22Demon Lullaby22

Demon Lullaby


Chapter 2

It has been two days sense the attack at the shrine and the nurse was in Taiso's room checking her vitals when Koenma and Kurama walked into the room the nurse leaving to give them all some privacy.

"Hey Suichi- who's that your little brother; sense when did your mom have a kid?"

"Please call me Kurama and this is-"

"I am Koenma ruler of Spirit world and you would do good to remember that I am your superior!" Koenma ranted his face red with anger and annoyance.

"Hn, silence your self baby before I do it for you." said a voice from the door way. Koenma gulped slightly as Hiei walked calmly by him and over to the window seat closest to the bed.

"Well Taiso sense Hiei is here now we can start with the debriefing; you are a special human made in the bowls of Spirit world to be used in experiments to diagnose and cure many human diseases that can be devastating to demons-"


"Please let me finish; you where made to be able to survive these diseases and so you will not die at any time; testing starts in three months time that should be enough time to get used to living here."

"Hold up there Tiny Tim! Who said I wanted to be experimented on?"

"I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter Taiso-Chan."

"Not you to Su-Kurama! You agree with him on this?!"

"Not entirely but it was already decided before I stated working for Koenma; I had no part in this scheme of his and nor do I find any joy in helping him with it." he said with a mild glare at the toddler prince who glared right back. Taiso glared at him too and went to stand up; her legs wobbled slightly as she watched over to the toddler and picked him up by the scruff of his shirt bringing him up to eye level.

"What makes you think you can toy with people's lives?! I am not an experiment and I refuse to be experimented on!" she said; her legs gave way then her body tumbling towards the floor; Hiei caught her just before she hit the ground her small form leaning on him for support.

"Do you understand toddler; bring one needle to me and I'll kill you." She said before fainting; Hiei glared at Koenma and picked her up taking her back over to the bed. He tucked her in pulling the blankets up to her chin before turning on Koenma. With one last glare he jumped back onto the window sill his crimson eyes watched Koenma's and Kurama's reflections as they exited the room.

Koenma you better know what your doing for you sake… Kurama said with one last look at the hospital room.

Another day passed and Taiso was released from the hospital ward with instructions to clean her wounds every 24 hours and change bandages every 4-6 hours. She and Hiei walked down the hall and out of the ward taking a left and walking down some random halls.

"Hiei-Kun where are we going?"

"Koenma had informed me that you will be staying here with Kurama and the rest of us; your room is next to mine, Kurama's is across from yours as are the other twos rooms."

"oh ok " she said locking arms with him and looking around at the many doors they where passing along with portraits of past rulers and their queens.

"Who are the other two any ways?"

"You will find out soon enough."


They walked in silence taking turns when needed and going through door ways at random to turn up in another hall way or a room of doors where they would choose a door and go through into another hall way.

"What's with all the halls and doors?"

"Its incase any one should break in and steel from the vault they would get lost in the many halls and door ways forced to stay in there until some one comes and arrests them."

"How often do they clean out the rooms?"

"Every 10 years…"



They made it another door this one slightly different then the others; it was taller and wider with carving along the surface of a dragon a fox a human and one type of Yokai that Taiso couldn't place. Hiei placed his hand over the dragon witch jerked under his touch and went in a circle around the other three creatures before settling under his hand again the door swinging open and allowing them in. Hiei walked in as if nothing strange had happened with Taiso following behind while studying the door looking for the magnet that had moved the dragon witch snapped at her when she tried to touch it making the other three growled as well except for the strange looking yokai who growled and snapped at the other creatures who then fell silent and allowed her to pass fully. She hurried and caught up with Hiei who glanced at her before continuing down the hall where their where 5 doors. Two where on one side one bearing a dragon carving and that same strange yokai; on the other side where three other doors the one in the center held a fox while the other two had a human carved into their surfaces.

"Onna, this one is your room." Hiei said breaking her from her trance. She looked to where he was pointing seeing the door with the strange yokai on it; the yokai hissed at his finger and snapped its jaws at him revealing sharp fangs.

"Umm, Hiei; what kind of Yokai is that?"

"It's a cat yokai."

"Oh, ok…" she said; she went to open the door with the handle but it wouldn't budge.


"Put you hand over the carving and give it a mental command." Hiei said as he placed a hand on his own door witch was right next to hers. She did as instructed and suddenly a warmth filled her every being.

'Hello there Taiso; what do you wish of me?'

