Disclaimer: I don't own the Covenant. I'm merely borrowing them for my and your entertainment. I promise I'll give them back. Maybe…

AN: I grovel at your feet for forgiveness. It has been too long since I updated, sure the rewrite takes time but still… I should have posted already. I would like to thank the 100+ people who have added this story to their alerts, if you all reviewed I would pee my pants! Well… squeal like a moron anyway…

A big huge shout out to JessicaJo, Lostcullen4223, EastAngels2009, Zenrockstar, Amelia, Johnnyfan122, MissMirandaCullen (apologies for not replying, but all will be revealed xx), Aria DeLoncray, Jen, Zoey24, xXBabyGirlXx, Mocha-Java Boost, Black Purple Roses, Jas120 and Greyhaven11. You are all darn wonderful, thanks for the kind words.

Now shall we continue with the story? Yes? Okay then…

The pale golden light of the fading day cast thin ribbons across Alicia's face; rousing her from her slumber. Refusing to allow the comforting darkness to escape her completely, she kept her eyes closed and instead settled on identifying her location on sound alone.

The distant chimes of a grandfather clock signified that she hadn't made it back to the dorms last night, and the deep rhythmic breathing behind her confirmed that wherever she was she wasn't there alone.

Blindly throwing the covers from her upper half, she sought out the newly exposed arm wrapped securely around her waist; threading her fingers through the coarse pale hair, surprisingly soft to touch, she smiled as she elicited as soft moan from its owner. Easily identifying the body aligned with the curve of her own as that of Reid. Allowing her fingers to continue their descending path, following the crease of his palm, she wove her fingers between his own. Feeling her grasp returned she smiled amusedly to herself whispering to the faux sleeper behind her,

"Reid. Are you awake?"

"Mmmm. No".

Chuckling at his sleepy response Alicia turned to face him, their hands falling, still entwined to the mattress between them.


Confident that the invasive daylight, as faded as it was, was behind her Alicia gave in to her body's urges and opened her eyes, not surprised at the smile tugging the corner of Reid's mouth.

Losing herself in his languid smile Alicia felt something; increasingly familiar; flood through her. Having managed to avoid labelling it thus far, she allowed herself to admit that it was something in the realm of affection.

Much to her own mortification, she had conceded he was devastatingly good looking weeks ago, so lying there face to face with the tussled haired blonde she was both able to appreciate and move past the physical. Observing the relaxed manner of his features she recalled various moments from the past few weeks and days in which he had let his defences down and allowed her to witness a side of him few got the privilege of seeing. Even his 'brothers' seldom saw the person he kept hidden inside.

To everyone around him; his parents, tutors and friends alike Reid was the unflappable sybarite. He was the epitomizing image of the wild child bad boy with no drive or ambition and very little desire to change. To them he was and would continue to be just Reid.

And they would be justified in their reasoning- as she was or had been.

When he had arrived that morning at the garage she had never been so sure of a first impression. She had been certain that no amount of character dissection would prove her initial assessment of him wrong.

At first he had done nothing but confirm her opinions of him, but as the weeks passed by he had wormed his way in and she found herself unwilling to keep him out.

Slowly; gradually; he had revealed truths about himself that left her no option but to forget her judgemental opinions. She marvelled in the man he kept hidden.

He; during one of their pre-dawn strolls towards the pool; had told her how it had taken him years to construct, preen and generally maintain both his image and reputation. If now so close to graduating the mature and grown up side of him was to rear it self he would be ruined. Metaphorically of course; but in an environment where everything was based upon 'old money', name and familial reputation it would result in the end of everything he had ever known.

He had confessed too that he was growing weary, maintaining his extra curricular schedule had become a chore he no longer wished to endure. He was ready for the next step, but he had confided that he couldn't shake his reluctance.

He had until now shrugged the burden placed on his shoulders, to become the man his parents had aspired him to be.

The expectation to not only maintain but to indeed excel in continuing the decades old tradition of carrying the Garwin name in the field of prosecuting law was one of his primary concerns.

He knew that the day for him to bid farewell to his chequered past was fast approaching, that he would have to both embrace and live up to his responsibilities .

They had talked in detail about Universities and Career paths. She had quickly discovered Reid's intellectualism was something Caleb would aspire to challenge. It pained her how much he had kept hidden over the years. It was undoubtedly a hard charade to keep.

Reid's annoyance towards the others and their belief in his blatant disregard at applying to a college was becoming increasingly more obvious to her as time passed. She understood their concerns but she also understood his. They had no way of knowing that he had not only applied to but had succeeded in getting into Harvard. Just as Caleb and Tyler both had.

His neglect in sharing the information stemmed from his need to look out for his brothers. It was no secret that Pogue had yet to be accepted into a reputable college; as was expected of him; and Reid just didn't have it in him to make his brother look bad.

During another of their 'walks' they had discussed what they wanted out of life; after Spenser and University. It came as a surprise to her that Reid had put such a great deal of thought into it. He had shared her desires in wanting a family; his exact words had been that he 'had' to continue his family name; but he explained that he wanted to be established in his career before he eventually settled down. He didn't really express a desire to get married but he did concede that he wanted what his parents had; they had met in their last year of school and had been inseparable ever since. He had smiled to himself as he had explained their relationship.

On one occasion; where they were alone in his dorm room; he had tried to explain, albeit cryptically, something in his life, something irrevocable was approaching.

After last night she could only now; barely; grasp the gravity of what he had tried to tell her that night. She had discovered the catalyst behind most of his revelations.

She wasn't naïve, she knew that last night her life had changed irreversibly, she could readily comprehend there was no way back and the possibilities of what her future now held terrified her.

The tickling sensation of something brushing across her cheek pulled her from her reverie, refocusing her eyes she saw Reid had been studying her as studiously as she had been him.

His sleepy calm had been replaced with seriousness; his eyes had lost their usual teasing glint and a frown was pulling at the corners of his mouth.

"Are you ready to hear all my secrets Alicia?"

Okay my wonderful, beautiful, glorious readers what did you all think? Huh? I can't hear you… Maybe you could review… let me know that way…