50 Moments and 50 Times: Chapter 5

Our Secret Haven

There's a place, in the middle of the forest, marked by a single kunai that I always go to. It's quite close to a stream and has many rocks to sit on, and trees to block you from other's views. I come here every time I need to think, and when I get frustrated. One day, at training, I punched Lee so hard he flew into a tree and broke it cleanly in half.

Tenten, my best friend, ran to me asking what my problem was. I stalked away, acting as if she didn't ask. It's no secret to anyone in Konoha that we're dating and very much in love, so looking back…I see why she was upset that I did that. She followed me, and asked what was wrong. I think that it was the first time I cried in front of anyone, she simply held me, saying she'd be there. I know Tenten would be there for me through anything…and I love her. I'd do the same.

When I was growing up, I had always wanted total honestly in a relationship, so I showed her. I took her to the place where I'd go to think, my 'secret base' if you will. Tenten had marveled in its beauty and asked what it was. I told her that it was a safe area for me, and she gasped. I believed that her words had been something along the lines of: "I'm honored that you trust me this much…to show me your secret haven!"

The first thing that had come to my mind was: "It's not just mine anymore, it's ours. Our secret haven." And with that, I held her, and kissed her softly as the leaves fluttered and the river ran.