Meh, I'm totally gonna rewrite this chapter in like, a week, I don't like how it turned out. XO I coulda described it alot better! Anyway, yeah, 49th fanfic! Whooot! One more 'til 50! -which will be up in like, 10 minutes-


Al didn't know what to expect when after a week of solitude in his work, Ed finally called him inside the abandoned warehouse he was working in. But it wasn't this.

The room was vast and circular, the walls, ceiling and floor were completely constructed of concrete. The air was humid and heavy, though unnoticed by him through the armor where his soul was encased. All around him was a huge transmutation circle; two diced rings with astrological runes in each separate square. Then the circle emptied into a sign of a six pointed star, double lined with unfamiliar runes inscribed on the inside. At each point, what looked like a white stone sat; topped with black candles that burned with eerie blue flames. The whole circle glistened darkly in the light.

Al stepped inside, peering through the dim light, staring around the room. A smaller but matching circle was written on the ceiling, large runes slightly dripping with wet dark liquid covered the walls. "B[brother? Where are you?" Al asked nervously, taking another step inside.

"Shh..." His brother's voice came from the center of the room, even though he couldn't see him. Stepping over the numerous, complicated lines of the circle, Al approached the center, a large rectangular slab of stone coming into view. Ed was hunched over it, examining the strange pictures carved into the sides. He stood up as he heard Al coming nearer. "It's almost done, Al..."

"Brother...what is this?" Al asked, gesturing around him. Ed ignored his question, crouching down again in front of a large clay bowl filled with a thick, dark substance. He stirred it slowly with a thin spoon inside the bowl, muttering to himself. "Ed...?"

Ed stopped, gently scooping the bowl up into his arms and stood, finally facing his brother. His face was now a sickly pale color, looking strange through the flickering lights. Dark shadows hung over his eyes. Al noticed that instead of his regular clothing, he had on a thin, black robe made with a flowing material hanging loosely around his body. His hair was also different, now set down to cascade down his shoulders. He smiled slightly, the smile not meeting his tired looking eyes. "You trust me...right, Al?" He asked stiffly.

"Of course I do." Al answered honestly. "Just...what is all this?"

Ed frowned, turning away and facing the stone. He carefully poured the substance over it. It hit the stone with a disgusting splattering sound that made Al cringe. After coating it with the substance, he bowed his head low, shadowing the rest of his face. "I'm sorry, Al..." He muttered, his body trembling as he clenched his fists desperately.

"For...what?" Al hesitated as he watched his brother shake his head roughly and drop to his knees in front of the stone. He clapped his hands and gently patted them on the concrete floor. Currents of black alchemic lightning danced up and faded, setting a deep trench to form around the inner circle they were in. Quickly, Ed grabbed another clay bowl and poured the contents inside. It easily filled the trench with clear liquid. Ed stood up, while at the same time grabbing a small matchbox that Al hadn't noticed. He took out a match, lit it and dropped it into the trench. Fire sprung up, licking high into the air. Al gasped; Ed just blankly stared at it, the flames reflecting in his golden eyes.

"I found...there was another kind of alchemy...a different kind...most would say it was witchcraft..." Ed whispered over the crackling of the flames. Al stared at him, unable to understand. Ed went on either way, "The ancients...they studied on the creation of life too...maybe...combined with our could work..." He sighed sadly, staring at the ground. "But, there's no possible way to create life without destroying others...thankfully, this method takes less lives then the Philosopher's Stone would..."

"Brother...what are you talking about?" Al asked slowly, fearfully, completely terrified of the answer. Ed looked up, the light gone from his eyes completely. "Haven't you noticed, Alphonse...?" He asked, raising a hand to point at one of the white stones. Al gasped again. In the dark, it had appeared to just be bleached stones, but now that the flames flickered light at it, it was obvious to see that it was a small human skull.

"There's 6 altogether...2 adults, 2 children and 2 infants...the circles are all written in their blood." Ed whispered. Al stared at his older brother in horror. " you?!"

"I told you, I'd do anything to get your body back," He unhooked a flat-bladed, sharp knife and held it steadily at his wrist. "And I won't rest until I see you smile again, Al." Before Al could stop him or even react, Ed swiftly sliced deep into his wrist without the slightest wrist. He let the knife clatter to the floor after the gash was made, and just stared at the wound as blood bubbled out and seeped down his arm.

"Ed!" Al shouted in surprise. "Why'd you-"

"You have to trust me, Al." Ed told him through gritted teeth. Al sighed sadly, feeling unnerved from the now apparent air of death in the room. "Yes, Brother..."

"I'll need you to lie down on this." He pointed to the slab, at the same time dipping his automail finger into the blood and started drawing patters of runes on his arm and forehead. Al nodded, clambering over to it and lying down. Al bent over him and started drawing matching runes on his armor, over the arms, legs and chest plate. He finished quickly and tugged off Al's armor, setting it beside the stone.


"There's a slim chance that this might not work, Al. If I get this wrong, I'll probably be losing you forever. If that happens...I'm...sorry." Ed whispered, soaking his thumb in blood. "I have to cut your connections to this world, then immediately start the transmutation. Are you...sure you want to do this?"

"We have to. We can't have the people who...died...this can't go to waste." Al replied calmly, denying everything he felt. He couldn't help feeling completely terrified. He had a feeling Ed wasn't telling him all the facts. He felt like he was rocketing towards the black oblivion of death.

"Okay...get ready..." Ed reached into his armor and pressed his red stained thumb onto the shield. All he had to do was move it forward just the slightest bit to smudge it out. Al frantically panicked even if he never voiced it, just screamed inside his head that he didn't want to do this, but couldn't bring himself to say it. "Now!" Ed finally said. Al screamed, aloud this time, his shrill voice echoing loudly in the vacant room, "No!!!" The blood seal broke with a snapping sound, sending a crack through the middle as his soul emptied from the armor.

Startled, Ed drew his hand back, his heart ramming in his ears. His breath caught in his throat as he realized seconds had passed and quickly clapped his hands in frustration and slammed them into the ground. The black lightning formed again, sending red light to envelop the room, swallowing everything in its blinding light.


And that's it! Yay ciffhangers!!!! –evil laugh- I'm updating this soon, maybe in like, 3 days so ya won't have to wait so long!

Please review!