I do not own Rurouni Kenshin. If I did, Hiko would appear more often.

In Your Hands

His courage was failing him.

As much as he wanted to do it, as deep as the ache of yearning in his chest was, as much as his small fingers twitched in anticipation, every attempt to proceed was foiled by that tightly wound coil of fear.

What if…What if…? Those two words danced in a repetitive, incomplete loop, wearing a path in his mind. They had been at it for a good half an hour now.

But he wouldn't know if he didn't try, right? Was it worth the risk?

He so wanted to do this.

Taking a deep breath, he lifted his hand, paused for a wavering moment of hesitation, then slipped his fingers through to grasp at Shishou's much bigger, rougher, stronger ones. Biting his lip, he looked away, down at the ground they were walking over, expecting the big hand he now held to immediately withdraw, jerked back in disgust and rejection.

Shishou's hand twitched and stiffened.

But didn't pull back.

One second. Two. Kenshin timidly peered up at his guardian through thick red bangs.

Shishou only looked straight ahead, concentrating on the road as if nothing had happened.

Yes, Shishou's hand wasn't Kaachan's or Touchan's or Niichan's. Yes, it didn't wrap warmly and welcomingly around his own as theirs had. Yes, it didn't sooth him the same way Akane-san's, Kasumi-san's, or Sakura-san's had. But in Shishou's hand, he found a solid protection, an unyielding strength. In Shishou's hand, he felt safe.

Kenshin smiled to himself, feeling happier than he had in many months. He had to take three steps for Shishou's every one, so he ended up having to jog to keep up, stumbling a bit over the forest trail. But that was okay. It was worth it.

Shishou held him now. Shishou wouldn't let him fall.

Short and sweet little fic, as inspired by a friend's piece of artwork. Thanks for reading - please leave a review!