Hey guys! I wasn't able to sleep because this idea kept running in my mind. It's a really short fic with only six parts. Each part gets longer and longer. I hope you like it! It's very different from the other fics I've written.

Disclaimer: I do not own Instant Star, its characters or 'You Could Be Happy' by Snow Patrol. I Do own the story and new characters mentioned.

Their love was supposed to last forever. They didn't know that forever would end so soon. Thirty years passed by and they never spoke. Many believed that each had moved on. They had each gotten married, had children with their spouses and never spoke about each other.

One day Jude was pulled from her sleep by the sound of a ringing phone. She heard the man next to her mumble a few choice words before getting up. Jude stared at the ceiling as she felt her husband's weight leave the bed. There was a feeling that she couldn't shake. It was with her when she went to sleep the night before and had kept her from sleeping peacefully. Her chest felt tight, as if an invisible force was crushing it. She tried to explain it to her husband but he waved it off as something she ate.

Jude continued to stare at the ceiling, watching as the early sunlight moved across it. Tilting her head to the side, she glanced at the clock. It was only six am. She wondered who would be calling at this hour on a Sunday. There was that feeling again, only now it was paired with a strange sense of panic. Hearing her husband speak louder into the phone, she sat up and walked to the door. Pressing her ear against the door, she strained to hear his words in the next room, her curiosity peaking. She first heard the beep of the phone as he ended the call, then the sound of his footsteps moving towards their bedroom. Not even bothering to move she waited for her husband to open the door.

One look at her husband's face and she knew. Without a word spoken, she knew.

So what do you think? Should I post the rest of it up?