A-ah! G-gomenasai!! U-um... Gomenasai for not updating, demo... I'm having an obsession of writing songs then creating songfics for them! -sighs- I better finish this so I can start the fic on the poll on my profile... Yeah... wild, but this chappie explains a lot more... and it's freaky.

Review Replies!!(I prefer doing this on the fanfic than to replying using the speech bubble button -whispers: It's EVIL!!-)


Mwth06: I know. My fav is Romeo and Juliet, I became obsessed with it after I got the manga version, but it didn't have the full phrases, so I had to go on the internet to find it.Chapter 7- Can't You See Me?

Abunai ran towards the lookout point that she always went to. The one that had a bench next to a large tree. The one that had a tree with her and her friends' names carved on it. The one where Fuhen asked her out. The one where she once slit her wrist then realized what a mistake it was. The one where she first considered suicide. The one that had countless memories embedded into its very core. She sighed, leaning against the bar that kept people from falling of the one hundred foot cliff.

Abunai sighed again. Why, did she just release almost all of her precious secrets? Especially who she loved.

Why was her life so miserable?

.: Abunai's P.O.V. :.

Sigh. God. I'm not even sure if he even likes me back. Damnit, I'm a Hakumei, and he's a Fennikusu. Our fathers detest each other. I... I can't let my own passion get in the way of what my father wants, right?

.: Flashback :.

A five year old Abunai smiled as she raced ahead towards her brother, Futeki.

"Futeki-niisan!" He looked back at his younger sister. He himself was carrying their other sibling, Hari, who was only a year old.

"Abunai-imooto. What is it?"

"You're going to be the next heir, right? You are the oldest of Hari-imooto, you and I." Futeki sighed.

"Abunai-imooto... I need to talk to you about that. You see... I'm dropping out. I'm not leadership material. You would succeed much better as the heiress of this clan."



.: End Flashback :.

I... can't let something like this happen! I sighed again.

In the clan, the next heir's ability to have a love passion and find true love is sealed away into a pendant when they are announced the heir of the clan. However, the seal can be broken if the love between the people is passionate and strong enough to overcome any emotional obstacles. Is... is that what's happened? There's only one way... to find out...

I smiled sadly as I remembered once again two memories from missions.

.: Flashback :.Gyorai Ken(1)!" A large blade came spinning in Fuhen's direction. His arms instinctively went up for defense, expecting his death.

The enemy smirked. Abunai scowled. She had been trapped. The enemy laughed evilly.

"You brats have caused too much trouble. I'll kill off your little heir here with a jutsu that will take my life. Unfortunately, it only will kill females... tsk, tsk, well, life can't be perfect." He created a ball of chakra and thrust it towards Abunai. She couldn't dodge. She put her arms to cover her face, waiting for the hit to come.

Except it didn't. Fuhen grabbed her shoulders and the chakra sphere hit him in the back. Abunai's eyes widened. "F-fuhen!"

He coughed out blood. The enemy scowled as he fell to the ground, lifeless. Kogane and Safaia stood, numb with shock. Abunai grabbed his arms and helped him down, yet trying to keep him upright. "F-fuhen..."

He smirked weakly. "I... I didn't want... t-to see you die... after a month of returning home... d-don't worry... I w-won't die..." He collapsed onto her shoulder, unconscious.

"F-fuhen? Fuuuuheeeen?!" She cried out. She wrapped her arms around him and started to sob into his neck. Kogane came over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on. We need to get him to the hospital so medic nins can work on him."


.: End Flashback :.

.: Flashback :.

Fuhen scowled. The enemy nin had him trapped. He smirked. "Die!

However, the hit never came. Abunai rushed in at last minute, the blade going through her stomach. Mamori quickly hit the enemy's neck pulse, killing him. Abunai coughed up a large amount of her veins' contents. Fuhen helped her down, like she had so many months ago.

