(Title- Rewrite, Artist- Asian Kong-Fu Generation (opening theme for "Fullmetal Alchemist")

Disclaimer: I don't own them, never owned them and I think it's pretty safe to say that I will never own them either…

Chapter summery: It's a victory celebration, and yet for some it's much more than they bargained for…

Oliver's POV.

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I love winning games. I know it sounds a little childish but I love it still, I mean, a big part of why I joined professional Quidditch was so that I could have this feeling of elation from winning. After all that's the reason most players are in the game, and don't believe if they tell you otherwise- yeah the money's good and all but I can bet that at least 90 of the players on the league would play even for free (although not for too long…).

Tonight was a good night, a good game. We were up against the Kenmare Kestrels, a team mostly known for its brutal game and speed. But we stood our ground and we showed them that even a humble magpies can out fly a kestrel. True, in the end of the game we all looked a bit worse for wear but we had the snitch and in the end this is what counts, right?

I think the best part about winning is the after party, which consists of going out for a drink with friends, sing a couple of completely ridiculous songs that drunken fans came up with (though after a few pints yourself they actually start to sound sensible…) and laughs all around. The pick of my after party is of course only when we go home and I finally have Draco all to myself. Not that we're not having sex on any other day of the week, because I bet we could give some professional porn stars a run for their money both in quantities and qualities- but don't tell Draco I said that, he hates it when I talk about our sex life with strangers… my very own little prude Slytherin, who would have thought…

Anyway, as I said, we have sex quite often but after games it's something different, especially winning games, I much prefer the winning sex over the compensation kind. It's much more fun and let's face it much more kinky and I bloody love it! Plus, I think it's one of my main motivators to put on the best show I can every time I walk into the pitch.

Tonight we came back victorious to Scotland and headed to Glasgow (I can't help it of they have better pubs and clubs in my hometown than they do in Montrose!), grabbed Dave and Abby and went to celebrate our victory. We sat in the corner of a pub and dissected the game while going down on beer after beer. Draco, of course, stopped somewhere between his first and second pints and switched to white wine, lucky for him Abby was our designated driver for tonight (poor girl pretty much always has to be the designated driver since Draco doesn't drive and neither Dave nor I will ever give up the opportunity of drinking…), so he didn't feel all that left out by the 'swivel drinking mob' as he likes to call our little gatherings. We were just looking at the bottom of our glasses staring back at us, and arguing who's going to get the next round when a shadow fell on our table,

"Hello guys, what's up?" Dave and I raised our empty glasses in a loud salute,

"Ryan! It's about time you showed up!" Dave cheered for his little brother, Ryan, who was an obnoxious little kid who always wanted in on our games and grew up to be an obnoxious adult who always wants in on our nights out…

"I was a little busy, if you know what I mean…" Ryan answered slyly and Dave gave him a sceptical snort. Don't get me wrong, I like Ryan, he's always a good laugh, but he lacks something that English people would call proper manners and finesse. We just call him an idiot.

"Hello, Abs, Ollie, new guy." What did I tell you?

"Ryan, I'd like you to meet Draco, my better half. Draco, this is Ryan he's Dave's baby brother." I said with a wide smile, feeling rather generous with my descriptions after who knows how many pints.

"Oh, yeah, you're the wizzie guy, Dave told me all about you. Nice to meet you Dray." I could tell Draco didn't like Ryan without even without looking at him. I don't blame him though, I once tried to call my boyfriend Dray and all it got me was a week on the sofa and blue balls (literally, Draco thought it would be funny to hex them blue… I failed to see the humour in that!)

"Charmed." Draco replied coolly, but Ryan wasn't one to pick up on subtle sarcasm. Instead he went to the bar to get himself a drink and refresh ours (at least he's efficient…) and I clasped Draco's hand under the table, hoping he won't decide to cause a scene because I really don't think I can stop things if he did, I'm way too drunk for that right now.

When Ryan came back things somewhat settled down, although I know that Draco wasn't at all mollified by the new glass of wine Ryan offered him and that he was biding his time for the perfect revenge. I was actually glad he wasn't the sort to cause a scene. If the tables were turned my fist would have probably been put to good use by now but Draco was far too much of a slippery Slytherin and part of me just wanted to sit back and enjoy the show.

"Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" We all glanced at Ryan, who's eyes were fixed on the door, and I could almost hear his mouth flooding with saliva, like a little tidal wave. I turned my bleary eyes to the door to see what the hell was the commotion all about, and we all watched transfixed as she made her way in.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I was more than a tad drunk, but something seemed a little off, yes she was pretty, yes she looked like a million galleons with a short Chinese style dark blue silk dress and four inches high stilettos, hell she looked far to classy for a joint like this but that was just it- she was fucking gorgeous, she made even me interested and I've never, ever been interested in girls…

"She's beautiful, you should go and talk to her." I heard my boyfriend's cool voice by my side, all sincere and truthful, a little bit too truthful if you ask me… but then again, Ryan didn't have the benefit of knowing Draco the way I do and he took his advice without a question, straightening his collar and sleeking his hair back with an expression that would have made every sane girl run away in terror before he sauntered to the bar predatorily to hunt his prey for the night.

