(Well, here is a Beetlejuice fan fiction! I love Beetlejuice, especially the show! It cracks me up, ah, the good ol' days. Well, of course, I do not own Beetlejuice or Lydia or the Maitlands etc, etc. If I did, the movie would have a sequel and the show never would have ended. Bwahahahahaha! Also, I know in the movie Lydia was sixteen's but for story purposes lets just say she was fourteen? K? K! Ok, enough jibber jabber, on with the story! Enjoy!)

Lydia stared out the window, Ms. Shannon's voice putting her in a day dream. It started out well enough, she dreamt of Barbara and Adam and the first time she had met them. The poor couple had tried so hard to scare her and her crazy family out of the Maitland homestead. Lydia grinned. With no success of course. The poor ghosts had been through so much. Just as she had made friends with the two, her crazy stepmother and Otho had almost exorcized them! At that memory a cackle and two emerald orbs flashed in her mind. Lydia's heart skipped a beat in fear. Him.


The crazy, manipulative poltergeist she had tricked into saving her dear friends. A familiar pang of guilt hit her before quickly vanishing. He was gone for good and good riddance! He was dirty, foul and…and…


Lydia jumped out of her dream, startled, to see Ms Shannon glaring angrily at her. Lydia flushed with embarrassment as everyone around her began to snicker. Before the teacher could scold her, the bell rang and Lydia grabbed her books and rushed out the door.

"Hey Deetz, get up on the wrong side of the coffin?" Snickered Clare, flipping her blonde hair.

Lydia glared at the girl, she was about to say something in retort when a handsome young boy with dark blonde hair came up behind Clare, placing an arm around her slim shoulders.

"Yeah Deetz, did the vampire clan kick you out of their club?"

Lydia stared at them like they were crazy before brushing past them. Unfortunately, she was never able to think of a witty comment to defend herself with. Not at the right time anyway.

Sighing, Lydia jumped on her bike and headed for home.

Once home, Lydia ran up to the attic, hoping to be able to talk to her surrogate parents, to talk to someone who would understand.

"I'm home!" She shouted happily, throwing her backpack onto the attic floor.

When no one answered, Lydia looked around, confused. There, on a dusty coffee table was a note addressed to her.


Juno needed to speak with us. We will see you tonight. We love you!

The Maitlands

Lydia sighed. Well, she had homework to do anyway. Picking up her backpack, she went down to her room and sat at her vanity-turned-desk. Tapping her pencil, Lydia tried to concentrate on the task at hand. Suddenly the temperature decreased a great deal. Confused, Lydia looked up at her mirror, which was swirling clockwise in an array of colors. Lydia frowned.

"What the…" She mumbled.

An awfully familiar cackle filled the room, stopping her heart in fear. It couldn't be…

"Beetlejuice…" She stuttered.

The temperature dropped some more, causing Lydia to rub her arms in an attempt to warm herself. The mirror sparked and Lydia jumped back, landing flat on her back. When she glanced back up there were two jade orbs glaring at her through a tuft of blonde hair.

"Beetlejuice!" She cried before covering her mouth in horror.

The figure gave a feral grin.

"That was three…" He hissed before stepping out of her mirror onto her vanity.

Lydia shook, hating herself for showing the unexpected weakness.


Beetlejuice narrowed his eyes at the girl who had betrayed him almost three years ago.

"YOU!" He hissed. "Do you know how long I had to wait in that STINKING waiting room?? We had a DEAL kid!"

Fire billowed from the poltergeist's hands.


Beetlejuice cupped a hand over her small mouth, leaning in close, his lips grazing her ear.

"Not that again, Babes. From now on you will no longer be able to say my name in hate…so you can never send me back." He chuckled cynically.

Lydia's eyes widened in fear, tearing slightly with unshed tears. She was doomed. She had cursed him back to the Netherworld and now he was back for revenge…and she couldn't use the one thing that had been able to save her before.

Beetlejuice stared at her a moment, taking in her large brown eyes then the rest of her features, which in contrast were quite small. He frowned slightly. He thought this was the same kid who had ruined his afterlife. It had to be. This was the same house…and she knew who he was and she definitely feared him. He backed up slightly so he could see all of her. She was the same yet different. He couldn't quite place it. She wasn't wearing quite as much make up and her hair was down, framing her delicate face, instead of up and in disarray.

'She grew up dumb ass.' He hissed inwardly. 'It has been almost three years.'

