Blah blah. I don't own any of the characters, the setting.
Nothing but the parts that I wrote.
All characters and settings are credited to Stephenie Meyer.
However, if I had claim to him, I would so pwn Edward right now.
Yay for gayness!
-insert rainbow here-
Oh yeah, the lyrics I'm using in it to kind of add drama...
Those are from Allister's album Before the Blackout.

This fic is based on a fictional relationship between Edward Cullen and Jacob Black.
It's post-New Moon, pre-Eclipse.
Assuming that she hasn't been 'changed' yet, Bella has gone to visit her mother in Jacksonville.
Edward is left alone to face Jacob Black's feelings for him - and it's hard to fight the fact that he has a physical attraction to him, too, despite how wrong it had to be and the difference in race.

I was getting so damn restless. It was like being without Bella for so long all over again - except this time, I was the one left in Forks. Bella had gone to visit her mother, and informed me that staying in Forks would be a lot better - though, she never told me why. I supposed she thought Renee wouldn't like my company. There was also the possibility she was embarrassed by her mother, or her stepfather - she had mentioned that her mom was scatterbrained... hardly anything to be embarrassed about, but I had stayed put without much question, a bit put out but obedient to my... girlfriend's - or technically, fiance's - needs and desires... I sighed, staring down at the furious water below; I had no fear of falling into the ocean far below the cliff. Someone with no breath to have use for oxygen had no fear of drowning. Though, the cliff did give me an eerie feeling... it was here, possibly the exact place on which I sat, that my love had plunged to near death for the mere sport of it. It had almost been the death of the both of us. I shook the thoughts away, the chill of the evening air not bothering my already cooled, stone-like skin. I was only covered with a black tank-top and matching jeans, an attire that Bella, just that morning before kissing my cheek and climbing on a plane, said looked great on me. She really liked how black looked on me, but in my own opinion it brought visions of exactly what the still mass in my chest was, my sorry excuse for a heart - black. Pitch. I leaned forward a bit, breathing in the scent of the salty ocean - before another one met my nostrils. They flared and I was to my feet in seconds, recognizing the smell. My back was to the cliff edge now, facing the road where my Volvo was parked.
Jacob Black looked frightened by my sudden movement; there was something different about him... usually when he met me, his hands were shaking with that ridiculous anger, his body quivering with the urge to transform into the pathetic monster he was.

"Edward." he seemed to be clarifying that was who I was to himself; I gave him a slightly human 'duh' look and pushed past him, on the way to my car. I didn't want to waste my time on some petty little Indian.
I was taking long strides, and I wasn't used to anyone other than Carlisle or the rest of my family being able to catch up with me. Jacob kept in stride with me. Irritated, I turned and was met with an innocent, almost scared expression. Jake was shirtless, his pants tightened with a plain black belt around his waist and his shoes plain sneakers. I saw his muscles ripple as he crossed his arms, and with surprise I noted how Bella was the least attracted to him.
My physical attraction wasn't a surprise now that I thought of it; I'd never thought much of being partially attracted to men. It didn't matter, as long as I had my Bella. But now that I didn't, it felt as if young Jacob Black had caught me off guard. Cornered me.
I had read his mind before; I knew he found me attractive. I was reading it now, and as soon as I read his intentions - he wasn't working well to hide him; he was too afraid of what I might do, most likely - I turned for my car, hesitated, and opened the door. "Edward..." his voice was slightly hurt, "I...could I ta-"
"You don't want to talk," I answered flatly, "I know what you want, Jacob Black. I always have. If you want your fantasies to remain secret, I suggest you..." my voice trailed off as I looked at his expression in the reflection of my tinted windows. His head hung low, and I was sure his warm skin was crimson. I turned, my golden eyes softening. He was a werewolf, but he had emotions... my face contorted just a bit, casting for his mind... I could almost feel the need that brushed off of him; he wanted me. Badly. He looked up at me like a defendant pleading guilty. My hand slipped from the handle. I wanted to tease him, but I knew that would break him more. Maybe...
No. Bella... I shook my head, opened the door, got in, started the ignition, and drove off, searching for Jacob Black in the rearview mirror.
He was gone. I shrugged.