"Why did you come to the past?"

What? He hadn't come to the past, what were they talking about? Harry still didn't know what was going on, but he was stuck in a dungeon with five teenagers like himself. But the thing was, they weren't supposed to be teenagers. He swallowed blinking.


"Why are you here?" a boy with straw coloured hair clarified. Peter was his name.

"If you are from the future, you must have a reason," the girl explained further. "Like, you must be here to change something, right? To right a wrong?"

Harry stared at her. It wasn't everyday that he could see a life size, 3-D 17 year old Lily Evans that he could hear and touch. No, wait, not touch, not when he was tied to a chair. He almost let the word 'mommy' slip through his lips. Thank Merlin he didn't. It was bad enough that they knew he was his father's son. He looked at James, who looked pensive. 'He's still digesting the news of me being his son', Harry thought. Well, he was still trying to understand that the five people standing in front of him (and holding him hostage on a chair in a dungeon) were his parents and their friends. He swallowed again, slowly. Then jumped out of his skin when a hand landed on his shoulder and a angry voice said to his ear

"Answer, you little bugger! Why are you here?"

Sirius shook his shoulder harshly, then walked away to stand beside his best friend, supporting him in his shock.

"Why are you here?" Peter repeated, his arms crossed like Lily's.

"I don't know," Harry finally managed to say. He shook his head slowly. He was doing everything slowly now. "I don't know. I didn't go to the past, I didn't."

"What do you mean you didn't?"

"I didn't do anything," Harry said, "I didn't touch anything weird, I didn't mess up a potion, I...Why are you here?"


That was the first sound that had come from James in a great while, and it made everyone turn their heads.

"We go to this school," Lily said when she looked back at Harry. "We came here a few weeks ago. You know, to study."

"Then we ran into you," Sirius and Peter added simultaneously.

"But," Harry protested, his thoughts slowly getting together again. "But I ran into you! And you forced me in here when you found out that James is my dad."

"Of course we did," Lupin said, coming from the shadows. He, too, had been pretty much silent up until now. "Of course we took you out of sight. We wouldn't want anyone else to see you, would we? Would you want to be seen?"

Harry closed his open mouth when he found that the sound 'er...' was coming out of it without his will.

"The first law of time-travel is 'don't let anyone see you, hear you or notice you in any other way'."

"Uh, yeah, I know, but I'm not time-travelling."

"Then what are you doing here?"

Harry felt like Sirius was attacking him.

"I didn't travel through time, "he counter-attacked, "maybe you did!"

"No we didn't," was Peter's immediate reply, but Harry had an answer ready at hand.

"How do you know? Have you ever travelled through time?"

"Uh, no," of course he hadn't.

"Well I have, and it didn't feel like I did again just now."

The five teenagers were staring wide-eyed at him now.

"You've travelled through time?" they asked.

"Sure have," Harry answered, like it was the most mundane thing.

"You do that?" Lily asked, "In the future? Do you travel through time a lot?"

Harry was going to answer when Lupin stopped him off.

"Don't answer that!" he shouted, making everybody jump.

"Why not?" Sirius asked.

"Because that kind of knowledge is not ours to know."

"What? Why not?" Sirius got irritated. He wanted to know whether or not he would be going back and forth in time when he was older.

"Because it could change things," James spoke, and everyone went quiet.

Then Harry had an idea.

"What do you mean, 'change things'?" Sirius asked.

"Imagine I told you who my mother is," Harry said, looking at everyone's faces. His father's was red, he knew what he was getting at.

"Yeah?" Sirius answered, but Peter let out a 'ohh' as he realized what might happen. Lily was looking down, not daring to look at anyone.

"Imagine I told you it was..." he let his voice trail out, but Lupin shushed at him anyway.

"Don't say it!" he warned him. Harry grinned mischievously in his chair.