'Ummmmm; I need to enter my room so; open the door please…'

'as you wish…' the warmth suddenly left and the door swung open revealing a large bed room. The walls where dark red: matching Hiei's eyes; while the curtains where black and slightly see through. The bed was a large 4 poster bed with black sheets and dark red and black pillows and the ceiling was black with a 3D solar system painted on it. There where two other doors on the opposite side of the room. Walking over she opened the one on the left and found it to be a closet; opening the other she found a dark red and black bath room that matched the bed room. Walking out of the bath room she notices another door she had mistaken for a window that led to a balcony.

She walked out onto the balcony and found that another door on the left into another room that was mostly black; Hiei must share this balcony with her; the view was magnificent; a huge clearing with a large lake filled most of the scenery the weeping willows around the lake giving it a secluded look; a few yards from the lake there was a large forest that went on all the way to the horizon and even further. She looked down to see how fare they where from the ground and was delighted to find that there was a flower garden almost as big as a foot ball field bellow their balcony; this place was perfect.

"Hn, so I take it that you like it." Hiei stated more then asked as he came to stand next to her.

"Its beautiful out here; I can only imagine what a sun set would look like if this is what it looks like during the day."


"What do you mean 'hn'? Are you telling me you've never watched the sun set from up here?"

"After over 500 years of nothing to do but watch sun sets you've seen them all…"

"…O.o… how old did you say you where?"

"Hn I'm not old, you're- never mind."

"What? I'm actually what?"


"Fine don't say any thing, I'm gonna go explore… where's every one else any ways?"

"Kurama is in his room and the two idiots are some where in the living quarters just down the hall and to your left."

"Ok " she said and turned to walk away when Hiei grabbed her hand pulling her back against his chest; she could feel his warm breath on her ear as he spoke.

"I have only two rules;1) Do not enter the forest for any reason unless I am with you; 2) don't leave the garden unless either me or the fox is with you; 3) don't get lost in the halls, under stood; if you do get lost just contact me-"

"How will I-"

"Just open your mind and continue to think of my name, I will find you by that."

"Hai master Hiei." she said sarcastically

"And don't get your self killed; you've been getting closer and closer each time."

"Hey I don't almost die that much."

"Unless you count that buss last week and the week before that the trip to the zoo for science class and before that-"

"Alright, alright I promise not to get killed; unless it's mutilation by tooth picks!"



"Hn, be careful and remember if you-"

"Get lost call, yes dad I know I know."

"Hn…" he said before nuzzling her cheek and disappearing leaving he there on the balcony.

Taiso was nervous; she was walking down the hall towards where Hiei said the living quarters where; who where her other two team mates? What where they like; where they really idiots or was that just Hiei being Hiei like normal calling every one besides her and Kurama stupid; she ceased in her thoughts when she came to a fork in the rode.

Hiei said to take a left but…

Hn, go left baka onna.



COOL!! But get out of my head you creep ass!

Hn, go left the right has nothing to do with you…

Alright, alright father! She said with an exasperated sigh. How did he always know when she was about to do something stupid? She took the left path and walked for what seemed like 5 minutes before she started to hear voices and what sounded like a video game.


"Aw Yurameshi stop screaming like that you keep freaking me out and making me lose!"

"Hey shit happens get over it Kuwabara."

Oh god have mercy on my poor soul; not these two. She thought while entering a door way to see Yuskie and Kuwabara sitting on a black leather coutch with a PS3 and the really old Mortal Combat game showing on the screen.

"What the hell are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?' she said catching their attention.

"Hey Taiso, so Kurama finally got you here; what the hell happened to you?"

"Nothing just a wound form a demon of some sort; what are you-"

"OH Taiso my love, it is so good to see you." Kuwabara said while grabbing her hand and rubbing it against his cheek; Taiso twitched and then brought her other hand down onto his face sending him across the room.

"Stupid pedophile!" she screamed holding her molested hand to her chest.

"Who's a pedophile?" came the voice of Kurama from behind her.

"Kuwabara decided to great Taiso in the normal fashion and Taiso sent him flying, HA!" Yuskie said and doubled over laughing. Kuwabara still sat dumbfounded on the floor his legs propped up on the wall and a big bump forming on the back of his head and a red hand print on his cheek.

"Ah well I'd ay he deserved it for always greeting females in such a way. I take it Hiei already explained every thing to you Taiso and that you have found your room to be to your liking."

"Yes it is very beautiful and the view is excellent."

"View what view?" Yuskie said confused.

"I have a balcony in my room that over looks a lake and a flower garden."

"What? Wait till I see Koenma I'll-"

"You'll what Yuskie?" said Koenma as he appeared behind Yuskie with a small pop. Yuskie jumped nearly ten feet in the air then turned to glare at Koenma.