Beetlejuice narrowed his eyes once more. Yes, it HAD been three years. Three years of slow torture in that dang waiting room! Then he had to face the wrath of Juno who insisted that he was FORCING the kid to marry him. Hey! She had made a deal with him! He wasn't forcing her per se, he was just making sure she kept up her end of the bargain.

Suddenly Beetlejuice realized that the kid was no longer in the room and that she was running towards the attic screaming those bumpkins' names. Beetlejuice grumbled as he snapped his fingers, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.


Lydia screamed. She couldn't say his name! The dang poltergeist had cast some kind of spell…he hadn't been joking. She couldn't send him back!!

Just as Lydia had reached the top of the stairs, Beetlejuice reappeared in a foggy mist, leaning casually against the door frame, his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing, Babes? You can't escape me."

With that he reached out and grabbed Lydia by the wrist and pulled her into the porthole that a snap of his fingers had created.

"LET GO OF ME!!!" She screamed, hoping someone would hear her. But no one did.


Beetlejuice dropped the dark haired girl onto the floor of his homestead, the Roadhouse. Lydia, now furious, stood up, her face red from anger and her hair sticking every which way.

"HOW DARE YOU!" She hissed, her breath coming in angry puffs.

Beetlejuice just walked away from her when the front door burst open to reveal a skeleton with a pencil-thin mustache and exorcise clothes adorning him. Lydia blinked.

"Be-atlejuice! What 'ave you done?? How many timez do I have to tell you not to bring random ghoulz to zis place!"

Lydia blinked again.

'Ghoul? She wasn't a ghoul! She was a living, breathing person!'

"Hey you!" She snapped. "I am NOT a ghoul! I-"

"Babes…" Came the low, warning growl of her captor.

Lydia spun around and glared daggers.

"This THING," She snapped pointing at the supposed 'Ghost with the most'. "Has taken me hostage!"

The skeleton's eye sockets grew.

"Mais Non! Be-atlejuice! You cannot treat a lady like zis!"

"Can it bone head." Beetlejuice snapped as he walked towards Lydia. "There is more to this story and I do not feel like sharing. So if you would excuse me, me and my ghoul have some unfinished business."

"NO!" Lydia screamed as she reached for the skeleton. "Please! Listen to me! I am NOT a-"

Beetlejuice covered her mouth with his hand once more, hissing into her ear.

"Idiot! If anyone finds out you aren't a ghost they will make you one!"

Lydia froze for a moment in shock, which was just enough time for Beetlejuice to maneuver her into his bedroom.

Lydia immediately grabbed the lamp near the coffin and chucked it at her captor. Beetlejuice dodged it, glaring at her. Lydia reached for something else to throw when she felt herself being slammed against the wall, Beetlejuice covering her completely. Lydia fought an angry blush as he hissed.

"You wanted in Babes. Now you're in and you are going to see what Hell you put me back in to!"

Lydia struggled to get from his grasp.

"GET OFF!" She shouted, finding the courage to stand up to him.

Beetlejuice bared his teeth angrily at her as she backed away from him.

"Look, you're dead! Why the heck do you want out so badly?!" She snapped, trying to reason with the poltergeist.

Beetlejuice's chest began to heave as if he were taking large, aggravated breaths, his eyes narrowing.

"You think I belong here?" He hissed.

"No." She snapped. "I think you belong in Hell."

Beetlejuice began to glow, blue fire consuming his body as he clenched his fists, blonde hair billowing around him.

"You better watch it little girl."

Lydia screamed in surprise as an invisible force grabbed her around her waist and threw her into the bedroom, a large padlock appearing, locking her inside the room.

"Ugh." Screamed Lydia, before plopping down to sit with her arms crossed over her chest on the bed, an angry scowl on her face.

"Just who in the hell does he think he is?!" She fumed to no on in particular.

"The ghost with most huh, more like the Ghost with the most selfishness!" She spat bitterly, hoping he would hear her through the door.

She plopped down on the bed, her raven black hair framing her pale face over the covers.

"You talkin' to me about selfish toots? I gave you what you wanted and you left me out in the cold-- out in the waiting room anyways." Beetlejuice's face materialized in the ceiling, his features looking angry though his voice sounded more stung then bitter.

"You tried to take advantage of the situation! You tried to take advantage of me! I was just a little girl, I didn't know what any of that really meant and you knew that when you asked me, you didn't want to marry me! You just wanted out of this place, you just were looking out for you, just like you're doing now you jerk. You want me to stay here, then fine, this is MY house now, and you can get out of MY room!" Spat Lydia, throwing a pillow at Beetlejuice, who dematerialized out of the ceiling just before it hit.

