Wait for me Re-write by RYOUKOx

"First and foremost and ItachiXSakura fic, Kay [;?"

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but I'll take my chances with Itachi.


Chapter 1.

A retrieval destined to only kunoichi.

Haruno Sakura

It was still dark outside but the window was open and the cold nights wind brushed over my pale face and made me stir suddenly.
My green eyes shot open and I stared up at the dark ceiling; old and tattered as it had always looked.
Slowly I closed my eyes again refusing to believe that I'd woken up to an empty room that no longer held the happiness that I could so easily remember.

But I then realised I could quite happily stay with my eyes closed shielding away from the dark and at that my eyes shot open. I sat bolt upright as the wind threw cold shivers across my delicate skin once again, my hands rubbed my sleeping features and I screwed my hair up in my hands for a second as my body stretched itself out in an attempt to wake myself up more.

I quickly glanced at the clock and its green figures flashed at me like a signal in my head.

Wanting to ignore it I turned it away from me and cupped my face again before clambering out of my soft futon.
My feet slowly touched the floor and I shivered as it felt like stepping out on to a sheet of ice.
I wanted to pull them back up into the futon but knowing that there wouldn't be any point in me staying just led in bed I decided I'd just face the chill that kept creeping over me.

As I walked over to the balcony of my room I looked out over the gates of Konaha and felt the chilling breeze fly over my shoulders and I breathed in it's clean wondrous scent like I'd never smelt it before.

Looking back to my clock I laughed at the small Sake cup and saucer that led there; it was supposedly 'Tsunade's special mix'. Meaning it tasted like utter crap but it would affect you in all of a few sips and (though I never dared to admit it) it was true, I could vaguely remember some drunken antics of the night before, but the clearest being Naruto and I running around screaming while on Konaha's main road before swimming in the lake and being completely frozen while we giggled ourselves silly walking home.

I knew it was best to thank Tsunade for the sake though she'd passed out quite quickly without seeing Naruto pretty much pull apart her office. But I knew that Naruto was smiling whole heartedly at me the whole time, I think it was one of the rare times where we'd forgotten about everything that made us upset.

But he'd need checking on, Naruto had drank quite a dosage more than me and although he and I were in the same state he could just withstand more of 'Tsunade's special mix' being that she generally gave him quite a lot when she annually tried to stop drinking. (Obviously all attempts were un-successful but at least she had the right idea)

I walked into my bathroom and flicked on the light that blinked and scorched my eyes as I'd grown use to the darkness now. I slowly re-opened my emerald eyes and stared at the sink before me.
Washing myself quickly I glanced at myself in the mirror pulling my hair into a high pony tail and realising my hair had slowly grown as long as it had been all those years ago.

It was weird, I guess.

I wondered if he'd even care about what I looked like.
I wondered if he even remembered me at all.

Probably not.

We never did talk about him anymore, we all knew that we thought about him often but we never said a word.
The most we'd say was a muttered word between friends.
Sometimes I'd overhear people that never really knew him talking about him, rude words even though they didn't even know anything about him.
And one the rare occasion they'd just talk about "The Uchiha's", like they were all the same, but I knew they were different.

Okay I understood I'd only ever known one of them but still, how could you tie so many people under the same brush.
I just shook my head and knew that even if he never remembered me, I knew I'd always remember him.
His stupid racoon looking hair and his dark eyes that bored into my soul like I never thought possible.

"My Sasuke" I said slowly and rubbed my arms remembering the last time I'd hugged him.
I bit on my lip and forgot him; it was always for the best.

I looked towards my bathroom door but checked I looked okay before walking back into my room and going to my counter where I'd left the clothes I was going to wear out the night before.
I must've done so while intoxicated being that I'd left out three pairs of brightly coloured shorts and a small pile of linen bandages.
If I wore that I'm sure I'd get some attention walking down the street.
I chuckled to myself stupidly taking two of the shorts and placing them back into my chest of drawers before pulling on the one pair I'd left out and beginning to wrap my chest with the linen bandages, I realised I had barely any and they hardly covered my chest at all.
Walking back over to the drawers I had to hit it to make it open, I needed a new one but I knew I'd have to save the money that I didn't have to buy anything other than my usual amount of food.
I sighed; my room had taken so much battering over the years.

When Shinobi from another village had taken my parents hostage while looking for goods in our home my father had defended me and it ended that they'd kill him, just like that.
And as rude and disrespectful as it may sound; I barely noticed he'd died.