"Binky breath haven't I told you not to do that! And what's with Taiso having a balcony all to her self while we three have to share one?"

"She shares hers with Hiei, now are you done complaining?"

"Humph, I guess so; what do you want any ways."

"I came here with a mission for you Kurama and Kuwabara-"

"Hey what about the shrimp?"

"Hn, what about me?" Hiei said showing up on the window sill form nowhere.

"CRIPS! What is wrong with you people today just showing up out of no where!"

"Yuskie stop yelling! Now you three are to go on a mission to the human world to round up some rouge demon; Hiei will be staying here to keep watch on Taiso while you are gone-"

"Why can't I stay here?"

"Because baka, you're a pedophile…"

"HA! HIEI CALLED KUWABARA A PEDOPHILE!" Taiso exclaimed before joining Yuskie on the ground in laughter. Kuwabara turned bright red and threw a punch at Hiei who flitted out of the way and took a spot next to Taiso's laughing form a triumphant smirk on his face.

"EVERY ONE SHUT UP! Now you three go; Boton!" Koenma yelled. Once again their was a pop behind Yuskie and a girl with bubble gum pink eyes and bright blue hair landed on his shoulder scaring the living daylights out of him

"GOID DAMN IT WHATS WRONG WITH-" he started before him Kuwabara ;who was still red in the face; and Kurama disappeared through a swirling vortex.

"Well that was entertaining; Hiei calm Taiso down and then you may go back to what you where doing; I need a scotch…" he said the last part barley over a whisper before he disappeared with a pop. Hiei waited for Taiso to calm down and stand up.

"Wow Hiei, I have trained you well in the ways of random people…"


"ok well I'm gonna take a nap, g'night" she said and walked back down the hall to the right and into her room flopping down on the bed instantly letting sleep over come her.

Taiso opened her eyes and looked around; she was lying in what appeared to be a field her long silver hair spread beneath her like a silken sheet. Sitting up her blue eyes scanned the area around her until they fell on a single tree; a weeping willow taller then any building she had seen before its long branches creating a make-shift cave that blocked out the suns raise.

She stood and walked towards the tree, its leaves rippling handsomely in the wind as if beckoning her to their master. She stepped beneath the branches and saw some one sitting at the base of the tree; their figure was shadowed out and blurry.

Suddenly the landscape became black and baron the person had vanished and the tree dead; its leaves stripped from his branches leaving it bear allowing the sun's heat to burn her skin painfully. She groaned in pain and fell to her knees as they gave way from the immense pain. Then just as the heat and pain had come, it vanished: bringing instead icy cold winds and snow. She looked around shivering at the landscape once again. The ground was cold and snow covered and in the center of the clearing she would see a small garden; it seemed to at one point have been growing flowers, all dead now due to the snow; all except one plant.

A whit rose bush stood out in the center, its flowers bloomed fully the tips stained blood red. Taiso had never seen such a beautiful flower and walked towards it her hands tracing the blooms softly.

The sound of crunching snow came into her ears; turning she saw the same shadowed figure walking towards the rose bush. They did not look in her direction nor did they even seem to notice that some one was there at all. They took a bloom off the bush rubbing the oft petals against their skin as if it reminded them of something then started walking over to the dead weeping willow tree, its branches still baron of leaves; still baron of life. But something was different about the tree now; at the base sat a solitary cross that had been carved skillfully into the trunk. The person started at the cross for what seemed like for ever before kissing the rose and laying it across the snow at the bottom of the cross and then they disappeared as did the rest of the landscape drawing Taiso back into the dark abyss that was sleep.

Taiso woke with a start as her door was nearly knocked over once again by the over exited detective.

"Come on Taiso we have to go to school!"

"Fuck school and their communism I'm sleeping in damn it!"

"Hn, get up lazzy baka onna."

"Good morning to you too Hiei- what are you doing in my room; better yet hoe did you get into my room?"


"Riiiiiiiiiiiight…" she said and then pulled the covers over her head and dozing off again. Yes it was a normal Monday morning at the Yurameshi team bead and breakfast wake up call hour; 6:30 in the morning; and as always Taiso refused to get out of bed until it was 7 and then she would have half and hour to shower and change and get her 2 hours worth of homework done before they got transported to the ally a few blocks from the school to go and attend this high school where the boys where supposed to be looking for a demon that is in hiding… yep normal day.

Well the next thing Taiso knew Hiei was dragging her out of bed and into the shower turning on the cold water. Of course she chased after him and he got away and now, being to awake to fall back to sleep; Taiso got ready for 'school'.

