Ok... here we go...

50 MORE MORE ways to annoy our lovable Zoro... bleh

101- Call out his name and when he comes out to see who was calling his name, tell him nobody was yelling his name.

102- When he asks you something, start singing Showtunes

103- Hide his stuff

104- When he asks you where it is, tell him you hid it.

105- When he tells you to show him where it is, point to the ocean and smile to yourself, you really hid them under your bed and watch him dive in to retreave whatever you stole

106- Give him a really juvenile pet name.

107- Pretend you have the biggest Crush on him!

108- Try to kiss him

109- Tell him Skie's now a Zoro-Fangirl

110- Watch him get all disgusted by that fact

111- Offer to help him do stuff

112- When you do "help" him, do it wrongly or slowly or badly.

113- Make him believe you are a Zoro-Fangirl (for guys, pretend you're gay)

114- Tell him to walk in a straight line when you get on an island

115- Watch him veer without realizing it and laugh

116- Tell him Sanji could kick his butt

117- At anything, any time

118- When he challenges Sanji to something Sanji can't do, tell him Sanji's incapacitated.

119- Get sick and tell him only he can cure you

120- Tell him Nami told you that she raised his ammount that he ows her

121- When he walks into the room, yell "FIRE!"

122- Call him Fairy-Chan (sorry, Zac)

123- Steal his gold earrings when he's asleep

124- Wear his gold earrings and make sure he notices

125- Tell him Luffy gave them to you

126- "Accidentally" knock his food onto the floor and tell him five second rule after SIX seconds!

127- Then give it to Luffy

128- Tell him after he eats something, that you cooked it without washing your hands

129- Give him the Heimlich Maneuver when he takes a bite of food

130- Give him only milk for meals and to drink

131- Tell him it's good for a growing boy

132- Say random phrases to him like, "How much does a poler bear weigh?" then finish it by saying "Enough to break they ice!" (Pick up line, don't ya know! ;P)

133- Use Pick Up Lines on him

134- Use BAD Pick Up Lines on him!

135- Stare at his arms and when he asks you "What?" you say, "They look flabby."

136- Point and laugh when you see him working out extra to made sure his arms are ROCK SOLID

137- One word: Chey

138- Another word: Skie

139- Force him to watch Madagascar and say how cute the lemurs are when they are dancing!

140- Put with his clothes skirts and take all his pants so he's forced to wear the skirt!

141- Make it pink plaid!

142- Tell him he's now gay

143- Offer to wash all his white things and put in Luffy's red shirt with them

144- Tell him you have NO IDEA how it got into the wash when he puts on his now pink shirt

145- Be unusually nice to him

146- Laugh to yourself when you find him freaking out about why you are so nice to him.

147- When he does something to you, say that you wont seek revenge in a painful way and be ok with the fact that he did something to you.

148- See that he's freaking out about the fact that you're ok with whatever he did to you.

149- Mess with his stuff

150- Tell him that the ghosts are out to get him!

Well. Now that there are One hundred Fifty things you can annoy Zoro with, WHY AREN'T YOU ANNOYING HIM WITH THESE 150 THINGS?