He'd only been around when I was very very young, at least to the age of three.
I had no recollection of him, so when he visited it was like introducing a new person to me every time.

My mother somewhat disapproved of his long absence but I never saw why, If I barely knew him then why would she bother about the both of us so much?

But I guess I found it more difficult when my mother died.
She'd been the one to attempt to make the three of us a working, normal family and knowing that her effort was wasted made me hate myself for not trying harder to acknowledge my Father.

I was only around the ago of sixteen at the time, but it had seemed like any other day.
She'd been complaining for a while of her arms being numb or getting pains throughout her body but now shed been telling me that her arms were hurting.
I tried analysing her myself to put my medic skills at good use but found nothing.
I had an inkling but I didn't act upon it, I knew what was going to happen but denied it and so Naruto assisted me as I took her to a Doctor.

I knew the Doctor but I would never say I trusted him.
He asked me if it was alright for her to stay over night for further examination and I knew then what would happen.
My inkling had been she was brinking death and slight movement was tearing at her muscles and eating away at her vital organs.
There wasn't any way to save her; the disease would only eat away at the other person if they tried to help her.

They would either let her die in suffering by herself, in give her something to calm her pain therefore eventually killing her.
It wasn't pleasant but there was no other answer.
I told him okay and I think we both knew what I was implying.

He'd walked away and I went to see if not for the last time.
She was sleeping and her heart monitor beeped quietly.

I said a quiet good bye stroking her hand and smiling as tears brimmed my eyes.

She said nothing as the tears fell down my face and I squeezed her hand wanting he to hold on.
A smile crept upon her lips and then I walked out.
And we both knew I wasn't coming back.

I sighed at the thought of my Mother.
I guess I did miss her. But never as much as people would've expected, I was already alone.

The wind blew in and I remembered my bandages as I wrapped them back around me securely.
I walked back to my chest of drawers and pulled out a short black kimono that reached mid thigh at a push. I remembered it was a birthday present from Temari, Kankouro and Gaara. Obviously, or I would've hoped that Temari picked it out; It was much like the ones she wore so I guess I was pleased.

Kankouro did seem the type to drool over a girl in a short Kimono.
I shuddered; the male species did sicken me at times.
But nevertheless I pulled the kimono on tightly and fastened it.

I then turned to shake out the sheets of my futon, I glanced at the time and it told me that it was coming up to quatre past five in the morning.
It was still early and as I walked over to the window I realised the suns beams now lay on the trademarked Sakura tree that stood outside my window.
It was cliché and I'd said to my mother about it but she'd just laughed at how I talked older than my age.
The smell would fly into my senses often though and I couldn't help but remember the plate my mother had given me.

For one of my birthdays she'd bought a large plate and had it inscribed for me.

She read it aloud for me.
"When the prettiest flowers bring happiness to themselves it always fills the hearts of others"

She filled a thin layer of water in the bottom and I dropped in the petals that had softly fallen from the tree.

"Thank you Mama" I said and smiled up at her as she handed the plate to me.

I wondered for a moment whether it would be a good idea to fill the bowl, but being that it was the end of September the tree seemed bare and I saw no point.

But the sounds of the street quietly now flooded into my room and I blinked.
"Maybe I should go see Naruto" I thought.
And I headed towards the door.

Pulling on my shoes and my coat I headed out locking the door behind me.
My house was quite large compared to others and if my Mother's and Father's will, would have never guaranteed enough money for me to live I would've probably had to give up our family home.

But I was glad to have it, it was too big for one person but Naruto often stayed over being that he seemed to worry about me so much.
But really I understood why.
He'd lost so many people he'd never want to lose me.
I never wanted to lose him.
Not Naruto, He'd never let me go.

Not ever.
These thoughts ran through my head as I walked slowly through Konaha's back streets, being so early no-one was really around but the small number of people that were; well they were always the same, we saw each other on a regular basis and seemed to wave now and again.

Usually it was shop keepers getting their stalls ready or old folks going about their daily routine but barely anyone else.
Some people went to work but I rarely saw them.

Konaha had grown quiet over the years, when I was younger it was always so full of shouts and laughter but after years I guessed it died down.

There were still tons of local children running around but now I guess I didn't take any notice of them, they just seemed so much quieter.
But then I guess when I was their age you never did realise your own personal volume.
I guess I expected growing up, I'd never change, that I'd always stay the same person that I always had been but when you're young you're invincible.

