I don't really have any pre-chapter notes this time, except enjoy reading this because I had tons of fun writing it.


Rukia in Wonderland

Chapter 1 – Welcome to Wonderland

It was a quiet and lazy Sunday, exactly the kind of day that made Rukia Kuchiki stir crazy. She couldn't stand being cramped up in Ichigo's room, doing nothing except reading a magazine or sketching while he did his homework. Hollow alerts were almost welcomed on these days, anything to break up the monotony. Whenever she complained to Ichigo, the only reply she received was a disgruntled order to shut up. So she found herself, facing another one of these painfully long and boring days.

The rhythm of Ichigo's pen scribbling on his homework began to lull Rukia to sleep. But before she completely succumbed to sleep, Rukia could've sworn she saw a bunny in the doorway of the room. Curious as to what in the world the rabbit could be doing there, she wanted to get up and go over to it. Unfortunately, her gigai was unwilling to react, more accepting to the idea of rest at this point.

Next thing Rukia knows, she's sleeping against a tree in what appears to be a park, and in a frilly blue dress for that matter. She examined her new outfit, pleased with the color since blue always looked good on her, but frustrated with the frills and laces. She was Rukia Kuchiki for goodness sake's, a soul reaper could not wear such ostentatious clothes, as they'd only get in the way during battle.

While she was contemplating her new attire, out of the corner of her eye Rukia noticed something coming towards her. It was the bunny she had seen earlier, though it looked different and somehow familiar…

"Aw shit, I'm so damn late!" The fowl-mouthed bunny shouted as he went by. Strangely, he had bright orange hair and a scowl, though Rukia thought that on a bunny, the expression was too cute to be called a scowl. He continued down the path, still venting his frustrations, but Rukia was determined not to let him get away from her a second time.

"Wait Mr. Bunny!" She ran after the animal, but he paid no heed to her and kept on going to wherever it was he was heading. Damn, she thought, for there was no way she could catch up at the rate she was going now. Rukia still blamed the ridiculous outfit she was wearing. Surely, it was the frills that were slowing her down. After several more pleas directed at the rabbit to slow down, she began to get very frustrated. Bunnies were cute, fluffy, and adorable, not loud and rude. "Hey, bastard, listen to me! Stop running away."

The name calling had finally drawn the rabbit's attention towards his pursuer. "Who are you calling names, bitch?" He spun around to address her, trying to look as intimidating as a rabbit could, which of course was still irresistibly cute. Rukia took advantage of the bunny's distraction and sped up. Before he could realize it, she had picked him up off the ground and was- cuddling him?

"What the hell are you doing, you insane woman? Put me down now!" Fighting as hard as he could, Rukia had him in a death squeeze, unwilling to let her prize go.

Rukia looked down at the rabbit, slightly indignant, "Why are you so mean for such a cute thing?" This caused even more resistance to come from the animal in her arms, which confused her. She'd called him cute and complimented him, right? So she also had said he was mean, but surely he could see she meant it in the nicest way possible when applied to a rabbit that reminded her more of a jackass.

"Stop calling me cute, it's degrading! This is your dream anyways, so don't ask me."

"If this really is my dream," which for some reason Rukia thought improbable, though it would explain the clothes, "then why aren't you cooperating? OUCH!" At the end of his wits, the rabbit had head butted Rukia. She immediately dropped him in order to nurse her wound.

"Because you're making me later than I already was, bitch!" With that, he continued on his way, stalking – rather hopping – off. Rukia, of course was inclined to chase him once more. A few feet ahead, the rabbit dove into a hole at the base of a tree. At that point, there was no time to try to stop, and so Rukia found herself tripping and falling into the same hole, not knowing what to expect at the bottom.


My first multi-chapter fic! I'm really excited about this, and I hope this turns out well because I've never actually seen/read Alice in Wonderland, so any input on story would be great. Ichigo (who was the rabbit for clarification) and Rukia were insanely fun to write as well.

Reviews are worshipped (whether they're short and simple or in-depth).

Cherry Emi