OK,I am going to multi task.While I'm thinking of something for Summertime Karaoke Party,I'm going to be working on this.Hope you enjoy!

Ch.1:First Few Shards Found!

Yuck was on his front porch while his sister,Harmony,played with her own hoverboard.Yuck saw something around Harmony's neck.He looked closely.It was a necklace made out of red shards.

Yuck:Could it be?Yo,Harmony!

Harmony flew right over to Yuck and had a "Whaddya want?" look.

Yuck:What's with all of the shards around your neck?

Harmony:These?I just found them.You want them?I already have a necklace made out of your shells.

Yuck:Do you just wake up evil?

Harmony:Yes.Yes,I do.

Yuck:1:Stay outta my stuff!2:Give me the necklace!

Harmony:I won't do 1,but I'll do 2.

Harmony gave Yuck the necklace and ran off with her hoverboard.



(Okay,so the hoverboard wasn't hers.)Yuck looked at the shards and was right.They're pieces of the Narvinian Jewel!The Narvinian Jewel was intrusted to Goldenia when she was born.And so was Yuck.The shards started glowing and became a whole shard.They became brighter and Yuck couldn't really see.When the light dimmed,Yuck opened his eyes and saw he was in a small village that was burning.He looked in a building that wasn't burning and saw a woman that looked exactly like Goldenia but was older.She had longer hair and wore a purple dress and bands on her tail.The woman was struggling from two wolves.On the other side of the room was a wolf with pure black fur and an old,gray-fured wolf.The black wolf was pinned against the wall of the building.The elder wolf was evidently angry at the black wolf.

Elder:So,you're a sorcerer,are you,Troy?In case you haven't noticed,socerers and sorceresses are not welcome here in Narvinia.

Troy:I know,old man.But I loved your daughter and had to hide the fact that I was a sorcerer.

Elder:I see.Troy,does one of your girls have sorceress powers?

Woman:All of them do.

Elder:Kylie,you will stay out of this!Your post at the Narvinian Jewel's resting place stays since your daughters are sorceresses.

Kylie:Father,all of this is wrong.Just because Troy and the girls are different you have to kill them?

Elder:I will not kill the girls.Troy,however...

The Elder ordered two wolves with bows and arrows to get ready to fire at Troy.Kylie broke free of the guards and ran in front of Troy.She stood there blocking Troy's death.

Elder:Kylie,move out of the way!

Kylie:You kill Troy,you kill me!

Elder:Insolant child.I never thought it would end like this,Kylie Wolf.

The Elder ordered the wolves with bows and arrows to fire.The wolves fired and Kylie was hit.


Kylie fell backwards and when she landed on her back,she coughed violently and blood came out.Her last words was a threat.

Kylie:Listen here,Father.Either Goldenia guards the Narvinian Jewel or this place and its people are dead.

Kylie coughed again and breathed her last breath.The Elder ordered the guards to get rid of Kylie's body and the guards did it.Troy was starting to fade and a black and red aura came off of him.

Troy:This isn't the last you've heard of me.

Troy disappeared and the Elder was mystified.Yuck was horrified.Goldenia didn't mention her grandfather killed her mother.He looked across the room and saw three wolf pup girls.One was Goldenia.Another was pure gold so it was probably Camille.The third one was pure black like Troy.The Elder noticed them and shot magic out of his cane to grab them.They were dropped in seperate directions and the magic pointed towards the directions.Goldenia shed a lone tear.

Yuck was exited out of the village and was wide-eyed.After,he knew what he had to do.He packed up stuff he would need,grabbed Harmony and went on to find more shards of the Narvinian Jewel.

Now when I get this up,I'll work on Chapter 2.In 2,you'll learn more about the villian,Narvinia,the Narvinian Jewel and more!Hope you'll look forward to it!