And I guess I thought I was.

Someone shot past me quickly and I blinked out of my day dream suddenly realising that I'd reached Konaha's main street.
Naruto's place was quite close and I took my time now, it was still early and I doubted that he'd be awake anything before 10am.
So I wandered in and out of shops not really looking for anything in particular but suddenly a familiar flash of purple seemed to run past me.
I could've sworn it was what had run past me earlier but I was unsure obviously.

Suddenly something grabbed my shoulder and I whipped around quickly.
I almost fell into my fighting stance but when I realised who it was I chuckled slightly.

"What so funny aye Sakura?" Ino said throughout vigorous panting.
She bent forward and her chest heaved up and down as she caught her breath.
"Nothing" I laughed heartily and Ino's shining grin stared up at me.

After gaining her breath back she stood straight and I gave her a stern look as she stretched about madly.
"Are you okay Ino?" I asked her bending forward to look at her in the face.
She looked pinkish and she wiped the small beads of sweat away from her nose before smiling as she always did.
"Of course I am, I just thought it a good idea to get a little exercise out of my house this morning" she hesitated and looked away from me with her smile still on her face.

"But I'm beginning to think it's probably better inside, there I don't have to show everyone how I look all sweaty and gross" she chuckled.
I got ready to tell her that even this early she looked radiant as ever and I opened my mouth to tell her yet she interrupted me.

"I don't want to hear it, I look gross and it's final" she said still grinning and I smiled humbly back at her.

After a few moments of unimportant small talk she grabbed my hand and tugged me into the shop that I'd just been stood by.
She took her time looking around the numerous stalls that were filled with different bars of chocolate and she whined that she wanted some but crossed her thoughts and picked up a bottle of water with a huff, she insisted she also bought me one but I refused and told her I'd buy a coffee outside.
With some persuasion with both walked over to the coffee stand that was paces away from the shop and I bought my coffee; black, one sugar.

Ino shook her head at me. "You and your caffeine intake Sakura, they must be through the roof" she laughed as we choose a shiny silver table outside the stand and sat down.

I looked into my plastic cup and stared at my reflection in the rippling hot water.
"Sakura?" Ino questioned me.

I didn't look up but gave a small "Hmm?"

"Sakura?" She tried again and I looked up.
Her face was serious and I guessed she wasn't going to let me watch my reflection for any time longer than I already had.

"Are you okay?" Ino asked me as she neatly folded her hands on the table.
I blinked at her. "Other than a minor hangover?" I said intending to make a joke, but when she didn't laugh I guessed she wanted a much more serious answer.

"Well yeah, I'm fine" I said slightly raising an eyebrow at her. "Why?" I asked suddenly.

Words went through Konaha these days as quickly as the passing breeze and if someone misheard something the whole of Konaha would know in the blink of a misleading eye.

Ino looked down at her bottle of water for a moment and I stared at her before she looked up. Her face was plastered with a half hearted smile and I know the words to follow would be either a lie or a distraction.

"Because you've been staring into your cup for more than five minutes and I thought your body needed caffeine every.." she looked at her watch. "Every three and a half minutes. I don't want you fainting without it" she said sticking her tongue out.

So she'd gone for the distraction.

I smiled at her and took a dignified sip from my cup and she smiled again.
It was completely fake but I couldn't be bothered to ask for the answer and although Ino was the gossip diva she always had been I knew she'd tell me a full blown story about why she was worried about me.
And being that it was so early in the morning I didn't really feel like that sort of impacting information over a cup of black coffee.

But I sighed in my mind knowing that Ino would always be addicted to her gossip as she was sure I was so addicted to caffeine.

I really wasn't, it just so happened that whenever Ino was around I seemed to be either;

-Buying a cup of coffee

-Making a cup of coffee

-Or being beans to make a cup of coffee

So obviously to her it would seem I was addicted.

I wasn't though.

After a moments silence I looked at her.
"I don't drink coffee that often!" I suddenly protested.
She'd been drinking her water while I said it and as she replaced the lid she laughed at me.
"Well no, but if you think about every time you did and then added them all up and subtracted them from the amount of time you didn't drink them then you'd realise how much you drink!" She spurted.

I was totally confused and my puzzled face obviously pleased her.
"Anyway Sakura, must dash I've got a yoga class to go to" She said getting up from her chair and ruffling my hair.
I straightened it out and scowled at her.
"Get lost Ino-pig!" I shouted as she began jogging away.

