So….This is –sniffle- the last chapter. Thank you guys so much for everything. Reviewing, reading, giving me help when I needed it. You guys are the best. I never could've gotten this far. Thank you all for making this such a success! This is a real hard story to let go of. But if I must...

And now, without further ado, I present to you the 17th and final chapter of Stuck! Enjoy, and thanks a bunch for reading.

All my blessings!



.3 Months Later.

Lyssie sat in Ben and Abigail's living room, holding a book in one hand and an apple in the other. Her long black hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and her hazel eyes were firmly concentrating on the book. She wandered around the room while she read, pausing to take a bite from the apple. Just then she felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her waist. She pretended not to notice.

"Hi." She could feel Riley's warm breath on her ear. She put down the book and turned her head.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Want to come outside? Ben and Abi are wandering around the garden somewhere. We should probably find them."

Lyssie sighed. "But I was almost done!"

Riley rolled his eyes. "Come on."

"Fine." Lyssie sighed, setting the book on the coffee table. She suddenly bolted for the door.

"Catch me if you can!" She called. Riley ran after her. She ran barefoot into the grass, laughing. He caught her by the arm, pulling her into a kiss. When she pulled away, she smiled up at him, and took his hand in hers.

"Now, let's see if we can find them." Lyssie smiled.

After walking around, they finally spotted them.

"What have you two been up to?" Lyssie asked, walking towards them.

"Just planning a few things to do with the garden." Abigail smiled. "What about you?"

"Nothing." Lyssie smiled. Riley kissed her again, and she laughed. But they didn't pull away. They knew how much it bothered Ben and Abigail when they did this. Finally, after a few minutes, Ben cleared his throat.

"Guys? You want to get a room?"

Lyssie pulled away laughing. Suddenly Riley's phone rang.

"Hello? Mhm. OK, alright. That sounds fine. Yeah, you got it chief. Thank you. Bye." He hung up the phone. "They want us in Cairo next week for the opening of the exhibit. They're sending a private jet."

"Sounds fun." Abigail commented.

"I heard Cairo's really romantic." Lyssie grinned. "And wow. A private jet. It sounds cool."

"Yeah, big whoop. Could've had a whole fleet of private jets. Ten percent, Ben. They offered you ten percent and you turned them done." Riley shook his head.

"Riley, we've been over this. It was too much, I couldn't except it." Ben said for what seemed to the hundredth time. Riley never got tired of bugging Ben about the money.

"I actually have this splinter that's been festering for 3 months from an old piece of wood." Riley held out his finger. Lyssie wrinkled her nose.

"A splinter which I told you to get removed."

"I'll tell you what. The next time we find a treasure that redefines history for all mankind, you make the call on finder's fee." Ben said.

"That's funny. What do you care? You got Abi. And me? I got this little gal right here." Riley put his arm around Lyssie's waist, pulling her close.

"Yep." Lyssie grinned.

"Enjoy your spoils." Riley paused, jumping over the seat into the driver's side of his new Ferrari. Lyssie did the same. "While we sit on one percent. One stinking percent. Half of one percent, actually. One percent. Unbelievable." Riley muttered to himself.

"I'm sorry for your suffering, guys." Ben smiled. Lyssie pulled out her bun, letting her long dark hair hang down. She pulled on a pair of sunglasses.

"For the record, Ben, I like the house." Riley commented.

"Yeah, it's nice." Lyssie flashed a grin.

"You know, I chose this estate because in 1812, Charles Carroll met…" Ben began.

"Yeah, someone who did something in history and had fun. Great, wonderful." Riley also put on some sunglasses. "Could've had a bigger house." Riley put the car in drive, going down the long driveway.

"So now what?" Lyssie asked.

"We could go to my place." Riley suggested. "I could make you breakfast, lunch, dinner…Breakfast again."

Lyssie raised her glasses to look at him. "Are you implying something, Mr. Poole?"

"No, of course not." Riley kissed her.

"Whatever you say."

But suddenly, as soon as the words had left her mouth, everything suddenly went dark around Lyssie. She was no longer in a car, but she was standing in complete darkness. She looked around, confused.

"Where….Where am I?"

"You're on the line between fiction and reality." A male voice said. Lyssie jumped. Suddenly an old man, wearing all white, appeared before her.

"And you are?"

"I'm the Guardian of the Line, dear. And it seems you crossed it." The man looked at her seriously.

"How?" Lyssie stared at him in disbelief.

"I believe you rented a DVD, correct?"

"Yes. But what…"

"I think there was a glitch in the system." The Guardian interrupted. "You ended up here. And now, you get a choice. You can go back to your own reality and get back your old life, or you can stay in the other reality, have your old life completely erased, and assume the identity of someone from that reality."

Lyssie thought for a moment. "Well…I would like if I could stay in the 2nd one. Is it possible?"

"It is very possible."

"Then I'll stay." Lyssie nodded firmly.

"As you wish." The man snapped his fingers, and suddenly Lyssie was back where she had been, like nothing had ever happened. She decided to set aside her confusion and enjoy her life here. After all, she was in a place where she could live happily ever after. Or so she thought….


Yeah, it's a cliffhanger. And an extremely confusing ending. But it's a tie in to the sequel. So… keep your eyes open for the sequel, and I hope you enjoyed reading Stuck! It's been a pleasure! You know the drill!
