Hey! I have a new story again! This one is a bit sad though. Or at least it is intended to be… Anyway I just had to type this. WB bit me in the middle of the night again. So anyway like I said this will be a sad story but there is a happy ending. It will be like only 3 chapters. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for comin' to read!


Memory Loss



Light. Laughter. Love. Those three things were all she could remember. She was so young and free spirited. A sweet and soft soul she was. Her parents doted over her. Playing with her, buying her things, and loving her overall. It was the greatest life any 3-year-old could imagine. Then the unimaginable thing happened.


It was in the middle of the night. She slept soundly in her little bed. Her parents' room was right across the hall. While the darkness caressed the household in a peaceful slumber, the moon had shown no protection. The darkness helped the intruders slip easily over rooftops and onto the grounds of the house. They entered through her open window as silent as the pygmy pumas that also roamed the city. Across the hall her parents were awoken at the screams of their daughter and bolted for her room. Although they were so close to her room they were too late. The child was gone. They searched frantically through the toppled furniture in any hope that she still might be hiding in the room. With no luck her mother broke down in tears, sinking to the floor wailing in sorrow. Her husband sank down and held her, unable to control the tears that poured down his own face. He tried desperately to keep his "defense mechanism" from uncontrollably rearing the ugly side of its nature.

"NOOO!!!" he cried in frustration and anguish. It was a cry that was heard around the world. Dark clouds formed in the distance and rain began to pour all over the world. The world trembled in fear knowing what the consequences of someone taking His daughter would be. They had feared another war.

Quickly getting up from his position next to his wife he wrote letters to all of the Rulers of the world. Armies were prepared. Search parties and ships deployed. The Earth King's greatest soldiers, the Fire Lord's swiftest and sneakiest scouts, and the Water Tribes' fastest ships were all assembled together at the Earth Kingdom capitol. He looked out at the nations assembled below him standing next to his wife. "We'll find her," he assured. "We'll find her…"


Miles away on a Rebel Ship the young girl's captors had removed the gag and blindfold. Before her stood a cold looking woman with heartless amber eyes. "So, this is his daughter. I would have thought her to be more… magnificent. She will do though. I'm sure her father will accept my terms to get her back; that is IF he finds her!" the woman said with a menacing laugh. With a motion of her hand the little girl's captors to her to a small, dark, and cramped cabin. Upon being tossed in the little girl hit her head hard on the wall.

Then… nothing but darkness.


OOoohhh. Cliffy. So as you can see, doesn't seem to0 happy right now. I hope you come back and read more! Reply please! I need a few extra ideas! Peace out.