"No problemo forehead-girl!" she shouted back turning backwards as she ran down the dusty road.

I waved at her and she waved back still not facing forwards and as she turned so undoubtedly ran right into someone.

Both she and whoever the person was fell backward and she only fell right on top of that person.

I stood up to run over to them but stopped when I realised who it was.

Now before I go on I must tell you, I myself have a small figure for a girl of eighteen, I have quite wide hips but the rest of me is petite but Ino was built completely differently.
And without sounding rude she had quite a large ..well.. quite a large chest area.

Which she flaunted quite regularly.

But you see the reason I stopped when I realised who it was, was because when I saw the blushing face of Shikamaru Nara how could you have pulled them apart.

As sickeningly as it was that they both liked each other but couldn't say a word, if I interfered then it might've stopped a vital opportunity for the both of them.
So I left it smiling and watching them.

Ino, suddenly embarrassed (Which is by far a once in a blue moon thing) scrambled off Shikamaru and standing away from him hiding her blushing face.

Shikamaru who lay stunned on the floor for a few moments suddenly realised the Ino had moved and got up quickly searching in his pocket for something.

Ino roughly brushed off her clothes of dirt and apologised to Shikamaru.

I could roughly hear them speaking and watched from my coffee table as Shikamaru pulled out his cigarettes and lighter from his pocket.

I giggled as Ino told Shikamaru off for smoking and he just lit his fag in an attempt obviously to calm his heightened nerves.

Ino must've suddenly snapped back into her usually self as she playfully pulled the lit cigarette from his mouth and broke it in front of him poking her bright red tongue out.
She then kind of looked awkward and quickly hugged him before running off and not looking back.

I wanted to congratulate Shikamaru but I didn't want him to know I was watching. And as he did a weird sort of dance (obviously of joy) even though he'd just been almost rugby tackled by a girl it had been the girl he'd undoubtedly fallen in love with.

But I stayed unknowing and just waved to Shikamaru as he walked off a smile plastered over his usual plain face.

I smiled to myself and drank the last of my now luke-warm coffee before picking up the plastic cup and placing it in the bin.

I remembered that it was best I checked on Naruto, if he was in any state like he usually was after drinking anything Tsunade gave him he'd need someone to check on him.

I quickly passed some familiar shops and inwardly sighed at how I'd remember them when I was young. When they were new and their bright colours used to make my eyes divert and I often ended up walking in the middle of the road.

But now the colours had dulled and the owners had aged but I guess we all had.

I suddenly passed Ichiraku ramen but stopped.

Recently Naruto had given the owner a brilliant idea of selling him ramen in containers so that people could take it away with them instead of it eating at the stand and being that the owner seemed to trust every idea Naruto had he'd invested in the idea and was now getting better business than ever.
I slowly walked inside and the owner and Ayame greeted me with warm smiles on their faces.
I saw there was a large line but when I turned away the owner shouted at me.

"Sakura, what did you want pet?" I always felt like shuddering when someone called me pet, but I guessed he was only being polite and I walked myself back in slightly.
"Well no it's nothing, just Naruto had a little bit of a turn yesterday and I thought if I brought him some ramen he'd cheer up, but you've got a line so I'll com-"

"No!" The owner interrupted me. I tilted my head.
Ayame has already rushed off to prepare more noodles. "Pork or Beef did you want Sakura?" He asked me kindly. I felt bad holding all these people and they were angrily staring at me for being rude but I couldn't help if they already insisted.

"Pork please" I shouted knowing Naruto liked both but I preferred pork.

After a few moments Ayame came rushing back with two containers full of steaming pork ramen.
I blinked wondering if I'd have enough money for two but as I felt in my pocket for my purse the owner held up his hand.

"No, Sakura" he said and as I placed my money on the counter he took my hand. "You both have been costumers for years it won't hurt for two more on the house" He said grinning widely.
Ayame joined the smile and I sighed in defeat re-pocketing my purse and taking the containers.

I thanked them both and walked away from Ichiraku quickly.
For a moment a glanced at the prices and was glad they were on the house seeing as I had far from enough money to pay for both.
They were both so giving to me, I'd never been so glad to be a regular customer.

As I came to see Naruto's high window I looked carefully across the dusty road.

Nothing was coming either way and as half seven in the morning neared more people had filled he roads.

