Disclaimer :- As repetitive as these things go it should all be obvious, but just in case it is not I do not own anything pertaining to The Covenant. I don't not earn anything from writing this. I do however claim ownership of my O/C's and the plot that I puppeteer them to.

"Okay Nicky, I'm out of here, remember if you need me to cover tomorrow, call me. If not I'll see you Friday", the tall boyish red head called out, straining to be heard over the pandemonium that was Nicky's. Idly fingering the handful of folded notes in her pocket, she felt a smug satisfaction knowing it was earned off her own back.

"Remind me why you work here? If your folks were mine I would be living my weekends up in the city, or Salem at least" the burly man called back.

"Come on Nick...I thought you knew me...My only purpose here is too piss off mummy and daddy. Their darling only daughter is seventeen and working in bar...that little fact does not go down well at the country club. Maybe they'll think better of it the next time they try to hide me in some private school in the middle of nowhere. Beside you know I secretly want you Nick".

"Ha Ha, funny" the goateed man dead panned "We should be fine tomorrow, rumour has it there is another party at the Dells so it should be a quiet night, you should go, let your hair down Alicia".

"Now you're trying to be funny" she snorted, "Alright I'm gone; I'll see you next week".

After a brief wave to the remaining harassed staff, Alicia thanked her lucky stars that she was finally headed back to her dorm, the appeal of a scolding shower practically had her salivating; the stink of stale beer was getting harder and harder to wash away. Her master plan however was somewhat spectacularly thwarted by the large black hummer, embedded in to the hood of her car.

"Mother fucking son of a bitch" she cursed, startling a couple mid coitus against the side wall of Nicky's bar, "Fucking hell get a room" she yelled at them disgustedly before stomping back up the steps and back into Nicky's.

Quickly locating her employer she allowed her fury and annoyance to fill her voice, "Hey Nicky, do you know what sack of shit owns that fucki-…Whoa! What the hell…" Alicia hissed; her vehemence quickly forgotten; as her skirt unceremoniously flew into the air. A la Monroe. Turning quickly on her heel she saw the group who were undoubtedly responsible; the varying stages of mirth and the small stack of notes on their table giving them away. Hotly throwing them a glare, and promising herself she would get to them later she muttered under her breath before turning her attention back to Nicky; who was still looking at her,

"Assholes…anyway as I was saying, do you know what prick owns that black hummer out front, they smashed up my fucking car and I am looking to rip someone's head off".

"Black hummer? You would be looking for Mr. Simms, and he would be one of the…Assholes behind you. Play nice Ali…"

Suddenly thrilled with the chance to kill two birds with one stone she grinned maliciously "Can't promise anything".

The cold blast of night air and the slamming of Nicky's entrance door caught the attention of almost everyone in the room. The furious red head striding determinedly toward the bar however caught the attention of just one.

"What do reckon?" he questioned, nodding his blonde head in her general direction.

"What?" asked Tyler in confusion.

"Red at the bar…what do you reckon?" he repeated, raising his eyebrows in suggestion.

"God you two aren't still on with this game are you?" frowned Caleb, as he rejoined Reid and Tyler, leaning his back against the pool table.

"Only when someone really warrants playing" Reid laughed.

"I'm in…she definitely warrants a game" smirked Pogue, slapping a twenty on the table "Yellow thong" he guessed.

"You three really should know better" Caleb rebuked, before adding his crisp twenty to Pogue's "Black boy shorts" he smirked.

"Nah I think she's practical. White cotton briefs" Tyler mused, adding to the pool.

"Well, I'm going to say… string. Red lace" grinned Reid, his eyes flaming as the girls skirt flew up in a non existent breeze revealing her underwear.

"Well I'll be damned…Poster panties" Pogue laughed, only slightly disappointed that his assumption was wrong. He was sure the yellow straps showing under her shirt was a hint as to what she wore below.

"Did anyone catch what they said?" laughed Caleb.

"If you can read this…it's your lucky night" chuckled Tyler before he pointed out he was closest to being right. They were white cotton after all.

"Damn I wouldn't mind seeing them up close, or on my bedroom floor..." he groaned, biting down on his lip turning his eyes back to the object of his lusting. "Heads up boys she's coming this way" he muttered standing up a little straighter, the ferocity on her face suffocating his laughter.

The girl now standing in front of the four of them growled in outrage "I don't know how you four pulled off your little trick, but this" she said leaning between Caleb and Reid, picking up the notes on the table "is mine. Seriously…do I look fucking deaf?"

"Ahh…" Pogue stammered.

"It was a rhetorical question you moron…" she criticized, scowling at Pogue, "Which of you dumb fucks is Simms'?"

"Why?" asked Caleb cautiously.

"Because his hummer is currently parked on the hood of my fucking car, and I would kindly appreciate it if he would move the heap of crap and then explain to me what he is going to do about my smashed lights and trashed paint job."

Thumping Reid in the arm; none to gently; Tyler hissed at him "I told you you bloody hit something…" pushing away from the table he stepped towards the girl "Sorry. Dickhead here was driving, but it's my truck. I'll come move it and we'll talk about how best to fix the damage" he apologised, placing his hand on her lower back steering her toward the door.

"Get your fucking hand off me…I know where the exit is" she asserted, walking a little faster to move out of his hold.

"Sorry…" he muttered, holding his hands up defensively.

"Whatever…" Rolling her eyes the girl made her exit, both hands pushing the door open with a resounding crack as it hit the wall behind it.

This is the first chapter I have overhauled. Please tell me what you all think. I would really appreciate knowing if this is better.

Read. Review. Eat Chocolate cake!