
By Lomeinie

Rating: G

Spoilers: Season 3's Blink

Summary: One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do. . . and even sometimes that's the case with numbers more than one.

Disclaimers: I don't own Doctor Who and I've made zilch from this so you shouldn't sue me, thanks!


The Time Lord called us the loneliest creatures in the universe and as I listened to his voice, I could hear his own loneliness present in it. But what does the Time Lord really know of loneliness? He maybe the last of his kind but at least he is able to give and receive the gaze of others.

My kind and I cannot even gaze upon each other without forever condemning ourselves to the eternal torment of being stone.

Yes we may turn to stone with one glance but that doesn't mean our consciousness leaves us. We become stone condemned to look in one direction, one face, exposed to the elements, and at the mercy of the humans for all eternity.

I suppose his judgment of us comes back to us being assassins, and the kindest psychopaths in the universe since we consign others to live out their lives in times other than their own. At least we don't kill them like he has killed others or torment them for an eternity by assuring them a horrible fate.

If the Time Lord knows about loneliness, then how could he arbitrarily condemn us to this horrible fate?