Mothers with their children, young genin going to the academy and the usual jounin who I know knew working so close with Tsunade. I waved at them with my free hand before quickly walking into Naruto's building.
If I would've been stable I would've pushed off and travelled up there but while having the ramen I didn't want to drop it if it was a gift.
I walked the dark stair case and could see a dim light coming from Naruto's doorway.

I reached his door and knocked sheepishly.
If he'd upset his stomach and was sick everywhere I'd definitely have to ready my own stomach.

But he called from the inside and I pushed the door with my free arm.

He must've seen me struggling and opened the door for me having to catch me as I stumbled forward.
"Sakura.." He said shocked.
I stepped back gaining my balance and looked up at him.
Then I realised why he'd used that tone of voice.
There he was standing before me with just his underwear on.

I felt my mouth open and cursed that I'd done it, he laughed whole heartedly and I watched as his toned stomach moved only slightly.
I then flushed a dark red; I was as bad as Hinata.

Although I know if she would've dared seen Naruto like this she was more likely to have an emotional breakdown of embarrassment overloads.

I suddenly regained my composure and giggled as Naruto finished laughing.

"I-I'm sorry Naruto" I said suddenly staring at my feet.
"Don't worry about it aye Sakura-chan" He said slinging his muscular arm around me and holding me close.

I giggled again and jokingly pushed his arm off.
He laughed and I calmed myself hearing him at peace.

"I'm gonna go put a shirt on okay Sakura?" He asked suddenly.

"Yeah, go ahead" I said laughing at myself.
He walked away from me and pulled out a black sort of tank shirt out of a chest of drawers and began to slip his arms in it.
I watched as his tight abs flexed and suddenly the shirt fell over them hiding them.

"Hey Sakura-chan stop staring will you, you're putting me on edge!" He said chuckling.

I laughed awkwardly, my eyes tore themselves away from Naruto and I walked over to his table and placed the two containers of ramen down.

My arms now felt less heavy and I laughed as I looked at his dirty surroundings.

"Can you not clean Naruto, Honestly" I said as I walked over to his bed and shook out his sheets.

"What do you think?" He laughed whole heartedly.

I smiled and my eyes calmed as I saw his familiar cat looking sleeping hat.

It'd always made me laugh when we slept on missions and seeing it again now reminded me of them. I held it then close to my chest and then felt piercing eyes on my back.

"Sakura-chan, is everything okay?" He asked concerning tones running through his voice like a river.

I nodded quickly and put the hat back on to his bed.

"I just remember how young you looked in it is all" I said suddenly.
He smiled and let one of his hands scratch his head as he usually did.

He began to clean and I wondered whether he'd seen the ramen or not but I ignored it and kept cleaning around him as he folded his clothes properly.

When we were finished he sighed and flopped down onto his bed.

I smiled at him and walked over to his table.

"Have you got any chop sticks Naruto?" I asked looking around his counters.

"Umm yeah in the drawer by the kettle" He said still lying on his bed.

"Oh thanks" I said finding them, I knew where he kept bowls being that I'd washed up for him before but was surprised to see so many clean.

Usually they were all stained from previously demolished ramen but I guess Naruto rarely ate at home anymore.

He was always out on missions nowadays.

I placed two bowls on his table filled them with pork ramen before walking over to him and dropping the chopsticks on his stomach.

He flinched and his big blue eyes shot open taking the chopsticks.

I walked away and sat on a chair beginning on my own ramen.

Naruto's eyes suddenly sparkled as he saw another steaming bowl beside mine.

"Sakura-chan you are perfect!!" He said and ran over to sit next to me before greedily tucking into his own ramen.

I smiled at him as I saw his happy face once again.

Once we'd both finished he sat back and rubbed his stomach. "That was great" He said suddenly. "I feel much better"

I smiled. "I didn't think you were really all to alert earlier" I said smiling.

"Pssh neither were you, your eyes got a bit well, delayed is the word?" He said laughing. I blushed again, not even knowing why.

Naruto was attractive but I didn't find him attractive.

To me he was like maybe a second cousin.

Really hot when you look at him but he's your family so you now it's best to not do anything.

I laughed at my own weird thoughts and Naruto chuckled even though he had no idea why.

"I best go really Naruto, Tsunade was expecting me to pick up paperwork half an hour ago" I said suddenly piling our bowls together in his sink.

"Tsunade-baa chan is probably still asleep after all she drank yesterday you know that. Anyway she told me that I should come to her early to talk about a mission but I knew she wouldn't be awake" He said smirking.

