Chapter 14: A Ray of Hope

A/N: Before I start this chapter, I want to say a few things, so please bear with me. I tend to ramble at times. First of all, a big thank you to everyone who has stuck with me here through this story. It really means a lot to me. I hoping that someday, I will be able to get over 100 reviews on one of my stories, either this one or another story. Second, if this chapter seems a bit disjointed, it's finals week for me, so I don't have that much sleep. Please forgive me. Thanks for sticking with me!!



Karou sighed as she watched Koji training with Yahiko. "Hey Yahiko! Hold the tip of your blade higher. If you don't protect yourself, you could get killed."


Karou smiled a bit as they went back to training. Her thoughts strayed to Kenshin, who had been gone almost three months now. Kenshin, I hope that you're ok. Please stay strong. Come home safe. "Koji?"


"When are you going to get Kenshin?"

"Soon. Don't worry, Karou. He's strong." Koji replied, grinning at her.

She smiled back, then picked up her broom and started sweeping the dirt from the floor. "How three boys can track in so much dirt, I will never know."

"Karou, when's Uncle Kenny coming back?" Ayume asked, walking into the dojo.

"Unka Kenny?" Suzume added.

"He'll be home soon." Karou smiled at them, praying that she was right. Please come home soon, Kenshin. We all need you here.

"Ken-chan! It's been a while." Maiko said happily as the young man came into the kitchen.

"It's only been two weeks, Maiko-dono." Kenshin replied with a grin. He looked over at her. "Do you need me to do anything?"

"Yes. I need you to go shopping for me." She pulled a small bag of coins out of her obi, then handed it to him along with a small piece of paper. "Here's some money and a list of what I need. Take your time."

"Arigato." Kenshin bowed and slipped out, glad to be free from the confines of the temple. He walked through the town, picking up the things he needed. He jumped as he saw a flash of auburn disappearing into an alley. He followed the person, then hollered. "Koji!"

The man stopped, turning, his face paling, then he grinned. "Kenshin! You're ok!"

"Hai." Kenshin replied with a grin. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to take you back."

"Don't. Not yet. Shigeo's in a really bad mood. He'll kill you."

"So? You know how bad Karou is hurting?" Koji asked, harsher than he wanted to. His little brother looked down at the ground with a soft sigh, then looked back up at him. "I'm sorry, Kenshin."

His brother shook his head. "Iie. Listen, we'll both be in trouble if Shigeo finds us, so you'd better go."

"All right." Koji smiled at Kenshin. "It's good to know that you're ok."

"Tell everyone that I'm fine. And tell Karou-dono that I'm ok and that I miss her." Kenshin's voice grew soft as he talked about Karou. "Tell her I'll be home when I can."

Koji nodded. "I will. I am coming for you."

"Wait a few weeks for Shigeo's mood to calm down so you don't get hurt."

"I will." Koji grinned, then disappeared into the crowd. Kenshin grinned and went to finish his shopping.

Koji slipped into the dojo, shutting the door behind him softly. The dojo was dark, except for one soft lantern left in the corner of the dojo. He walked to the lantern, smiling at the piece of paper that was sitting near the lantern. He picked it up and read it. Dear Koji, if you're reading this, I'm glad that you got home safely. If you want, you can make dinner for yourself. Don't worry about waking anyone up. Yahiko sleeps like a log and Sano is at his room in Ruffian's row. Arigato for all you're doing. Karou. He grinned, folding the letter and sticking it in a pocket in his kimono sleeve. He walked into his room, sliding the door shut behind him. He changed into a yukata and dropped to his futon, falling asleep almost instantly.

He was awakened the next morning by the sunlight filtering softly through the rice paper shoji. He rolled out of bed, changing into his clothes. He walked out into the middle of the yard, smiling at Karou, who was standing in the yard, watching the sky change colours. "Good morning, Karou."

She turned, smiling at him. "Good morning, Koji. What time did you home last night?"

"Sometime after midnight. Hey, Karou, come sit down. I have something important to tell you."

She paled in the morning light, stumbling to the dojo porch, sinking down on it. "What is it?"