"A-abunai... arigato... demo..." Abunai smiled weakly.

"I... I don't have a reason to live, although I won't die... I just need..." She passed out. Tears welled up in the stoic prodigy's eyes.


.: End Flashback :.

.: Normal P.O.V. :.

Abunai sighed. How... how am I going to know if I've broken the seal or not?! Wait... I'll kiss him! Yes! That will do! But wait... how am I going to... I mean, I can't just go up and say, 'Hey Fuhen, I need to know if we're destined to be. Can I kiss you?' Yeah. That'll go through. It has to have a mood... wait... I have a date with him tonight... so... Omigosh! All I have to do is wear something a bit revealing, and we'll kiss for sure! Sugoi! Abunai pumped her fist in the air.

Tenten sighed as she waited in the main hall of the Hakumei Manor with Neji, Lee, and the rest of the Shadows' Squad, except Fuhen, he mumbled something about a date. They had sent the entire third class branch of the clan to go look for the hiding heiress. A young man with long sandy brown hair and a mustache and beard stubbles, a young woman with long, dark blue hair, an even younger man with shoulder length sandy brown hair, and a young girl with hair that was the colour of milk chocolate walked over to the group. The older man spoke up.

"You, my dear, must be Tenten. My name is Susamajii, I am Abunai's father." He said, holding his hand out. Tenten shook it.

"You... don't look as old as I thought you would be..." The woman smirked at Tenten's statement.

"Ah, yes, he's only thirty-two and I am only thirty-one. I'm Abunai's mother, Hanayaka." She motioned to the other two persons.

"This dashing young man is Futeki, Abunai's older brother. He's about twenty now." Tenten's jaw dropped.

"B-but, th-that m-means-"

"Yes, we were only eleven and twelve when he was born. We were also fifteen and sixteen when Abunai was born, and when I had their younger sister here, Hari, we were nineteen and twenty." Tenten nodded.

"I-is that even possible?" Hanayaka smiled.

"Well, it nearly killed me, but I didn't want to kill the child. We were barely out of the Institute when Futeki was born. I was a third class member of the clan back then, and didn't exactly have any ties with Susamajii. We snuck Futeki with us on our trip around to the Great Shinobi Nations, although his aunts Yukionna and Chishio knew, along with Susamajii's parents. Then, after four years of being in Konoha, Abunai was born, and my parents found out about Futeki and her." Tenten nodded at her to continue the story.

"My mother was mad because she felt deprived of her grandson's memories. My father, on the other hand, was furious. He was an awful man, however, and struck a 'bargain' for me. He said he would kill me, unless the young girl I had just given life to would be his maid for his 'personal needs' when she was around the age of thirteen. I was too scared and confused, so I took the deal. However, we found out Chishio was a vampire and Yukionna, her twin, let Chishio suck her blood. We decided not to kill her, but to seal her inside the next heir to make them stronger."

Tenten thought about this. "So, the next heir would've been Futeki-san, correct?" Susamajii nodded.

"Demo, he backed away, and since Abunai was next in line if the first heir backed out, she willingly had Chishio-imooto sealed into her. She began to bite everything, including Futeki when he tried to grab her wrist. The next month, Hanayaka gave birth to Hari, and Abunai's biting habits seemed to calm down a bit. But then, she activated her bloodline, and developed a strong thirst for blood. She needed to suck on blood on least once every three months, to keep Chishio from dying and pulling Abunai down with her. So I lead her in front of the Konoha Orphanage and knocked her out hard enough to give her amnesia."

Tenten stood there, numb with shock. Th-this is what happened to her?

Suddenly, the door slammed open and in walked Abunai. "Hey, tou-san, kaa-san, Hari-imooto, Futeki-niisan-teme." A vein popped on Hanayaka's forehead.

"Where have you been?" Hanayaka asked, venom dripping off her voice.


"That's obvious. We've sent almost the entire clan out to look for you. You were out doing what?"