"Alright every one its time for school!" Boton said in a cheery voice. Hiei glared at her as did Yuskie and Kuwabara while Taiso joined in her madness and Kurama seemingly blocked them out.

"So Boton what does this person look like?"

"Well he has short brown hair and brown eyes, but one of his eyes has a brown birth mark on it right over the pupil making that one look solid brown with no pupil ."

"Ummmmm, sounds creepy "

"Yep and it looks it too, I saw a picture of him in his file he looks rather scary to me…"

They entered the school and instantly Kurama and Hiei where swarmed with fan girls. Taiso snickered at their distressed looks and then jumped onto Hiei's back.

"Oh look I'm on Hiei-Kun's back, faint." she said in a teasing voice. Hiei growled at her and tried to buck her off all the way down the hall the others following behind each laughing in their respective ways; Boton giggling Kurama chuckling while biting his thumb Yuskie laughing his ass off and Kuwabara complaining about not having fan girls… this would be an interesting mission indeed.

"Mrs. Taiso will you please pay attention." said the Spanish teacher Mr. Salidino. Taiso giggled and nodded her arms falling bellow the desk just as a piece of paper was passed into her open hand by the person behind her. She looked back slightly seeing a boy with brown hair and brown eyes who was smiling at her and then shrugged before opening the note.

Meet me out side the school at 3 I have something I need to show you; its really cool and I think you'll like it.

She nodded subconsciously and answered back with an ok and passed it back under the desk and it was set. They didn't talk at all during the day and Hiei was constantly pestering her all day about what was in the note but she wouldn't bugg; this was one thing she didn't feel like sharing with Hiei for some reason and at 2:50 she left the library and went towards the front of the school.

"Where's she going?"

"To meet with some boy that was in our first block; they where passing a note in class and all I could get out of her is that they were meeting at 3:00…"

"Wow Hiei you must be upset about this if you said that much on the matter."

"Hn, you fool do you even comprehend what I said; for we know that could be the very person we've been looking for."

"So, if he's in hiding why would he come out for her?"

"Because eh hunts human females you buffoon."

"So then why are we just standing here?!"

"Because you wont shut up and let the fox come up with a plan."

"Why do we need a plan?!"

"Because baka if we just run in there shouting her name then he'll know he can use her as a hostage you imbecile.

"Hiei calm down. Now I agree with Yuskie; the only way to actually get her back and capture him is to, dare I say it, attack with every thing we have; take him by surprise." Kurama interrupted. Hiei growled but didn't object any farther as the other three rushed out of the room; Hiei stood there for a few seconds before fitting off to join the others.

"So what did you wanna show me, Juno?" Taiso said from her spot a few feet from the door.

"I wanted to show you what you've been looking for…" he said his eyes gleaming with some strange light. Taiso suddenly felt a chill ran down her spine and instantly regretted not telling Hiei what was going on; but it was to late now.

"Now why don't you come away from the door, wouldn't want to cause an unneeded accident now do we?" he said suddenly just in front of her. Hewent to grab her arm but she pulled back and kicked him hard in the groin sending him to his knees.

"Creep as pedophile!" she screamed.

"Heh what is it with you and pedophiles?" Yuskie said from behind her. She turned and smiled sheepishly.

"I don't know it's a fun word ."

"So what are we gonna do with the baka?" Hiei said slamming his foot into Juno's back who grunted in protest.

"W-well I guess we just take him back to Koenma…"

"Wow that was the shortest mission ever! Taiso you can come with us when ever you want!"

"YAY!!" she says and starts to move around saying 'do that happy dance' over and over again until Hiei knocked her in the back of the head.

"ok then lets head back!" Boton said and started walking away Taiso following dizzily behind her with Yuskie and Kuwabara while Kurama and Hiei hung back and conversed silently.

"Well now that-"


"Yes Kuwabara?"

"We never go to finish science class so: why did all the dinosaurs die?"

"Um, well, Kuwabara you see there was-"

"BECAUSE YOU TOUCH YOUR SELF AT NIGHT!" Taiso randomly yelled out pointing an accusing finger at Kuwabara.

"Kuwabara you nasty little fruit cake!"

"WHAT?! I do not! How would you know?!"

"You're not a pedophile for nothing, baka…"

"WHY YOU!!" Kuwabara launched at Hiei who again disappeared and reappeared next to and slightly behind Taiso who was standing there confused.

"What are we talking about again?"

Every one did an anime fall or twitched.

"Onna, shut up."

"Hai "

Koenma watched them all laughing together and sighed; it would start in one month but he was starting to regret his decision; but it was too late, his father had already approved the plan and would not waver from that point; the experiments had to go on.