Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Harry Potter world; I just like to play around with it.

A/N: I had a dream. And I'm going to try to type it up, but I've forgotten so much this will just be based off of it. Like the first sentence…I know that was in my dream. And I don't really like this story so much, but my sister loved it so I'm posting this for her.

Warnings: slash (yaoi, m/m, boy/boy loving etc…), mpreg, disregards Deathly Hallows

And a super special thanks to my beta Sing-Your-Heart-Out! You rock!

You left something undone, it's now your rerun It's the one you can't erase

You should have made it right, so you wouldn't have to fight

To put a smile back on your face

"Fall Away" by The Fray

"If he keeps going like this, he'll endanger his baby and maybe even make himself sick."

Those words still rang in Harry's head. It had been hours since they had been uttered to him but they were still reeling through his head; rewind, playback, repeat.

The worst part about them: they were true.

It had started about a year ago when Harry was finishing up his Auror training. At first Draco was fine, then for a short while he seemed to be walking on sunshine, then he just started to shut down; nobody knew why, Draco wouldn't even tell Harry what it was, and not from lack of effort on Harry's part.

Lately Draco hadn't eating and everyone was worried. Naturally, he usually didn't eat all that much but now that he was pregnant it was becoming a problem. He ate, he just didn't eat a lot; enough to keep him (and the baby) alive. He seemed uncaring; he never wanted to do anything, he mostly just slept and drifted around the house, or disappeared. Harry had heard the sobs.

Harry felt that he'd tried almost everything, in increasing levels of desperation, to get his blonde-lover to eat: he'd taken him to his favorite restaurants, had his favorite foods prepared, bribed him, punished him, threatened him, ordered him, forced him; everything.

I'm not hungry right now, I'll eat something later; I'm not in the mood for that right now; I'll save it and eat it later; I know, I am thinking of the baby, I'm just not up to eating right now; I'm nauseous; Not right now, maybe later.

Draco Malfoy had an excuse for everything.

And when asked about it, he'd just tell them that he did eat and to get off his case about it. If Harry pushed it, Draco would go totally overboard, saying that Harry was trying to save his life for him, and it wasn't his fault. Harry had been shocked the first time this had happened, and Draco had stormed out of the room. Harry heard the sobs once more as Draco slammed the door shut. "It's just the hormones," Harry would tell himself.

But the fact still remained; Draco wouldn't eat unless he needed to and no one could make him do any different. And now he was pregnant, seven weeks to be exact. That was enough to make almost everyone go into total panic mode. Especially Harry.

This was one of the times of his life when Harry Potter once again found himself wholly and utterly hopeless.

And there was nothing he hated more than being hopeless.


Harry entered the bedroom. It was the same room that he and Draco had been sharing since Harry swayed Draco to live with him at Grimmauld Place after the war ended. They decided that they would only live there until they found a more…suitable, more homely place to live. The old Black family home already had its own memories; Harry and Draco wanted a place that they could make their own memories in.

A little over an hour ago Draco had retired back to the room in favor of a nap and Harry was planning on trying to coax him into eating something when he woke up.

Harry opened the door as noiselessly as he could so as to not awake his sleeping lover, only to see that he was already awake, though still looking drowsy, absentmindedly stroking his stomach. The ex-Gryffindor quickly walked across the room and lay next to the blonde on the bed, reaching over to replace Draco's hand with his own.

"You're awake."

"Yeah, about five minutes ago."

"Well since your up," Harry started switching positions so that he was sitting upright, "would you like to go out for a late lunch/early dinner with me?"

"No, I'm fine." Draco answered tearing away from Harry walking over to the bedroom window. His standard "leave me alone" stance and all.

"Draco, please, just tell me what's wrong?" Harry ignored the warning signals; he couldn't help it. This was his Draco they were talking about, and something was most definitely wrong.

"There's nothing wrong. I'm just not up to it." Draco's short tone said it all.

"Not up to it?! You haven't eaten all day! You didn't eat breakfast, you threw what I gave you for lunch out the window, it's already four o'clock and I haven't seen you eat anything!" Harry raged jumping up from the bed. He walked over to Draco put his hands on his shoulders, spinning him round so they were facing each other. Draco couldn't meet his eyes.

"Well maybe I would if you wouldn't pester me about 24 hours a day I would!" Draco turned back, staring out the window, but he wasn't really seeing.

"Fine…fine…" Harry sighed in defeat; "I won't bother you about it anymore."

"Thank you."

"I trust you."

"As you should." The tone was lofty, uncaring, but Harry caught the hurt in it that was meant to be hidden.

"So we still have the rest of the day to spend together, anything you want to do?" Harry said changing the subject slipping his arms around his boyfriend.

"Not really, you?" the ex-Slytherin replied turning around to face the father of his unborn child.

Having a few ideas of what he wanted to do, Harry moved to brush his lips against Draco's, only to have Draco meet him halfway and initiate proper snog. Deepening the kiss, Draco slipped his arms around Harry's waist. Sandwiching Draco between himself and the wall, Harry pressed himself even closer to his lover. At which point Draco could easily feel Harry's growing erection pushing against him, showing Draco exactly what his intentions for the afternoon were.


"Hmm?" Harry replied from where he had started to suck, nip, and lick at Draco's neck.

Draco pushed against Harry's chest to put some space between them (much to Harry's disapproval). "I'm sorry I'm just not…in the mood for that right now."

"Oh, sorry." Harry said sheepishly backing a little way away from him.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault," Draco snapped. "It's just now that I'm pregnant sometimes sex isn't all that appealing anymore," he finished resuming looking out the window so as to avoid the gaze of his obviously aroused long-time boyfriend.

"Oh." Harry repeated. "Well, we…um…we can just do something else then, yeah?"

"So what else would you like to do?"

A/N: Short, I know. But the next chapter is twice as long.

Okay. Then please review if you feel inclined to do so.