This is pretty much a AU where at times there would be OOC scenes.

I was thinking WAY too much tonight and so here we are...the story Stupid Girl. It's about a woman, in this case Jean, who is trying recover from a break up and while doing so is reliving her past relationships in believing that there's something wrong with her, and in doing so has become wary of men in general.


Logan comes in and displays a liking to Jean, but to her he's too much of the 'bad boy'. Jean's problem is she never takes the risks in life, certainly not in relationships, and her best friend, Ororo, is trying to show Jean that she's missing out by being that shy and timid woman.

As both Logan and Ororo attempt to show Jean that you can't take life without taking chances and living, there's no point to it, and even though there's a risk in getting hurt, it'll hurt more if you live your life by 'never knowing what could have been'.


Risk: to venture upon; take or run the chance of: to risk a fall in climbing; to risk a war.

The risk of love.

She was never one to take risks; not the big ones at least. She'd always play it safe, always acted smart, and always kept a watchful eye on the others. It was the game of dating in the name of love. They always said that you have to go through a lot of bad apples to reach the good one. If there was ever an understatement that would most unquestionably be it.

To find that perfect man, it takes effort on both parties, and if too much thought is put into it…it can become dangerous and detrimental. For a shy and timid woman, it was like standing on the flat ground and looking up at a twenty foot wall, knowing that you had to climb that wall to get to the other side and live your life; Argo…taking a risk. But it was a huge task whereas other women, to them, it was only a ten foot wall, and they were able to get to the other side more effortlessly.

So what was wrong with her? Every time she got close to a man…they'd run away. Her first 'true love' was a classic example. It took them nearly eight years to finally share their first kiss. Eight years before they dated regularly; and he had been patient. Respecting her wishes he slowly let himself in her world by first becoming friends. Eventually, the time came where she was ready…and then came the downfall.

Of course she blamed herself. How couldn't she? All this time she made him wait, and he seemed so honest and compassionate. It happened only after a few months of them dating. She discovered another woman; with her man, in their bed. Scott told her it wasn't her fault, that it was his and he was a man and weak. Well, he had the man part right. She had never felt so used and stupid in her life. She had pushed him away without even realizing it; and all because she was terrified of pushing him away. She didn't take that risk and because she didn't, she lost someone she cared deeply for.

One can tell oneself, in a situation such as this, that from now on they would stop letting their fear get the best of them. From now on she would take those risks and wouldn't think so much about any of the negative aspects that might be present.

Well…that was easier said then done. Especially when she laid eyes on him.


Blinking her eyes and turning her head quickly to the woman's voice, Jean's green eyes found her best friends; Ororo. "What?"

Raising an eyebrow, Ororo folded her arms over her chest and regarded her best friend. "Did you hear one word I said?" Jean blushed and Ororo looked down from the second floor landing only to see him. Knowingly, she smiled. "Oh…I see."

Jean blushed further and lightly slapped Ororo's arm as she glanced down towards the foyer once more. "Ororo!" she whined.

Ororo giggled, finding amusement in her friend's girlish ways. She was only 29, but Ororo would swear that Jean acting 16 sometimes. "You're single," Ororo reminded her as she began to walk down the hallway. "I think it's cute."

With one last look, Jean followed Ororo, and away from temptation. "I don't know what you're talking about," Jean muttered.

Ororo looked at Jean, slightly taken aback at her friends sudden mood change, but shrugged it off. "Jean…it's so obvious that you like him."

Jean shrugged. "I just have a small crush on him. It's no biggie."

Ororo laughed. "Small is such an understatement."

Jean furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you saying?"

"Come on, Jean," she said, rolling her eyebrows. "You told me that you would start taking the risks in relationships!" Jean shrugged, but said nothing. "Come on!" Ororo said again, grabbing Jean's arm, stopping in the hallway, and making Jean look at her. "You can totally tell that he's into you to!"

Jean cracked a grin, inquisitiveness clawing its way up. "Really?" she inquired.

Ororo grinned, knowing full well that she had Jean's full attention. "Uh-huh."

"Well…how do you know?" Ororo released Jean and shrugged, now playing the innocent girl that knew nothing, but in tell had all the good gossip. "Ororo!"

"Well…" she gave in as Jean's wide eyes watched her. "He does stare at you quite often."

Jean made a face. "That's actually kinda creepy."

"I'm surprised," Ororo stated, frowning slightly, and ignoring Jean's comment. "You're a telepath and you couldn't tell?"

Jean shook her head. "You know how my powers are, Ororo."

"I guess," her opposite said, shrugging. "Look, all I'm saying is put yourself out there. Take that risk. How will you ever know if you don't?"

Jean shrugged. "I don't know," she said softly. "I just get so nervous and insecure around him. I mean…he just came here and I know next to nothing about him."


"So…it's hard!" Jean said suddenly frustrating. "His looks got my attention…but how do I know that he really likes me?"

"Well, you use your good looks and charms to find out," Ororo suggested.

Jean frowned, tossing her words in her head, and before she had a chance to question it, Ororo had already walked away and was now heading downstairs to greet him. Jean sighed and tossed her hair behind her shoulders as she leaned against the rail post. She was sure that he had smelled her scent the second he walked in, but he didn't show it, which only confused her. If he really did like her, she was sure that he would show it, and not when she wasn't looking. Men have it so easy, Jean thought bitterly.

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