"Thinking. I may have broken the seal to my ability to love." Susamajii exploded.

"What?! That's impossible! No one's ever broken it until they have kids or are about to die!" He stopped. "Wait..."

.: Flashback :.when the one I truly love is the son of my father's rival. My love life is like another series of Romeo and Juliet. As it is in written in the works of Shakespeare, 'Prodigious birth of love it is to me, that I must love a loathed enemy'."


.: End Flashback :.

"You... love the Fennikusu heir." Abunai nodded. "The boy I tried to protect you from falling for all this time." She nodded again. "Fuhen Fennikusu, heir of the Fennikusu clan, one of the four great Kumorigakure clans, eldest of the two children of Kashikoi and Migito Fennikusu." She sighed.

"Just get on with it." Susamajii sighed.

"Well, I suppose I could let you have a relationship with him, as long as it is kept strong enough so that you will have children with both bloodlines." Abunai frowned.

"Is that the only reason you'll allow it?"

"No, we could connect the two clans, it would be easy, we live right next door to each other, and, I want nothing more than to see my daughter happy." Abunai smiled.

"Arigato, tou-san. I guess you won't mind that I have a date with him tonight either!" She ran up the large staircase to her room.

"Wait, what?!" Mamori spoke up.

"Wait, isn't Fuhen deeply in love with her?" Kogane and Safaia shot him a look that clearly said 'No duh'.

Tenten sighed as she knocked on Abunai's door. "Abunai?"

"Come in!" A cheery voice came from behind the door. Tenten opened the door and found piles of clothes all around Abunai's room. Abunai herself was in a room that served its purpose as a closet and was throwing clothes from inside it.

"Ano... Abunai?"

"Hold on a sec!" Cue more flying clothes. Abunai soon came out, wearing an adorable dress.

It was pinkish red with puffed out short sleeves, a low cut collar that showed off Abunai's well-developed D bust. The ends of the dress flipped up, showing off a little higher than mid-thigh. A yellow ribbon was tied under the collar, and a ribbon of the same colour tied her hair in a wide, loose, high ponytail. She was wearing white stockings with red stitching across the top, which ended a couple of inches below her dress. Ribbon flowed out of the stitching. Red ballet flats were on her feet.(Look at the link on my profile for an example. It's under 'my stories', then under the story you're reading now!)

Tenten raised an eyebrow. "You're going to get cold. Sluts who dress like that always do." Abunai glared, trying to pull the dress down.

"Funny, funny. I bought this in case I get a seduction mission with someone who needs a little push to come on to me." Tenten rolled her eyes.


"So what?"

"I thought you weren't going to give him another chance." Abunai, who had been applying reddish pink lip gloss and pink eyeshadow, stopped suddenly.

.: Flashback :.

Twelve year old Fuhen waited in the training grounds. Abunai had told him to meet her there, but it was extremely late and so was she. She finally came running.

"G-gomenasai, Fuhen! I was a little late... Kumorikage-teme wouldn't let me leave." She said, panting. Fuhen noticed a developing bruise on the side of her head, but shook it off.

"You wanted to say something?" Abunai nodded, smiling.

"A-ano... Fuhen... what do you think of me as?" Most people wouldn't have understood the question. Fuhen wasn't one of them.

"... a teammate, I would think." Abunai's face fell.

"A-are you sure?" He nodded, his eyes closed. "O-oh... I actually... liked you... but... I didn't think... you still... considered me as... just a teammate." Fuhen's eyes opened in shock, but regained his posture.

"Where you expecting those feelings to be returned?" He spoke with an emotionless, monotone voice.

"N-no... demo, I at least expected you to think of myself as a friend. Demo, I can see those expectations were a bit much for you." She walked away. "Goodbye Fuhen, goodbye."

A lone tear dropped on the ground.

.: End Flashback :.

