I eased back in my seat. I didn't think it was so bad, even with the twins in our laps, but Edward was already visibly uncomfortable, only an hour into our flight.

"I wish you'd let us sit in business class, at least," he muttered. "It's a long flight to Atlanta."

"Better to not draw attention to ourselves," I reminded him. He nodded, sighing with exaggerated resignation. Masen conveniently chose that time to whack Edward in the face with a rattle. I giggled.

"Good timing, Masen," I cooed. "You show Daddy who the boss is."

Edward rolled his eyes. "Oh, it's very apparent who the boss is in this family. There's no doubt about it."

Elizabeth shrieked with joy as she noticed something shiny over my shoulder and began bouncing up and down in my lap.

Edward was right – it was going to be a long flight. The twins were only six months old, but they had advanced motor skills and were very active. They definitely weren't used to being in a confined space for very long. And after connecting in Atlanta we still had to make it to West Virginia.

Elkins, West Virginia, population barely over seven thousand, was going to be our new home. I'd pored over the maps and scoured the Internet looking for information. In a way, it was just like Forks: lush forests, mountains and parks nearby, and lots of cloudy days – 211 per year, on average. It was definitely a small town, but it was only an hour and a half south of Morgantown, where the University of West Virginia was located.

The rest of the family was moving there, too, although this time we were pretending to be strangers. Carlisle had gotten a position at the community hospital. The others were resuming their pretend teenage lives. While he was nervous about both of us passing as twenty-somethings, Edward was thrilled to be missing this round of high school.

I was apprehensive about moving to the South, but Emmett was relishing his return to Appalachia. He'd been trotting out his favorite sayings, trying them on for size after years of squelching his instincts. Many of them were wince-inducing, at least to my ears. So of course he liked to try them out on me the most.

"Hey, Bella, how's this one?" He'd leaned over to me before we'd boarded the plane. "'Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining!'" His chest puffed with pride. "Good one, isn't it?"

"Great, Emmett." I said, rolling my eyes. "Just what is it supposed to mean?"

He chuckled. "I'm not sure, but I'll try it out when I get there and let you know what happens." He winked and patted me on the head. "You take care of those kiddies. Tell them Uncle Emmett will be there to see them soon."

Elizabeth's bouncing turned into attempts to pull herself up over the seat back, requiring my attention. As I tried to gently pry her fingers from the cushion, Edward caught my eye.

I thought about the events of the last year; how many twists of fate we'd faced together. If I'd been his Morning Star, he'd been my North Star, shining steadily to guide me toward my unexpected destiny.

My mind shifted briefly to Jacob, whom I had finally left behind. He'd surprised me by being there when we'd gone to claim our children. I think we'd surprised him just as much, though. We caught him cuddling the babies against his hot body, cooing to them in his husky voice. He'd not been alone: a lanky, green-eyed, dirty blonde with an aquiline nose had been with him. She looked tough – she wore black leather head to toe and when her hair fell away from her face, an intricate ink pattern tattooed her slender neck -- but her ease with Jacob suggested she had a gentle heart and a familiarity that had come with time. Jacob's shy smile and look of embarrassment told me all I needed to know. He was finally moving on.

Now, so could I. I knew Alec was still out there. And while he was, my stomach would hold on to its knot of fear as I worried that he would learn the truth of what had happened to his sister and find us to seek his revenge. But for now, my family was together, going to a place that seemed safe and remote, and all was well.

Soon, I'd be able to take my place beside Edward for all eternity. There'd be no more grief, nor threats, hanging over our heads as we did it. When I finally changed, we'd do it because it was the right time and the only way to bring our family circle to its necessary close.

I smiled back at Edward.

I couldn't wait.

A/N This, faithful readers, is the true end of Morning Star. I hope you have enjoyed it and have time for one last review:) Please sign up for author alert -- I have a funny Alice story and a new one about Rosalie coming soon!