"I saw Kenshin. He's fine. He sends his greetings. He wanted you to know that he's all right and he misses you. Also, he says that he'll be home when he can." Koji watched Karou's face. A faint blush crossed her cheeks and she smiled.

"He really said that?"

"Hai. He really misses you. I could see it in his face and hear it in his voice."

Karou smiled again, then stood, smoothing her kimono out. "Arigato Koji. I…. that really helps me. Arigato."

"Sure." Koji watched her walk off towards the kitchen. He stayed where he was, seated on the dojo porch, staring at the sky, formulating a plan for rescuing Kenshin as he sat.

"Maiko-dono?" Kenshin's soft voice cut through the quiet morning air. The older woman turned, grinning at the young man. "Are you ok?

"I'm fine, Ken-chan. How are you? I know that Shigeo beats you a lot."

"I'll live. I miss my friends."

"Why are you here anyway? You're a young man. I don't understand what you are doing here or what you did to get on Shigeo's bad side."

"If you can make a cup of tea for us, I'll tell you the whole story."

"Can't you make tea?" Maiko teased him.

He blushed, looking down. "Iie. I never learned. I'm not that cultured…"

Maiko laughed at the boy, who laughed as well. "Well, come on, then. I'll get working."

Kenshin followed her into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the cushions that she had stacked there. She started to make the tea and he started talking. "Shigeo's captured me once before. A little over ten years ago, when I was still a legendary killer, known as the Hitokiri Battousai. I was able to escape with the help of Koji, my brother."

"I remember Koji. He was such a sweet boy." She replied, pouring the tea and handing Kenshin a cup.

"Arigato." Kenshin grinned as he took the cup. "A few weeks ago, Shigeo attacked the dojo where I live and took three of my friends. I was the ransom. He wants to kill the legendary Battousai, but I'm getting more used to that by the year."

Why the hell does everyone want me to die? Battousai complained.

You killed many. That is why many want you to die. Also, you are the strongest in Japan. Rurouni replied.

That's why Shinomori wanted me dead. He wanted to be the strongest.

Hai. But he found his strength and place.

"Ken-chan?" Maiko asked, startling him out of his thoughts.

"Oro? Oh…. Gomen ni." He apologized.

She laughed at him. "Do you think that he's going to kill you?"

"Perhaps. But I am not afraid of dying."

Maiko raised an eyebrow, but decided not question him. "So… did you leave anyone special behind?"

"Hai. I have a lot of close friends that I left."

"Anyone else?"

Kenshin blushed a bit, looking down. "Hai. One. Her name's Karou. She's really special to me."

"You love her, don't you Ken-chan?"

Kenshin paused. "Hai."

Maiko smiled, patting the boy's hand, then she took a drink of her tea. "You'll see her again. I'm sure of that."

"Arigato, Maiko-dono." Kenshin drained his cup of tea, then stood. "Gomen, but I need to get to work, or Shigeo will kill me."

"Of course." Maiko grinned. "Anytime you need to talk, Ken-chan, you know where to find me."

Kenshin nodded and slipped off, letting his mind wander as he went to the meaningless tasks that Shigeo put him to.

Why don't we just kill him and get it over with?

Because we took a vow never to kill again.

You did. I never took that vow. Let me kill him.

If you did not take that vow, then why did you not kill Takada? Why did you hesitate to kill Jin-e? Why have you not flipped the blade when you fight? Rurouni accused.

Battousai paused, frowning. I…. I wanted Takada to be punished.

Death would have been a good punishment for him. And Jin-e? You hesitated. A moment, but you hesitated.

True… But…Fine. You win, Rurouni. I have taken the vow not to kill. Not after what I did.

Rurouni grinned. I knew it, Battousai. You do have feelings.

Shut up, Rurouni. Don't let that out.

Kenshin frowned, then shook his head, breaking his though train. He looked up, then moved to the next job, continuing to work as long as he could, avoiding Shigeo successfully.

A/N: All right! I'm finally done with chapter 14!! Sorry this took so long, but I've been busy. I'm almost on holiday, so I'm getting more free time! Hope you can stick with me till the end!! I'm so thankful to those who stick with me!