

A/N: Well this is the End of this Story there will be a Sequel to this one called Logan Supremacy. We will be starting on that after we finish two other stories we are working on Called: Teen Titans: Terminator and Teen Titans: Agent of Chaos (Shameful Pluging). Please Go and Check those out. They are both on V.K.M Kimball's Account so stop by there she is a great writer and this story would have gotten nowhere if it wasn't for her. So you will have to wait a while before we continue this story So Till next story is up pleas read some of our other stories we have alot planned in those other stories that you will like till next time Cya in cyberspace. – Thowell3 & V.K. M Kimball

BTW: We have no medical degrees nor know anything about medicine so please don't pester us about anything to do with Beastboys DNA. Thanks.