The Little Brat

Authors note: They finally get to meet up with the famous sandsibs! Yes! Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I ran out of clever ways of putting this so, I don't own naruto. their ya happy?

Summery: dido

Chapter 7: We Meet at Last

The hotel was as nice as it appeared on the outside. Not a single person in the lobby seemed to recognize them at all because most of them weren't ninja. That meant that nobody had to go incognito. That sure did make things easier for the akatsuki pair. After all, it would be hard to relax in the spa on the third floor while keeping up a transformation. They slowly walked into their suit and where quite impressed with its elegance. It had two king sized canopy beds, beautiful touches of gold here and their, crown molding, the works. It was basically a room designed for a king. It even had a solid gold toilet bowl. How Amaya managed to get them a room like this was a mystery. Unfortunately, their was one little problem with this o-so-perfect room.

"Theirs only two beds..." pointed out Kisame a little unsettled by it",I am NOT sharing!"

"We don't have to share..." pointed out Itachi, looking at Amaya through the corner of his eye. This didn't go unnoticed by the little brat.

"I'm soooo not sleeping on the floor!" shouted Amaya.

"Well to bad!" laughed Kisame as he crashed on the bed closest to the door. Itachi sighed and took a seat on the bed by the window, leaving Amaya to fume.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be taking care of me?!" yelled Amaya, who was, needless to say, quite angry with her two bodygaurds.

"You'll live." stated Itachi quite plainly. She couldn't take it any longer. She was willing to do small things for them but this was way to far. "I knew I should have poisoned their fish..." thought Amaya still seething in anger, but then something hit her like a ton of bricks. A small sly smile creped across her face. Her leverage was back.

She innocently walked in-between the two beds, and laid down on the floor. She curled up into a little ball, before she began to cough, small frail coughs. Her face became burning hot and her cheeks turned a slight shade of red. This caught the attention of the only two adults in the room.

" O!... cough... I think that I might be... cough cough...catching a...cough... cold." said Amaya, trying to sound as sick as possible. Kisame and Itachi just scoffed at her childish display.

"It must be... cough... because I'm lying on this cold,...cough... hard...cough... floor." continued the little girl. Kisame and Itachi just started staring at her. Amaya, still curled up in the floor flashed them a sly coy smile.

" What ever will Mommy and Daddy think when their little girl gets sick under your care?" Kisame and Itachi were trapped. Trapped like a weasel and a shark in a cage. (HA! I didn't say rats!) They now had to give one of those comfy beds up to the little girl, and the both of them would have to share... This was no fun for either of them. Amaya began happily bouncing on her hard-won bed while Kisame and Itachi looked on with envy. Kisame just got up and started passively banging his head against the wall, while Itachi just stared blankly into space. After Amaya had her fun, she sat down Indian style on her bed. In a very serious manner she pulled out a scroll from her pocket and signaled for the others to listen up.

"This is our mission scroll. This Gaara you seem to know so well, is our primary target." she paused to create a dramatic effect and started looking around the room. Kisame just snapped his fingers at her to bring her back to earth.

"Daddy, doesn't know how Gaara's fighting style and strength have been effected by the removal of that demon. Because he is likely to intervene when we do abduct the Uzumaki kid, it would be a good Idea to find out. We also should try and find any other attachments Gaara and his family may have to Konaha, other than Gaara's personal attachment to that Naruto kid, and the Sand's alliance with the Leaf. This might be useful information when the time to kidnap that Naruto kid comes." She looked up at her two partners, who had been listening to her intently. They may not like the little girl, but they did need to pay attention to the mission being assigned.

"There's only one way to test Gaara' s fighting skills..." said Kisame with an eager smile on his face and blood lust in his eyes.

"No, I have another plan." announced Amaya to the other ninja. This was very disappointing to the shark-man.

"Since Gaara, nor his family, know me, I can simply infiltrate the Kazekage's office and coax the information out of him. It is my job you know."

"And what are we supposed to be doing during all of this?" asked a very annoyed Kisame.

"You will hide out, and appear if I run into some trouble or give you the signal." Itachi shrugged a little bit.

"So basically were just going to be your safety line, huh?" sighed the Uchiha.

"Yep, so you better get a good nights sleep boys!" laughed the little girl. The two boys just sighed as they grudgingly laid down on opposite sides of the bed from each other as far apart as was humanly possible.

"Goodnight!" coed the little girl as she drifted to sleep. She was met with the sounds of silence from the angry ninja.


Temari stood their a little confused. Here was a little blue eyed girl hugging her leg and crying her eyes out about how she couldn't find her mother.

"Stop crying little girl! I'll help you find your mom if you do." reasoned the blond sand ninja. She wasn't a genius when it came to kids, but she was better than either of her brothers. Either way, it seemed to be working, seeing as how the little girl had stopped crying and let go of her leg. Temari let out a sigh of relief and led the girl to the tower were her brothers worked. Amaya was just relieved she had woken up that morning to study up on Gaara and his family, or she would have never been able to recognized his sister.

Temari noticed the little girl was very happy and energetic now. This was a stark contrast to her previous mood. "What a strange little girl." thought Temari as she continued to escort the little girl to her brother. She failed to notice the two sinister chakra signatures fallowing her.

Once Temari and Amaya arrived she led Amaya to a small office like room. It had a couple of chairs, a desk, some filing cabinets, and even a mini fridge. After placing her in the room she grew a stern look on her face.

