Joe's Rules

I must not take Nick's socks.

Even if their comfy.

I must not erase number two because it is not a rule.

I must not give girls the look.

Even if they're hot.

I must erase number five.

I may not smack people with baseball bats, or else Kevin will not do my hair.

Even if it keeps them quiet.

Or, if it looks fun.

I must not let Kevin do my hair.

I must erase number 8 and 9.

I may not cut my hair unless I start to look like a girl.

I may not state any of my opinions in these rules, or else I shall drink sour milk.

Even if these rules are lame.

I must now drink sour milk for stating my opinion.

I must now erase number fifteen.

I may not flirt with numerous Disney Channel girls.

Even if they're hot.

I must now drink sour milk for stating my opinion.

I must now erase number nineteen.

I must get anger management lessons on how to use a base ball bat when necessary.

I must not wear tight pants, even if they make my butt look big.

I must not let Nick take my stuffed lizard, Bernie.

I must now hit Nick with a base ball bat, for taking my stuffed lizard.

I must take anger management lessons, since I used my base ball bat again.

I must not get mad at Nick for writing down all these rules.

Even if he's being evil.

Even if I don't like being evil.

I must now take another anger management lesson for smacking Nick with a base ball bat.

I must erase number 27 and 28.

I must carry on the title as the 'cute, and funny' one.

Even if I'm going to take over the world.

With, my magical base ball bat.

I must take five more anger management lessons for using my base ball bat on Nick again.

I must not tell anyone that Kevin watches Barney for inspiration, or else he will not do my hair.

I must not let Kevin do my hair for saying he watches Barney.

I must not smack him with my base ball bat, or else I may not use any gel.

I may not use any gel for using my base ball bat on Kevin.

Nick is a cool dude.

I must stop smacking Nick in the head for writing number 39.

I must take another anger management lesson for using my bat.

I must not tell anyone that I dared my brothers to wear a thong.

I may not tell any more secrets to the world, or else I loose my bat.

I must give Nick my base ball bat for telling the world that him and Kevin wore a thong.

I may not put ice in the tub while Nick's taking a shower.

I may not post embarrassing pictures of Kevin on the internet.

I may not state any more opinions.

Even if they're true.

I may now take my 100 anger management lessons, for stealing my bat.

I must now write this list all over because I have crumpled it.

Joe smacks Nick with base ball bat

Nick: That's another anger management lesson for you, Mister!

Joe: smacks again


Joe: puts on Nick's socks

Nick: SICKO!

Joe: I shall rule the world…

Nick: Kevin's not going to due your hair.

Joe: Yes he will.

Nick: Why?

Joe: Cause, He will. evil laugh

Author Note: Get ready for Nick's Rules, and Kevin's rules!