Important AN: The stories Sometime Our Life Can Be Perfect and All That I've Got have been deleted!! I'm sorry to any readers of those two.

How Do You Like Me Now? And I'm Too Much To Handle are on a Hiatus until I feel like writing them again or get some inspiration! Again, sorry to all you readers out there.

Everything Happens for a reason is coming to an end in a couple of chapters.

I am starting a new story soon, only thing you have to be a fan of Naruto and yaoi in order to enjoy it.

I'll be doing plenty of one-shots in areas like Bleach, Wrestling, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto and a few others. If there are any parings you want to see for a one shot throw me a message and I can see what I can do.

I will do hetero, boyxboy and girlxgirl, NO OCs, and I'll tell you if I'm familiar enough to do that pairing/friendship/or series in general. I will NOT write smut if you request it. I only write it when I wanna write it. XD

This is a general message for all of my fics.

Peace out