I shook my head, trust Naruto to think something like that.

"But if you're going up, I might as well go see what she wants" He said getting up and looking for his forehead protector.

He found it and quickly fastened it around his head before pulling on some shoes as I did the same.

As we walked down the stairs we realised that the temperature had considerably dropped but not really caring we just continued to walk briskly along the Konaha main road.

We made small talk as we usually did, nothing interesting obviously just the usual.

Things that were insignificant unless made important; we talked about the weather, Tsunade's new way to give up drinking, Naruto's previous missions, my own tons of paperwork and occasionally we talked about those old days.

But not today, no today we talked only about Naruto's previous mission and Tsunade's new way to give up drinking.

I laughed as Naruto pointed out the many ways she wouldn't succeed and I agreed with them all as he did put up a good argument.

Soon we reached the bottom of the Hokage tower and started our way walking up the mounds of steps to the top.

Naruto humoured me on the way saying why they couldn't just bring Tsunade to the bottom so we didn't have to walk a mountain to see her.

I, yet again, agreed with his valid point and after a little while we both stopped to take a breather before sighing and walking up the rest of the steps.

I pointed out they were also dangerous, with no railing on the side and being quite narrow to the wall.

I also pointed out that if you were rushing down and someone was rushing up it was quite possible for you both to be part of a nasty collision resulting in someone taking a quite brutal fall no doubt.

Naruto agreed but we laughed it off knowing Tsunade would never agree, she'd give an excuse like "you're ninja mould your chakra to your feet and stick yourself to the steps" she always came out with something obtuse like that.

We took our time after reaching three-quarters of the way up and seemed to just wander ourselves up as we talked about her disrespect for Naruto.
Obviously if Tsunade had overheard us we'd both be in for it and personally I thought they both were just as bad as one another but I couldn't say.

It's not like I could pick between my sensei and my best friend.

But I often found myself doing just that.

Naruto knew though, and he wouldn't ever take it the wrong way if I had to work another night for Tsunade rather than pay him a visit.

But I knew I felt bad, really the both of us had no-one but each other.
And even though we had each other's friendship it wasn't like we saw each other all that often with missions and my paperwork.

Yet, the times we did spend, it just seemed there was no time between us.

I loved it.

We reached the top and I pushed Naruto forward playfully and we both chuckled straightening up after the long trek and made our way up to Tsunade's office.

Naruto obviously had to see her but I was only picking up some paperwork for a little bit of work, I'd do it at home but knowing Naruto was with me I thought I may as well wait for him and at my suggestion he agreed wanting to spend some more time with me.

And obviously I was glad of the company so I smiled as he knocked loudly on the office's large wooden doors.

I carried on and gave him a dignified wave as he slowly entered through the doors.

My office wasn't far from Tsunade's now; she gave me quite a large room where the Third had often used to paint in.
They'd even left some of his painting in there; I had hung them on the wall proudly. If Naruto was to become Hokage I told him that he should enforce the rule of a portrait of the Hokage to be done from his rein onwards.

Because now, well young children who never knew the Third will never know even what he looked like.

Naruto deserved a portrait, I'd grown to love his ways over the years and I'd be proud to call him my Hokage.

I smiled at the thought of Naruto's face if he became our Hokage; I'd be there for him all the way through it. Maybe he'd even let me do Shizune's current job.

I pushed on my doors and they opened slowly revealing my office before me. Walking in I could smell the scent of tea fill my senses. "Maybe Ino was right about the whole caffeine thing" I thought and smiled to myself opening the window slightly and letting crisp air fall through.

I walked to the desk that barely came off the floor and gathered the papers I'd been preparing the few days before.
It was something to do with what Jutsu's they taught at the academy, they'd given me a list of their recent and their proposed ones and I had to ask Tsunade then file them back.

Yet she'd not given me and answer and so I chose myself.

It wasn't a big deal being that the jutsu's asked weren't particularly harmful for genin to use and obviously the academy wouldn't pick any jutsu that would specifically be intended to hurt someone.

I picked up the papers and placed them into a folder that had a large tie around it as to stop the paper from falling out everywhere.

It was my own invention since Tsunade had so much unfinished paperwork and I was glad of it once it was officially made.
A smile passed my face as I slipped the papers inside and closed the large window I'd just opened.