"Draco, isn't she a…?" I asked with a hand gesture in the girl's general direction, and my little imp just smiled,

"He called me a wizzie, and Dray. He deserves it." He replied coolly and I snorted into my beer. Dave and Abby looked at us perplexed,

"What's wrong with that girl? I think she's pretty…" Abby said with a jealous look in her eyes as she measured the girl up. Not that Abby has anything to be ashamed off, mind you, she's infinitely better looking than Emma was (and no, I'm not just saying that because I'm still mad at the bitch!), and I regularly taunt Dave for scoring with her,

"There's nothing wrong with her, except that she's not a her." I said with a barely concealed snort of laughter, gods this night keeps getting better! Dave's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he eyed the girl's arse,

"You mean you just sent my wee brother to hit on a lass who is really a bloke?" He asked Draco, "I think you're my new best friend…" He grinned sloppily at Draco who from some reason blushed.

See now this sort of thing should really send me off sulking, first he takes my mother and now my best friend, and if I didn't love Draco so goddamn much I'd be royally pissed right now!

We all watched the way Ryan flirted his way into the girl's pants, with all the sophistication and finesse of a charging bull in the middle of a china shop, but she (I mean he) was either desperate enough to fall for it, or she (I mean he) was into Neanderthals. Either way after about ten minutes they made their way to our table,

"Hey guys, I'd like you to meet Audrey." Ryan gave us all blinding smiles, "Audrey, this is my gang, Dave my brother, Abby, his girlfriend, Oliver- Dave's best mate and Draco, his girlfriend." I again grasped Draco's hand under the table and not a moment too soon, let me tell you because he already had his wand in his hand,

"Hey guys, nice to meet you." She said with a sweet voice, up close I could see that if she didn't have any make-up, wig or dress on I'd definitely want to shag her, him… The delicate bone structure reminded me of Draco's impish features and I started wondering how much it would take to convince him to get into a frock …

"Huh, Ryan, I think you should…" Abby started with an uncertain voice, and Dave nearly chocked on his beer,

"Be careful! You don't want any, unpleasant surprises…" Dave supplied with a wide grin and a swift kick to his girlfriend ankle. Ryan, too drunk on booze and hormones just gave the thumbs up and walked Audrey out of the pub. We all watched them leave and somehow managed to keep it together until the door closed behind their backs. Abby watched us guffling and nearly chocking on our laughter, with a scolding expression,

"You guys are disgusting." Which of course only made us laugh harder. When I finally managed to control my laughter somewhat my stomach was aching and my face too. I leaned tiredly against Draco, finally feeling the strain of the long day seeping into my bones.

"Come on, lovely, let's go home, we still have our victory sex to get to…" I nuzzled his neck and he giggled,

"Yes, well, considering that you're kipping on our couch tonight, I'd say your victory sex will have to wait until tomorrow." I glared at Dave, the party pooper, but he wasn't much effected by it. Damn.

With the generous help of Abby and Draco we somehow managed to make it to the car and then home. I think I'm getting soft in my old age because as soon we got to Dave's gaff and opened up the sofa I was out faster than anyone could say 'Montrose Magpies rule!'

Loud banging noise woke me up the next morning. At first I thought I might have fallen asleep in Dave's workshop and chided myself for being stupid enough to fall asleep in a place full of saws and hammers. After ruling out this option I thought I might have made it to some strange African tribe ritual and that the bangs were drums, but the absolute lack of rhythm convinced me otherwise.

"Would someone open the bloody door already?" I heard Draco grumbling by my side and that of course brought on a third option that seemed a lot more likely than the other two, even if less inspired.

A moment or two later we heard what sounded like a boulder rolling down the stairs, but must have been Dave (same difference if you ask me…) and then the door being yanked open with force. A furious Ryan stormed into the living room, looking livid and flushed,

"You!" He pointed a shaking finger at Draco, who looked back calmly, "You… You bastard!" He spluttered, unable to form words in his state of rage. Draco didn't even bat an eye as he looked at the quite large specimen of Scottish breeding, who was thundering above him,

"What, you didn't enjoy yourself last night?" Dave's calm voice was positively bubbling with suppressed laughter and I tried my hardest not to snigger into the pillow. Ryan looked at all of us, finally realizing that we were all in on the joke and gave a small indignant squeak before he stormed out, his face nearly purple with rage and shame. Dave shook his head and yawned wide,

"I can't believe he woke us up for this…" He muttered and made his way back up to his room. Draco stretched back into the mattress like a large cat who just had all the cream and I hugged him tight, my very own Slytherin, bless his little deviant mind.

A/N: This bit is actually inspired by two songs I really like. The first is called 'Mary lanetzah' (Mary forever) by Ivri Lider and is telling the story of an Audrey who picks this guy in a bar and end up crying in her shower because he's bound to find out she's a boy in the end.

The second one is called 'Tafasti rosh al habar' (Chilling out on the bar) by Shalom Hanoch and is sort of the opposite, telling the story of guy who picks up a girl in a bar only to find out she's really a he.