A/N: Sorry, just felt like writing this. :P And yeah...it's a strange drabble. Some might call Hikaru OOC in this. Whatevers. It's just his overprotectiveness. :P Well...plus his dramatic antics...and...his obsession with his brother. (Kinda.)

It's his charm. ;)

Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran Highschool Host Club.


A teenager was on his knees staring at the stone memorial in front of him. A vase and a piece of flower were in front of it. He stared at the words that were engraved in the stone. His golden eyes were dulled and red meaning that he has cried for some time.

"Why did you have to go?"

His fingers traced the words and he frowned deeply.

"I miss you."

The wind ruffled his light-brown hair as he knelt in silence at the stone. Then he hugged it and relentlessly cried. "Kaoru!! God, why'd you have to go?!"

A shadow crept behind him, and the two figures stood in silence, as the wind messed with his tousled hair, and some strands of light brown stuck to his face.

"Hikaru…just what are you doing?"

"OH KAORU, I MISSED YOU!!" he cried, launching his fifteen year old self at his twin. The figure sighed and patted his back.

"Practicing for my funeral…again?"

"…Great assumption but no, I just HAD to make a grave for you! I thought you'd NEVER come back!!"

"Hikaru…I just came back from the grocery store," Kaoru said a sweat drop on his head. "Yeah, stop angsting whenever I ditch you to go somewhere by myself."

"I was not angsting!"

Kaoru's golden eyes wandered to the vase and stone memorial. "Oh yes you were, and stop preparing for my interment. I'm not gonna die a premature death, you know."

His elder twin's eyes turned glossy as they broke apart from the hug. "B-But, I'm scared of losing you! I almost did once."

"Hikaru. I did not almost die. Just because I almost fell down from a great and scary height did not mean that I was going to die." (Liar. -.-)

"Now can you PLEASE stop doing the angsting? I swear…whenever I even go to the toilet, I see you praying to Buddha."

Hikaru's eyes shifted to the side and he quietly said, "…Fine."

The younger twin's orbs then wandered to the rock that was placed next to his. 'Kaoru' was etched on the rock as well a photo frame stood next to it. His golden pools slightly widened.

"Oh…it was that Kaoru that died."

Nod, nod.

"Hikaru. We can get you another goldfish, and stop naming it 'Kaoru'. Makes it seem that I was the one sent to the grave," he sighed. "I swear...the maids and butlers are always staring at me like some kind of alien."


"Yeah, before I accept your apology, please-"

His hand signaled the many memorial stones dug in the garden.

"Get rid of all these stones with my name on it."

A/N: Ahaha. -ducks from a flying tomato- Okay, so that sucked. ;P I JUST had to write that. My attemp to make some weird angst funny. And since I'm in this mood, expect more angst/humor from me. :P

(Flames are not accepted. Yeah-wait..flamers who love to flame, go ahead. I'll just flame you back. :3 Wanna try that?)

Reveiw please! And yes, I know it's a weird thing. :P And Hikaru's OOC. I'm aware. Yes. Yes. :P