Abunai sighed. "Yes, but I believe he's changed. After all, who's the one who tends to his wounds after training, when he's shirtless?!" Abunai smirked, Tenten giggled.

"Lucky. You have hot teammates, I have a mushroom-cut youth freak and a transvestite."

"Or, in your opinion, a hot transvestite!" Tenten flushed.

"A-abunai! I-i don't think of my comrades like that!" Abunai smiled, eyes closed.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Well, I better get going!" Abunai and Tenten ran down the stairs. Fushigi was at the front door, with a pissed off Neji and a neutral Lee.

"Ehhhh... Fushigi? What do you want?" Fushigi smiled mischievously, eyes closed(Alotta persons gots their eyes closed!).

"I'm here to ask my 'girlfriend' if she'd like to accompany me to a movie." Neji looked like he was about to blow up. Tenten flushed.

"A-ah... s-sure. I'll go get changed."

Tenten came down a few minutes later. Her hair was in a high bun tied by a black ribbon, her bangs framing over her face.(Go to the link on my profile for a reference.) Her shirt was a sleeveless blouse with a black tie. On her arms were black arm warmers with white cuffs a bit above her elbows. She was also wearing a black skirt that ended a bit above the knee and had slits on both sides that went up to mid thigh, and she was wearing white loose pants and it that ended a bit below the skirt. On her feet were black leather loafers, and she wore socks that ended four inches below her knee.

Abunai raised an eyebrow. "That was quick." Tenten shrugged.

"I don't waste my time freaking out." Abunai narrowed her eyes.

"Those clothes look awfully familiar..." Tenten smirked.

"They should, they're yours. I found them on your bedroom floor." Abunai smiled cheekily.

"You have good taste." Tenten rolled her eyes. A round man in a chef's uniform came waddling towards the five. Abunai noticed him first.

"Ahh! Kukku! Did you need something?" Kukku shook his head.

"Not exactly, Abunai-sama-"

"Don't call me that. Only when the adults are here." Kukku smiled.

"Alright. Abunai-chan, I need to borrow Lee-san for a second. I have heard about how much he favors curry." Lee's eyes sparkled. "I would love for him to test my new flavors."

"I WOULD LOVE TO! YOSH!" And with that, Lee had dragged Kukku off to the kitchen.

Abunai looked at Fushigi for a second. "Fushigi, I got to talk to you for a minute. Be back in five, Tennie-chan!" With that, Abunai dragged the redhead outside.

Neji turned to his female comrade.

"What is your relationship with him?" Tenten was taken aback by this.

"E-excuse me?" Neji glared at her, and continued to speak in his, emotionless, cold voice.

"Don't play dumb. He specifically said 'girlfriend'." Tenten started to sweat, but regained her posture.

"And so what if I am?" Her voice was sharp as the comeback hit his ears.

"I just didn't expect you to be so desperate that you'd go for a long-distance relationship." Tenten fumed.

"Desperate?! Neji Hyuuga, I am not desperate. I am no damsel in distress, waiting for a Prince Charming to come along, take me home and fuck me until I bear his blond-haired little prodigies." Neji stood still, emotionless, but on the inside was shocked. "So why don't you go along and find a desperate slut you can fuck so she can give birth to your girly Hyuuga heirs." She had tears streaming down her face now. Abunai and Fushigi had come in on cue, and Tenten wiped the tears from her face.

"Come on, Fushigi-kun, let's go see that movie." With that, she grabbed Fushigi's wrist and left. Abunai sighed, and turned to the white-eyed prodigy, who had a bewildered look on his pale face. She smiled.

"What, lover's quarrel? You know, you should've told her while you had the chance." Neji turned to her with a shock written all over his face. She giggled. "It's part of my bloodline. I can say all the basic facts about one person, know who their crush and true love is. Well, I better leave. Ja ne!"

Tenten and Fushigi had just gotten out of the movie and he was walking her home.

"This isn't really necessary, you know."