"Stay here ok. I don't want you getting lost again." warned the blond ninja. Amaya obediently nodded in agreement. Satisfied that the little girl would stay out of trouble, she left her in the room by herself. Unfortunately for Temari, she didn't see that Amaya's fingers were crossed... Instead of obediently sitting in a chair, she immediately began searching through all of the files in the office. She was careful not to make too big of a mess. The last thing she wanted was to get caught. After finding nothing interesting in the filing cabinets she immediately began sifting through the desk drawers. In it she found exactly what she was looking for. She also found some cookies, and immediately began munching on one. While eating her cookie, she made some copies of the papers she found in the folder and smiled happily at what she had found. She then opened up one of the floor vents and knocked on the wall three times. Out of the vent came a large blue cat. He grudgingly took the papers Amaya had found and handed them down to the smaller black cat right behind him. After completing his part the cat turned to Amaya.

"What's in the folder?" asked the Kisame. Amaya gave a sly smile in return.

"That would be the plans for a new puppet." The blue cat just nodded before running back down the vents. Amaya returned to the desk and put things back exactly the way they were. She sighed a sigh of relief before closing the desk drawer, but the minute she closed it the door began to creek open. Amaya quickly whirled around only to see Konkuro standing their in all his makeup-wearing, puppet-master glory.

The first thing Konkoro saw was that their was a child in his office. Then he realized that said child was munching on his secret cookie stash. This did not pleas the child-hating, cookie-loving, puppet master.

"What the heck do ya think your doing in my office, you spoiled little brat?!" shouted Konkuro as loudly as he could. Although it wasn't quite clear as to why Konkuro needed an office in the first place, it was clear that he was ticked.

"Eating this cookie. What does it look like I'm doing?" replied the demonic little girl. Konkuro couldn't stand kids, at all.

"Well now your going to leave!" shouted Konkuro pointing his finger at the door. Amaya just gave him a sly uncaring look as she waltzed out of his office.

"Drop the cookies!" he growled at her. The little girl looked at the cookies and then looked at him. Then with a small chuckle she gulped down all of them in one bite! This left the puppet master to fume. He didn't even bother to wonder how this feet was even possible.

"That was the last mistake you will ever make in your short pathetic life little girl..." growled the very ticked off Konkuro. Amaya just stuck her tongue at him.

"Good luck catching me you make-up wearing freak!" teased the little brat as she took off running down the hall. The puppet master took off after her, but when he got in the door way she was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't about to let her get away however, and immediately began tracking her down the hall.


"Gaara what should we do about her? I don't even know if she's from this village." began Temari. Everyone had a protocol for lost children, but missing parents were a different story.

"Bring her in so we can find out more about her." said Gaara quite calmly. To tell you the truth, he was actually quite irritated about having to deal with such a small matter, but alas, he was the Kazekage. It was his job.

"Thank you." replied Temari. She was truly grateful. She began to leave when a loud thumping noise came thundering down the hall ways. All of a sudden, the little girl came running down the hall and immediately hid behind Temari.

"Temari! I'm so scared! That mean man keeps chasing me, and he won't leave me alone!" cried the pitiful little girl. Sure enough Konkuro comes running in on cue.

"Where is that little brat?!" yelled the puppet master. He was absolutely furious, but once he saw the death glares Temari was shooting him, he quickly skidded to a halt.

"What are you doing Konkuro?!" shouted the angry blond at her brother.

" I'm about to teach that little brat a lesson! She was in my office eating all my cookies!" shouted Konkuro pointing at Amaya, who was cowering behind Temari. Temari was very angry now.

"Weren't you supposed to be cutting down on sweets?!" Konkuro stopped in his tracks. He had accidentally reveled his secret.

"Well... um...Ya see...They were for you Temari." stuttered Konkuro. "Nice save..." thought Amaya as she continued to watch the show unfold.

"Well no more chasing little girls ok Konkuro. People may think your creepier than they already do." Konkuro just shrugged this off a little before asking why the little girl was in his office in the first place.

"I got lost, and now I can't find my mommy..." said Amaya answering Konkuro's question.

"If ya ask me I don't think your mother lost you, I think she just ditched ya!" laughed Konkuro, which earned him a hit on the head from Tamari's giant fan. Amaya began to tear up a little.

"That's not true!" cried the little girl as she buried her head into Temari's skirt.

"Of course its not true! We'll help you find your mother, don't worry." reassured Temari. It was enough to sooth her, so Temari gently led her into Gaara's office. She stood in front of the red head, still sobbing a little from Konkuro's comment. Gaara leaned in a little to examine her.

"Where are you from?" asked Gaara in a rather stock gritty voice.

"The leaf..." answered Amaya certain that the answer would satisfy him.

"Do you have anyway of helping us identify your parents?" continued Gaara still detached from this.

"No.."answered Amaya again. Gaara let out a frustrated sigh.

"Just let her wait hear until someone comes to pick her up." advised Gaara.

"Thank you!" said the now pleased Amaya. Gaara just brushed it off.

"Come on now. You can stay in my room until we find somewhere else for you to wait." said Temari as she lead Amaya to her room. Amaya let out a small chuckle in her mind. This is exactly what she wanted. Temari opened the door to her room and lead the little girl to sit on the bed. Amaya quietly looked around the room. It was pretty normal looking beige colored walls, wooden furniture, and a few flowers hear and their made up the look of her room. Amaya simply hoped up and started digging through her stuff. She first looked through her desk, then her closet, then all boxes she found under her bed.

"She's as clean as a whistle." thought Amaya, before thinking of looking in her pillow case. Sure enough, a diary slid out of it.

Authors note: I know their meeting wasn't as dramatic as you might have thought it would be, but have no fear. She confronts him in the next chapter. Things won't be pretty. Also I'm going back to my first chapters and spicing them up a bit. Nothing will change in the story line, so you don't have to go back and read them. I'm just fixing the way I wrote it.

randome quote: "If at first you don't succeed, then sky diving definatly isn't for you..."