"YOUR house!" Beetlejuice laughed through the locked door. "I'm sorry kid, but this is MY house and you are my HOSTAGE. You are going to stay in that room until I say so!"

From inside the room Lydia gasped.

"You can't keep me locked in here! Unlike you I need to eat!"

Beetlejuice laughed. "Oh don't worry, I wont let you die…that would be too easy for you. I'll feed you…but only if you ask for it."

Lydia fumed.


Beetlejuice chuckled.

"Because I know you don't want to die…"

"Death would be better the being stuck with a Jerk for eternity!"

"Hey, look at the bright side, if you died you wouldn't have far to go now wouldja?"

Lydia blinked. He was joking with her now…

"I hate you…"

Beetlejuice inwardly sighed, slightly hurt but he easily hid it with the rest of the emotions that he never let surface.

"Awww, such strong feelings for me already toots? And we're just getting started!"

"No, I--"
"Tell you what," he cut her off "You're right, I shouldn't keep you locked up in here."
Lydia stared dubiously at the sound of his voice, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"What I really should do is take you out tonight, you know show you off to everyone, and who knows, later you might get lucky."

Lydia's face turned bright red as she squeaked in surprise. Did he actually think she would EVER sleep with him?????

"NO!!" She snapped, slightly scared. "I'll stay in here! Here is good!"

"No, No, I insist my dear!" He said proudly, the door flinging open to frame him wearing a tattered, but oddly appropriate tuxedo. Or at least it looked like it might have once been a tuxedo.

Lydia squeaked again as she looked down and noticed she was wearing a tattered black dress with a red spider web cowl. She looked up, eyes wide in horror. He was either leering or sneering at her, but she wasn't quite sure which. Gulping, Lydia jumped off the bed and ran to a corner of the room, leaning against the wall.

"Stay away from me you freak!"

"Oh come on now, I couldn't ever force a lady."

His leer turned a little nasty.
"Of course, that wouldn't apply here would it? Considering a lady wouldn't break her promises, would she?"

Lydia's mouth dropped, blinking. Not sure how to respond she was in so much shock. Instead, she scrunched up her face in aggravation and glared at him.


Beetlejuice mentally cursed himself as he saw that his words had actually really hurt her feelings this time. He told himself that it wasn't his fault though, because she was the one who had broken her word. If she thought it was ok for her to take his help then make him sit in a waiting room for three years without any hurt feelings, well…
But then again, it did strange things to him to see her so upset…

"All right fine. You don't want to go, but you don't want to stay either. Typical woman, never knowing what she wants, making the man make all the decisions. Fine. We'll have a party here then. You'll just have to wait for me while I go out to get a few things."
Lydia heard the clanking of pots and pans and the clatter of the multitude of rubbish that she had seen littering Beetlejuice's house earlier.
"And to clean up the place I guess. "
Beetlejuice's head popped through the door, startling Lydia.
"I have a great idea! You can set up the place for me while I go out shopping! It'll be great!"

"You want me to what? I will NOT do your housework you Jerk! I'm not your maid!"
"Oh? Then why do you dress like that? I mean the kids at school must make fun of you."
Lydia looked down to find that replacing her dress this time was a black and white maid's outfit, with a spider web lace skirt. Spider webs complete with their own spiders. Ew.
Flicking a spider off her skirt and sending it squealing into the other room, Lydia yelled "I AM NOT GOING TO CLEAN YOUR HOUSE FOR YOU!"
Instead of being upset, Beetlejuice's face broke into a huge grin.
"That's the spirit, There's hope for you yet toots! I'll be back soon, so don't long for me too much!"

Lydia screamed and stomped her foot in frustration, not knowing what else to do.

"YOU ARE IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed to his retreating figure.

When he was gone Lydia began to kick and throw things skittering across the floor. She had managed to break the small coffee table and knock over numerous amounts of lamps, shattering their bulbs. Beetles squealed for their very lives as the crazy human girl went on a rampage. Finding a rack of old, rusted wine bottles, Lydia pushed it over, sending the bottles crashing across the floor, their contents flooding the room slightly. Breathing heavily, Lydia blinked as she noticed a small door on the wall where the wine glasses had been.

"What the…" She wondered.

(Cliffie! Dun dun dun! Lol, I hope it doesn't completely suck and that you are at least enjoying it a little bit. R&R pweeze! Reviews make me happy!)