"It's fine. It's not like I have anything better to do than to escort a beautiful woman to her place, even though she could probably kick my ass if she wanted to." Tenten flushed.

"A-ah... yeah." They continued to walk in silence.

.: Fuhen's P.O.V. :.

I waited at the fountain in the Hakumei Gardens. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one...

"Konnichi wa, Fuhen!" I looked over. She was walking, but I could see why. That was one short dress. She smiled brightly. "I'm not late, right?" I shook my head.

"Ne, why'd you want to see me?" I froze. I was hoping she wouldn't ask that.

"Ano, well... Ah..." Abunai sighed.

"It's alright, you can tell me later. Ne, I'm bored. Let's sing a duet!" I groaned. She comes up with the most random things in the world.


"Because! Your voice is great, much better than mine, and I like singing with you!" I sighed.

"Fine, fine. 'From Me To You'?"

"Yeah!" And so we started.(Abunai is in italics, Fuhen, bold.)

Those tears keep on fallin' down,
I'm so far away from my hometown,
and I write to you everyday,
tell you that I'm okay...

But I'm not alright,
think about you day and night,
remember that all along,
in your arms is where I belong...

This old place isn't like it used to be,
Dad's met this guy who wants to marry me,
my heart tells me this is all a big mistake,
but I ignore it and shut off that awful heartache...

But I'm not alright,
think about you day and night,
remember that all along,
in your arms is where I belong...

I'm comin' home,
'cause without you I'm all alone...
I'm runnin' away,
'cause if you're not here I just can't stay...
(Both sing this part, it's in both italics and bold)

Cause I'm not alright,
think about you day and night,
remember that all along,
in your arms is where I belong,
and over here there's nothing to do,
except write those letters from me to you...
We had been randomly walking around the whole song, and now we were face to face, our noses nearly touching. Oh Kami. Why? Wait... she's closing her eyes and moving in... I guess I should do the same... and so I did.

Electrictity is flying through me at an incredible rate. I feel... her hands? On my chest? No wait... now they're on my neck... I guess I better try something daring... but what if she doesn't like it? Oh Kami...

.: Normal P.O.V. :.

Fuhen wrapped his arms around her upper body and pulled her closer. She gasped, and it surprised him. They broke apart, and she rested her head on his chest.



"About what I wanted to tell you..."


"Aishiteru(I love you)." Her eyes widened. "I... I know you can't love me back... demo-" His lips were cut off by hers, and he felt that words were no longer necessary.

Tenten sighed as they reached the front gates of the Hakumei Manor-Compound.

"Alright... this is it... good night..." She turned to leave, but Fushigi grabbed her wrist and her petite body slammed into his.

"F-fushigi?!" He kept a firm grip on her. He bent down slowly and his lips grazed her ear.

"I have never met a woman like you. Never has there been one that excites me like you do." He began to lick her ear, but he stopped doing that so that his lips could inch down to hers. She closed her eyes and tried not to let a tear fall out.

I... I'm going to get my first kiss stolen from a guy I barely know! I wish I just could've confessed before! She waited for Fushigi's mouth to smash onto hers, but it never came. Both Fushigi and her had been knocked out, and all Tenten saw before passing out was a flash of black and red.

Tenten awoke in her room with a splitting headache. A girl with long, straight black hair and red streaks sat on the bed also. She was dressed in a Gothic Lolita style and looked like she was a goth herself. She looked over at the brunette.

"Oh. You are awake. I will go get Abunai-nee-chan then." Tenten's eyes widened.

"Wait, nee-chan?" The girl nodded.

"My name is Shizuka, I am the adopted daughter of Abunai's sensei and mentor, Yukionna and Hantai, also Abunai's cousin, demo, we were very close as children." Tenten nodded.

"Abunai... only mentioned you starting a couple of months ago." Shizuka smiled, it was kind of scary.