I locked it with a small silver key that I always kept on a chain around my neck.
It opened most of the windows in Konaha being that the person that fitted one window usually fitted all.
In emergencies it always seemed useful and so I never seemed to leave it.

And even this one time, after Sasuke left and when it came around to his birthday.
I went to his house, and came in through a window.
But just stood at his sliding door, seeing the silhouettes of the things inside his bedroom.
I'd placed my hand on the door and just stood there.
Missing him before leaving again.

Because sometimes I just had to miss him.

My hood shook and I pushed the chain back under my kimono before grabbing the folder and heading out of the room.

I closed my own large doors behind me and went towards Tsunade's office, for a moment I wondered whether it'd be a good idea to go in but I rethought my actions being that Naruto's mission could've been private.
I decided it best to just wait outside, yet as I neared the large wooden doors I heard the voice of Naruto, shouting... Distressed.

It wasn't my place to eaves drop but I didn't want to have to find out from Ino what had upset him.
I gently leaned up against the door and tried my best to listen to their conversation.

Their voices were barely audible and I had to push my ear right up to hear hardly anything but then it seemed to clear and I sighed.
"You can't do that Tsunade-baa chan!!" Naruto shouted and I heard a slam of her table as he more than likely was hitting his fists about.
"Naruto-kun is right Tsunade-sama it isn't right to send her away for it, It wouldn't be right and you know it" Shizune's worried voice said.
I heard Tsunade sigh unusually loudly and stand up from her chair.
If I knew her as well as I did right about now she'd be taking a sip from her sake cup while looking out the large series of windows over-looking over Konaha.
"After the recent battles with the wind and water countries we're short of capable shinobi" She started and I heard her take a long sip then hit her sake cup back down onto her desk.

"I wouldn't send her if it weren't for the circumstance, but I don't plan on when other villages will attack our men and women!" She said harshly.
I wondered who they must've been on about, maybe Naruto was worried about Hinata.
Listening hard I was dying to know where they were sending her.
The voices suddenly became muffled again though and I almost cursed out loud from their sudden silence.

"She won't be able to cope with it alone; it's too much for her. It's too much for anyone that knew him"

Naruto's soft voice shocked me.

Was it… him?

I wouldn't expect they'd send any of out available jounin on this sort of mission.
Available ninja were my medic team mostly and we'd be unable to bring anyone back usually.
We were medics to help, not to fight.

I thought through the available female ninja left in our village at present that weren't occupied.
The list was short, very short.
And I realised the only possible capable kunoichi's would include myself, Ino and Hinata.
Ten-ten had trained a few younger female genin and they were out on training as Ten-ten had become jounin and there wasn't time for them to come back on short notice.

The voices began to sigh and I listened at my best again.
"I haven't the choice anymore; I and the Sand's Kazekage have agreed that her skill is capable to defend herself. The decision is made, Sasuke will be returned to Konaha"

I felt a stunned silence, it was sudden.
It was like I needed to pinch myself, but if I did I'd be to numb to feel anything.

Numerous attempts had been made to bring back Sasuke, but all, unfortunately had failed miserably, and now they were appointing one kunoichi for the job?
Tsunade must've been insane, my mind saddened at the thought of losing Ino or Hinata.

But whoever they'd pick, she'd really need all the help she could get.

Sasuke, well he.
I stopped in my path of thought, I wondered what they'd do to him upon his return, he'd betrayed his village in pursuit of the murder of his elder brother and in the process killed many Shinobi.

He was looking for Orochimaru to fulfil his dreams, anyone who could come in contact with either of them seemed to be in for serious trouble no doubt.

My body sighed, what would I do when Sasuke came back, I wanted him here, sure I did.
But wouldn't it be difficult, I'd gone for so long without him I'd never know what to say, how to act around him.

My stomach tied itself in knots and I resisted the urge to talk to it telling it we'd be fine.

I did want him back, I loved him of course I wanted him back.

But it was, difficult.

Very difficult.


Soo here we are again, same stroy just tons better I really like this Chapter, it's such an improvement from the first don'tcha think?
I hope you all enjoy this one as much as I am, i'm writing the third Chapter at the moment.
You will noticed some thign have been cut out and things have been added in.
I'm sorry if your favourite bit has been adapted but I did things in the way that makes them more beleivable, in my point of view anyway.

Hopefully if you review enough on this Chapter i'll get the second up pretty soon, I have to go through it again to check everythign is special and works so just read, review and make it worth while otherwise I might as well stop the story.

But I love you all for being nice -