Jenny: Yes, I know I am meant to be working on my other story, but I am facing the unfortunate fate of a writers block. I wrote this because it was hovering in my head ALL night. And I hardly got any sleep thank you very much... -.-

Jennis: Awwww, no worries aibou -pats Jenny's back- Im sure you will get some inspiration.

Jenny: Or my DVD -glares at my mom-

Jennis: Or that...

WARNINGS: Mentions of rape (Not graphic, I cant write that stuff...or lemons -pouts- ), Violence, Bad words,probably some spelling mistakes (Brain needs sleep -.- ), Sexual stuff, YAOIIIIIIII!!!! (BoyxBoy) and so much angst you can drown in it. (Well...atempted.)

Pairings: Main pairing BakuraxYugi (Gotta love the Kleptoshippy goodness :3 ), Some YamixYugi, MalikxMarik.

Jenny: If you dont like any of this, then what in Ra's name are you doing here?

Jennis: ...Where are all the other characters, like Seto or Jonouchi, or...Ra even -shudders- Anzu...

Jenny: Oh, about them. The only people apearing are going to be Yugi,Yami,Kura,Ryou,Malik and Marik.Simple reason. This is a short story, so im not gonna describe what everyone thinks. It will just be boring.

Jennis: Hn...lazy...Jenny does not own Yu-Gi-Oh.If she did...well...all homophobes will be scarred for life...


Broken Inoccence

Chapter 1: Rape

-Yugi's POV-

"Huh...Nothing on TV tonight." I surfed from chanel to chanel, but all they had were those crappy talkshows nobody cares about.I finnaly give up and turn the TV off. I sigh and stretch my numb limbs. Ra, its been so boring and quiet after the whole ceremonial duel.

I stare up at the clock.

12:30am. Where the hell was Yami?

He had earlier gone out with Joey and the gang to a pub.You could easily get in there due to the fact they didnt care how old you are and never ask for ID.

They all asked me to come with them, but I declined.Im not really into bars that smell like a dead animal on a hot summers day, or the likely,VERY likely chance of getting mugged,murdered or raped.Or mayeby all together.

I shuddered. Who would want to go to a place like that anyway? Well, there are certain bars that are pretty well kept. But like every other place, only so much cleaning and repairing could be done until it was useless to even try.

-Normal POV (Still with Yugi)-

Yugi once again sighed. Out of boredom or worry, no-one could tell. Mayeby I should just go to bed Yugi thought. He nodded to himself. He was geting increasingly tired. Yawning and stretching, he began to walk up the stairs.

He did the usual routine of brushing his teeth, washing, you get the idea.

Its a bit warm tonight. He thought fanning himself. So he decided to just sleep in his black silk boxers (Jenny&Jennis: -Squeal and faint-). He tossed back his black silk covers and laid on his bed.

Then he started to think, unable to go to sleep, even though he was exausted. Many questions ran through his head. Where was Yami? Why had he not called yet? Is Yami drunk? He sure hoped not.He snuggled against the black silk pillow, letting out a sigh, and instantly falling into a light slumber.

Too bad for him, hope wasnt on his side on this particular day.

-------2 am--------

Yugi suddently jerked awake hearing the front door open and close. Is Yami home? Ran through his mind. He heard clumsy footsteps coming up the stairs, triping over themselves every now and then.Then the footsteps came down the landing, and then the person triped and fell with a loud thud. The person was submerged in a fit of drunken giggles.

Yugi was a mixture of worried, a little scared, and mostly angry. His amethist eyes narrowed (Jenny: Sexy angry Yugi eyes of doom! X3). He sat up, causing the black silk covers to slide down his lithe body, until reaching his waist. "I was freaking right..." Yugi whispered to himself angrily.

Suddently, the handle on the door began to move. Yami was coming in. But why? Yugi thought cautiously, getting ready for anything, eyed ablaze. People who are drunk can do horrific things... Memories flashed through his mind and his eyes slightly clouded, and emotionless, just a void of amethyst.

