Copyright: I do not own Neon genesis Evangelion or Stargate Sg-1 or Atlantis, these are the property of there respective writers and studios. AKA DON'T SUE ME!

Chapter one: Paradise lost and found

Shinji Ikari, third child and son of Commander Ikari of NERV's third branch found himself kicking and screaming in the middle of Tokyo-3 on a lovely autumn day. He wasn't kicking and screaming for any childish reason such as throwing a hissy fit or that his father had kicked him out of his house (he hadn't thrown a hissy fit when that happened, even when he was a child)...He was inside a giant androgynous purple android that a certain US major general had once called 'a giant purple person eater' when he first saw it. At his feet was the event horizon of what humans had called a Dirac sea.

"Asuka! Save me! Please for the love of god save me!" He screamed into the Evangelion's comm. System which linked the three evangelions together. The red devil( as she had been named by Touji due to her hair colour and her hellish mindset.) Fired yet another salvo of shots into the large spherical angel which over Shinji. She gave up that idea fairly quickly, after she had noticed that most of the bullets had impacted clouds behind the angel instead of the angel itself. Remembering her actions at the battle of over the rainbow she leapt on a building that hadn't yet fallen into the Dirac sea before quickly jumping on another and another. Not before long she was in contact distance with Shinji, her plan was simple and if she did say so herself quite brilliant. Grab Shinji's remaining arm and swing him out of the hot zone while leaping out of danger herself.

Sadly howether for all her brilliance she had misjudged how strong the gravitational pull of a Dirac sea could be. She couldn't pull Shinji out of the sea and that 'Baka' hadn't the intelligence to let go. They were both pulled into the Dirac sea.

Three miles behind the trenches…

Rei Ayanami sat in her entry plug alone with her eyes closed thinking of her favourite tree outside the school classroom. She was waiting for NERV to put her on combat status so she could go into combat. Se listened to Ikari's and the second child's radio chatter and cries for help.

Her hand (her evangelions hand, that is) began to twitch uncontrollably. She tried to ignore it and carry on but it was of no use, the feeling had spread up her arms and down her legs. She closed her eyes for a second or two before opening them. A whimper escaped her lips as she realised what was happening, she was in flight. Before she had to contain the urge to vomit she had already hit the ground again or rather hit sea…again. She had been encompassed by the Dirac sea.

"Another unfamiliar ceiling"-Shinji Ikari.

First came silence and blackness. He then saw an incredibly bright light like that which rivalled that off the sun. He could hear and incredibly loud noise, like that off an vacuum cleaner only 1,000,000,000x louder and intense. Then it dawned on him that he was spinning in a sea of blackness interrupted by only the occasional sprinkle of unfamiliar stars. There was only one possibility left, he was in space, in orbit of a planet.

"Baka Shinji! You awake yet?" Screamed a certain red devil into the comm. System.

"I am now, what happened?" He replied, only now noticing now that the aforementioned self appointed German Quasi-Princess was there next to him, holding his hand.

"Well as typical you were in a hole and when I tried to save you, you weighed to much and made me screw up Baka! Now, look where we are…in orbit! If we don't die I'm gonna kill you!" The second child screamed through the comm in a fit of primeval that only an annoyed women could supply.

"Shinji Kun?" The two Evangelions turned to see the prone form of unit 00 floating in space at least a mile away from them. Shinji opened a visual COM. Link to his female companions and sent a message to Asuka to do the same.

"Can anyone see the moon?" Asuka asked as the three of them floated in the vast emptiness of space.

"Asuka chan, I don't think that that's Earth." Replied Shinji, slightly shell shocked at his discovery,

"What do you mean, Ikari?" Rei asked.

"Look at the plantet, do you see Europe? The Americas? Japan? Or Africa? And look at that! It looks like an asteroid field." Shinji said as he marvelled at the alien world in front of him.

"I think your right Bak…" Asuka was interrupted by a white hot pain in her back, like being hit with large baseball bat at close range in the ass.

All three of them encountered the same white hot pain soon enough, it was only Rei that could make out what was firing at them. The closest analogy would be something that Kensuke had referred to as a 'X-71' blackbird. Over the radio she could hear a sound that resembled a humming bird. She tried to move closer to the other pilots but it was no use, they were already unconscious from the pain. As she herself fell into the deep sea of oblivion that was unconsciousness she spotted several of what she thought resembled tin cans coming from the surface.


Coming next chapter…

Shinji meets the famed Hippoforalkus of Atlantis and the women who would one day become known as Merlins arch riva.

Rei meets people like herself.

Asuka calls Shinji a 'baka' once again.

Next time….Neon Genesis Evangelion: Lantean days chapter two: Losing my religion.