"Yes... actually, I was a ghost in a graveyard when I met Abunai, and a couple months after she returned to the village, she went on a mission to revive my spirit." Tenten gulped. She honestly couldn't stand just sitting here with a freaky girl. She was so... calm. It gave her the creeps.

Abunai walked in suddenly. She was wearing the same dress she wore on her date, except it was wrinkled, and her hair was all frizzy and messed. The ribbon that was originally in her hair was tied around her neck. She had a goofy smile on her lips. And her panties... were around her knees? What? And her bra... why the fuck was it tied to her head?

Tenten raised an eyebrow. "That's quite the look. I'm guessing someone had fun last night." Abunai started to panic out of random.

"I swear to drunk I'm not God!" She slurred out loudly, waving her hands in front of her face, before passing out. Shizuka turned to face Tenten.

"I better go and take care of Abunai-neechan. She's going to wake up with a massive migraine." As she turned around, she muttered, "Just like her mother, the senseless bitch..."

Tenten decided to ignore this and got up and... stood there not knowing what to do. She sighed. God...

Neji walked in suddenly, and his head shot in her direction as he noticed her chakra presence.

"You're awake."

"No shit, Sherlock." Neji sighed.

"About what I said-"

"I don't want to hear it." With that, she walked out of the room.

Abunai woke up with a massive migraine, like Shizuka predicted. Her eyesight was blurry, and the right side of her head felt like it was going to explode(That's like the migraines I get. They suck so much. I miss a lot of my classes too.). Her vision cleared up a bit, and she saw Shizuka standing next to the bed.

"Oh, thank goodness you're awake. I guess I'll just leave then..." Abunai tried to grab her wrist, but she couldn't tell which one was actually Shizuka's.

"Wait. How did Tenten's date go?" Shizuka sighed.

"He tried to move in on her." Abunai scowled.

"Bastard. I should've known." She lifted her upper body up. "Now time for operat- ow, ow ow!" She slowly collapsed back onto her back, her hands clutching her right temple and the back of her head. Shizuka sighed.

"Get back in bed. You should be resting." With that, Shizuka turned off the lights and left, closing the door.


Shizuka trotted(XD) down the stairs. Tenten ran up to her anxiously.

"Is she alright?" Shizuka nodded.

"Tomorrow she should be back to her goofy self." Tenten sighed.

"This wasn't much of a vacation." Shizuka sighed.

"Gomenasai. Demo, it's late. You should be heading for bed. I think Abunai-neechan has something special planned for tomorrow." Tenten nodded and headed upstairs to her bedroom.

As she opened the door, this woke Neji. He opened one eye and watched as she pulled out her pajamas. She slipped off her skirt and pants revealing her long, creamy legs. She put on a pair of brown pants with red cherries on them(I have those!!). She took off her shirt then, along with her arm warmers, giving Neji a very nice view of her breasts which were lounging in the cups of her bra. She slipped an over sized brown shirt that matched her pants that was almost like a blouse, with a collar and buttons all the way down(I got this too). Since it was too big for her, it was very low cut and showed a lot of cleavage. Neji gulped, he usually fell asleep before Tenten came in to change. How was he supposed to sleep when she was wearing that?

Tenten settled herself into the bed, pulling the covers over her petite body. Neji suddenly felt her shiver, making his back vibrate.

"Neji? Are you awake?"

"Yeah. Hey, I'm sorry about what I said." Tenten smiled, a tint of red casting over her tanned cheeks.

"I-it's fine. Demo, Neji?"


"I'm cold." Neji's eyes shot open. Fuck. "Could you, um, you know..." Neji gulped.

"H-hai." He flipped over, wrapping his arms around her upper body(not her chest), trying not to think of ways to rip off her pajamas.(Every boy has a little bit of pervert in them. Every single one. Then again, it's not like girls don't either.) She wrapped her arms up around his, and he felt her slowly sinking into him. His breath slowly became heavy, jagged, and slow. A light dust of pink swept over his cheeks. Suddenly, Tenten felt something on her-

"Neji? What is in your pants?" Neji's heart stopped for a second.

