Chapter 1

There is this girl and her name is Kagome. All her life she has lived in California. When she was younger she would always visit her dad in Forks, Washington. She always hated to go.

"Are you sure that you want to go?" her mom asked her daughter, helping her pack her things, "you know that you can always come live with me and Ben…"

"Yeah I know. And don't worry about it you and Ben can have your own space," Kagome answered.

"I know that you don't like that place, you don't have to go," her mom said.

"Mom don't worry about it ok? I'll be ok you and Ben have fun k?" Kagome smiled.

"Ok. Come on we have to go to the airport," her mom grabbed her stuff and headed to the car. Kagome sighed and grabbed her bags and followed her mom. They got to the car and loaded her stuff in the car and started to the airport. All the way there Kagome looked out the window taking in the last scenery of California. She thought about going to Forks and really she didn't want to go. But she had to for her mom and Ben. But the idea of living with her dad…well she loves him to death but sometimes it's a little weird when they are alone. It's just like awkward silence, but she will get passed that and try to make their relationship work. While she was lost in her own little world her mom kept on looking at her to see if she can try to figure out what she was thinking. She was thinking about things too. She was wondering if she should let her daughter go to Forks. She knew that she didn't like it very much there. But she couldn't stop her from making her own choice. They got to the airport and unloaded her stuff and checked in her bags.

"Ok honey, do you want me to go with you?" her mom asked.

"No it's ok mom, I think I'm old enough to walk by myself. I am 17 ya know," she smiled.

"Ok, but you are still my little girl you know," he mom smiled back.

"Yea I know mom. Ok, I guess this is good-bye for now. Take care and have fun with Ben k? I love you mom," Kagome hugged her mom.

"You take care too, you here? And I will don't worry about that. I love you too, so much," her mom hugged her back. Kagome smiled and she walked away. She looked back and saw her mom waving at her with a smile. She got on the plane and waited for take off so that she could play her iPod. The flight didn't take to long so they were there in no time. The plane landed in Port Angeles a little farther from Forks. She got off and headed towards the baggage claim area. When she got there she saw her dad. He was looking for her so she put on a smile and walked to him.

"Hey dad, how are you," she said hugging him.

"Hey sweetie, I'm doing well. How was your trip?" he smiled and hugged her back.

"It was good," she answered back. He smiled once more.

"Hey come on let's go and get your bags and get out of here," he said and walked over to collect her bags. She followed him to help him get all of her bags. It took them a couple of minutes to make sure that they got all of her bags. When they had everything they went to his Tahoe Truck and put her stuff in. It was about a hour to get to Forks. The drive there was silent which was ok. The air wasn't suffocating and that was new. Kagome smiled and looked out the window. It was the afternoon and everything was so calm. She looked outside and she remember when she last came here. Everything in Forks was covered with nature. Everything was so green. Kagome smiled. She always thought that Forks was so beautiful. For the rest of the drive she stared out the window. Finally they got Mike's house, her dad, and started to get her bags down.

"Here we are, Kagome. Do you want me to help you take your bags up?" Mike asked.

"No it's ok dad, I got this," she smiled in response. He smiled and went into the kitchen. She grabbed her bags and headed upstairs to her room. When she got inside the room, she looked around and smiled.

"Wow, nothing has really changed," she said and put her bags down. Her room was baby blue with black curtains. The only thing that changed was that the bed was bigger and that she had a computer. She started to unpack all her stuff. She finished in about half a hour so she went downstairs because she got a little hungry.

"Hey Kags, I ordered some pizza are you going to have some?" her dad asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah sounds great," she said gong into the kitchen.

"Ok it will be here in about 20 minutes k?"

"Ok that's fine," she replied and went into the living room and watched the TV. The pizza came about 30 minutes later and then they started to eat. They ate in silence watching the TV after Kagome was done she told her dad that she wanted to go and see the area. He told her not to come home to late. She told him ok and grabbed a jacket and left out the door. She took a deep breath when she was outside and started walking around. Right next to her house there was like a little forest. Well it wasn't that little, actually it was really big, so big that you could get lost, but compared to the other forests in the area it was small. She walked into the entrance of the forest and wondered around. It was so peaceful in Forks. Not a lot of city people come here. So it's a quiet little town, where everyone knows everyone. As she was walking she heard a noise. She looked everywhere but saw nothing. Then it happened again. It sounded like foots steps behind her. She didn't move. But then she turned around quickly and again there was nothing.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" she asked no one and no one answered. She waited a couple of minutes but heard nothing more. So Kagome walked back to her house. When she got out it was still bright outside so she walked into town. There she saw people talking with other people. Little kids playing in the street and there were some old ladies talking over a cup of tea. When she walked into town everyone was looking at her. They started to whisper. She didn't pay any mind but kept on walking. She went into a clothing store and looked around. She thought because she was here she would do a little shopping. Because she was from California it doesn't get to cold there and it was already August and it was cold. So Kagome bought some winter clothes and when she was done it was dark outside.

"Oh shoot, I hope dad isn't looking for me," she said to herself and walked back to her house. When she got there her dad was still watching TV.

"Kags is that you?" her dad called from the living room.

"Yeah dad it's me," she said taking off her jacket and walking towards the living room.

"So what did you do? Did you go into town?"

"Yeah I did, I got some shopping done and before that I went into the little forest next to our house,"

"What you went inside the forest?" he asked shocked.

"Yea I did. Why are you so surprised?" she looked at him strangely.

"Kagome I don't want you to go in any of the forests ya hear?" he said.

"But why? I know my way around the forests here,"

"I don't care. I don't like it when you go in there. I feel as though something might happen to you," he said worried.