He was brung back to the present when Yami fell clumsily through the door. Yami soon regained his composture, and looked at the little frail tenshi, eyes of blood glinting with drunken lust. He eyed Yugi and smirked darkly. It seemed alcohol brought out the worst in the yami.

When the dark stepped into the moonlit room, Yugi had to hold back a gasp, but managed to keep his face still. His darkness, his closest friend and the once proud pharaoh of all Egypt, looked like nothing more than a common drunk, like he just stepped out of the nearest gutter.

His tight black jeans were in tatters, with dirt smudged all over it, like a small child had used them as their canvas. His leather tank top was also in similar condition, only most of it seemed to be gone, and Yugi really didnt want to know why. The spiked belts he normaly wore were nowhere to be seen, and leather shoes were caked with dirt.

Yami's usually handsome face was a state to say the least. His skin was pale and pasty, like he was ill. under his eyes lay dark rings, as if he had not slept in millenias. His hair was matted and was more disoriented than normal, a hideous contrast to Yugis current beautiful, clean, silky hair. A few bruises and gashes were visible on his now pale skin, and the cuts were covered in dry blood.

But what Yugi noticed the most, was his precious yami's eyes. His usualy dazzling ruby orbs were a void of what they were earlier. Compasion, love, tenderness and care were now replaced with lust, malice, and some rage.

Yugi shivered as Yami stared at him with those deadly eyes.Then Yami spoke, his voice scaring Yugi even more.

"Well,well, well...What do we have here?" He slurred, apparenly more drunk than first thought. Then he began to take heavy steps towards Yugi's bed. Yugi was beyond scared now. The ruby eyed pharaoh smirked, and leaned in on the amethyst eyed beauty, nearly toppling over in the process.

"Why are you afraid hikari? Im not going to hurt you..." He said in a low deadly whisper. Somehow, Yugi doubted that. The Yami sat down on the bed and climbed on top of the frail boy. He ran a cold, pale finger down the teen's bare chest. Yugi whimpered. He was feeling more scared than ever. From all the insane phycopaths trying to steal the puzzle, to nealy loosing everyone he loved and trusted, this had to be the most terrorfying moment of his young life.

"Beautiful..." Yami whispered, voice laced with pure lust. Great! I picked tonight to wear just my boxers! WHY!? Yugi screamed to himself in his mind.While he was cursing himself, Yami took the chance and swooped down and pushed his mouth onto Yugi's. The smaller of the two snapped out of his mental rant. His eyeds widdened more id that was possible. Time stood still. He could taste the alcohol in Yami's mouth, and it made him sick to his stomach. He desperately tried to push Yami of, but the dark was too poweful.

When Yami pulled away, Yugi gasped for air. He felt violated, and like he was going to be sick. He tried to climb out the bed, but Yami pinned him down, his hot, alcoholic breath filling the air.

Yami looked down and spotted Yugi's silk boxers, and looked back at Yugi's face and grinned maliciously. Amethyst eyes widened.


Yugi felt hot tears fall down his cheeks as he tried to get loose. "Why are you doing this Yami?" He cried.

Yami's mouth was still in that cruel smirk. "Aww...dont you love me aibou?" He began to slide his hands down the teen's slim waist.

"Not like this!" Yugi sobbed.

"Like what?" Yami's hands slid lower.

"Please..." Yugi whispered, tears flowing.

"Hmm...I love it when you beg aibou..." Nearly there.

Yugi gasped when he felt Yami's cold hands on his frail hips.


A scream was heard in the night.


Jennis: -gaping- WHAT DID YOU DO TO YUGI!?!

Jenny: -crying- How could I write that!? -huggles Yugi- PLEASE FORGIVE ME!

Yugi: Its ok Jen-chan. -pats Jenny's back-

Jenny: -sniffles- Okay... sorry for the lack of detail, im not good with that stuff. And no lemon because I cant write them. The next chapter is when 'Kura comes in to save the day (For once.). X3

Bakura: -Holds Yugi close-

Yugi: -blushes- please review. Flames will be used to roast marshmallows. -smiles-