"A-a potato?" Neji replied, hoping she wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"Why the fuck would you need a potato in your pants?" Neji gulped.

"P-protection?" Damnit, Hyuugas do not stutter. Okay, so Hyuuga Neji doesn't stutter. At least when he's not being the perverted, hormone-induced teen he is. Tenten giggled.

"P-protection? F-from what, balls?"

"T-technically, that's what I'm trying to p-protect?" Neji answered, knowing what her reaction would be.

Tenten burst out laughing, vibrating against his body, which only aroused him even more.

"Is it just me, or is that 'potato' growing?" Neji cursed under his breath.

"Just shut up and go to sleep." Tenten smirked and emitted another giggle.

"F-fine, I'll try to ignore your pe-'potato' and go to bed." Neji growled as he let sleep bestow upon him.

Tenten opened her eyes groggily as she woke from her rest. Big, bright hazel eyes were currently the only thing she could see.

"Aaaaah!" Tenten's scream woke Neji. Abunai stood up straight.

"Hmm? Nani?" Tenten looked down. Neji's arms were wrapped around her just below her bust, and she had her arms wrapped vertically around his. Abunai smiled, giggling.

"It's fine, I have pictures already." Tenten growled.

"You. Have. WHAT?!" Abunai turned around.

"That's my cue to leave before my head gets sliced off by a katana, courtesy of Tennie-chan." With that, she ran. Like the wind... wait. The wind can't run. ... give me a moment to search this up.

Tenten sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. Once again, she was borrowing Abunai's clothes. Except this, was a dress. She sighed once again. When she said she had something 'fun' planned, I guess I should've expected this...

In the mirror, a girl with chocolate brown eyes stood in a teal dress. It wasn't one of her favorites, as it had a plunging V-neckline, but she had to admit, it was pretty. It also had a silk bodice with criss cross straps at the back, and a full tulle ballgown skirt.(See profile for reference.)

Her hair had been let down and curled, and a teal sparkly headband with a lighter teal flower had been placed behind her bangs, which were currently not in their usual separated style.

She sighed. Abunai had planned for them to go to a formal ball, Lee was queasy and had diarhea from the curry from last night, so he wasn't going. It had also stated in the invite that every single person must have an escort. Abunai was going with Fuhen, so she was stuck going with Neji. It was also required that they dance. Wonderful.

A knock came from the door. Abunai's voice rang through. "May I come in?" Tenten replied for her to come in. Abunai opened the door and gasped. "Oh, wow. You look so pretty! I designed that to wear for the Kitsune Girl Music Awards...(Made up a random name.)"

Tenten looked at what Abunai was wearing. The brunette was wearing a turquoise silk ombre gown, with beaded straps that began from the middle of her chest and came over her shoulders. A small silk scarf with a brooch attached to it hung around her hips. Beaded straps wrapped around the bodice of the dress, and it had a high slit with cascading ruffles all around it.(Please see profile links for reference.)

Abunai tossed her a pair of teal flats, smiling. "I know how much you hate heels."

Tenten smiled back. "Thanks." They were open-toed teal flats, with darker teal bows on the them. Abunai's heels were turquoise, with sapphires that shaped flowers on the toes.

"C'mon. You're gonna dance with your crush. At least put on some eye shadow."


That... was... the longest... chapter-wheeze-... I've ever-gasp-... written... Wow. 12 pages on my program. I got that program good old suggested we use. ... Yeah. If you review... I update. Sorry I haven't done that in a while. I'm also sorry for the perversion and Abunai X Fuhen centric-ness. Next chapter is mostly NejiTen, I swear!(With a bit of OCXOC... only a bit, I swear!)


PS: Happy extremely late 13th B-Day to me!!(It was on April 8th!!)