"Dad…you don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. And nothing will happen to me. Also if I ever needed help I can come to you, you know that right?"

"Yes I know, but you're still my little girl. And besides I'm always going to be looking out for you," he smiled.

"Why do you mean? You can't look after me all the time. You'll be at work," she said.

"That's why, my work. I'm a police officer. I just got the job two weeks ago," he smiled again.

"What? You got the job? That's great dad, I knew how much you wanted to get that job," Kagome hugged her dad.

"Thanks Kags. So I'll always be looking out for you, so I don't have to worry about you,"

"Wait are you like going to follow me wherever I go?"

"Oh no. I won't be doing that. You're a teenager. I'm going to give you your space. What I'm saying is that, if you are ever in danger I can do everything that I can to get you out. Do you get it?"

"Oh ok, I see.You're saying that because you're in the police you will be able to know where I'm going to be and if something happens you'll be there in no time flat right? You'll always be by my side just like some kind of guardian angel," she laughed.

"Yeah sort of like that," he laughed.

"Well. That makes me feel safe. But right now I'm tried so I'm going to bed k? Good night," she said and started to walk up the stairs.

"Ok Kags, good night. See ya in the morning," he said and turned off the TV and walked into the kitchen. Kagome changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed. Instantly she fell asleep.

The next day she woke up early in the morning hearing noises. She got up and went downstairs. She saw her dad eating his breakfast.

"Good morning Kags. Did I wake you up?" he asked.

"Good morning and yeah you kinda did," she yawned.

"Sorry about that. I should have told you that I'm going into work today. I'm sorry," he apologized.

"Don't worry about it dad. It's not you're fault, I was going to wake up anyways," she smiled.

"You were going to wake up at 6:30 in the morning?" he smiled.

"Well….no I wasn't," Kagome laughed.

"Well, you should go back to sleep. You must still be tired. And I'll call you later to check up on you ok? Well I have to go now. I'll see you later," he got up and put his dishes in the sink and walked out the door. Kagome yawned and went back to sleep. A couple of hours later she got up again. So Kagome got her shampoo and stuff and went to go take a shower. When she was done she brushed her teeth and went back to her room and changed. She went downstairs and grabbed a bowl. She walked over to get the cereal but when she got it there was a note. She read it.


I wanted to let you that I left you a little gift outside. I hope that

you like it. I love you.

Love Dad"

Kagome smiled and ran outside. When she got outside she screamed. Right there in the drive way was a brand new Yukon. She walked around the car and admired it. She was in love with her car already. She went back inside to see if she could find the car keys. There hanging next to the door were the keys with a ribbon tied around it. She smiled and jumped in her car. She started it and took it to the town. She couldn't believe that her dad had gotten the car that she always wanted. Kagome drove for about an hour going here and there. Finally she stopped because she got hungry. So she parked her new car in front of a coffee shop and went inside.

"Good morning. How can I help you?" said the cashier.

"Good morning. I would like to order one hot tea and a bagel," Kagome replied.

"Ok. That will be 5.95 please," the cashier smiled. Kagome gave her the money and waited for her food. In a couple of minutes she grabbed her tea and bagel and went to go sit down. She ate in silence looking out the window. For some weird reason she was liking Forks. Kagome smiled and threw her trash away. She got out and went back to her car. She decided to go to the mall. When she got there, there was a lot of activity. She got out of her car and some of the people stared at her. Then some people started whispering to each other. Again she paid no mind and walked in the mall. Kagome went in the shops, sometimes buying clothes or other things like that. Kagome was shoe shopping when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw a guy.

"Hey is your name Kagome?" the guy asked.

"Maybe, who wants to know?" she looked at him.

"Oh sorry, my name is Koga. I've heard all about you Kagome," he smiled.

"How do you know who I am?" she questioned.

"Well everyone knows when a city girl comes to this little town. Everyone knows everyone," he smiled again.

"Oh well, what do you want?"

"I just wanted to get to know you. Is that a problem?"

"Well no it's not," she looked down.

"Hey do you want to hang out with me?"

"Like right now?"

"Yea come on," he grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. She was a little surprised.

'Wow he's strong,' she thought to herself. He smiled and led her everywhere n the mall. Kagome was quiet most of the time. Koga talked most of the time.

"You don't talk much do you?" he asked.

"No…I guess not," she said in a whisper.

"Are you having a bad time?"

"Oh no. I'm having a good time," she smiled. He smiled back.

"So where did you used to live?"

"Well I used to live in California,"

"Wow how was it over there?"

"Well it was always hot and I used to go o the beach a lot,"

"That sounds cool. I want go there one day,"

"Well I hope that you do. It's a really great place," she smiled. After that nothing was said. They were at the mall for a couple of hours, until Kagome got tried of walking.

"Well Koga I had a good time today, but I really should get going. So I guess I'll see you later," she said and headed towards her car. Koga followed her.

"I had a good time too. Do you want to do something tomorrow?" he asked.

"I don't know. I have to see if I have time. So how about I give you my number and call me later k?"

"Ok sounds good," he gave her his hand and she wrote her number. He smiled and looked at her.

"Well there you go. Call me later k? Bye," she said and got into her car and drove off.

"Ha. That was too easy. I got her now," he laughed and walked away. While in the car Kagome smiled to herself.

'He was a really nice guy. I hope we see each other again. He is a really awesome friend,' she thought to herself. While Koga was going home he was thinking about how he was going to get Kagome to be his girlfriend.

'Man, what can I do to make her mine? There has to be something I can do, but what?' he thought to himself, 'I know what I can do. And I know that it will work, even if she doesn't want to be with me.' he smiled to himself.