Like the Night

A/N: Ehh. This is weird. My writer's block has been hell though, and I wrote this in school. This is really the first draft, too. But, I'm really too tired to read over this again. Ehh. Sorry for the shortness!

Review plz?


Zetsu is like the night. He is dark and silent, the leaves of his flytrap so sleek and sharp. Pointy, little thorn-like edges creates shadows in the darkness and distorts his appearance.

Behind the leaves Zetsu's skin is split down the center. One half is solid white, purer than the moon itself. But, the other half is black. Darker than the moonlit sky, it's as black as the void of space, and it swallows up all the light.

However, it's truthfully not such a black hole of nothingness. No, it's a night sky sprinkled with tiny stars. And suddenly the creature so mysterious and terrifying isn't such a monster after all.

Tobi knows this. He can see the little stars in anyone. That's how he knows that there is still a heart in everyone.

Tobi tries to get in Zetsu's heart.

Zetsu doesn't always let him in. He isn't always willing.

But, sometimes he does. In the mist of a starry night, he sometimes lets Tobi show his appreciation and admiration of him, and he embraces the masked-nin lightly in return.

On this haunting autumn night, Tobi is tired and sleepy. The brisk, chilly wind dances on his eyelashes, begging for them to fall. Any other time he'd simply let them. However, today he is determined to keep moving for he has already upset Zetsu too many times today.

Zetsu can tell; he knows what Tobi is feeling. Regardless, he doesn't act upon it, and lets him suffer.


Dying leaves rustle. They rattle, shake, and crumble in the wind. Mist from the nearby, shallow pond has fallen over the mossy grass. Moonlight glimmers over the clear pond water as a curled up orange leave unfolds while it falls into the liquid. It floats atop the surface, too light to fall beneath. It titters on the edge of light and darkness.

Tobi stumbles over a winding oak three root, and Zetsu turns around.

"Tobi," he states sharply, and then he stops.

The masked male stops as well to maintain an unquestionable distance between them. He hangs his head shamefully, and speaks in a low voice, "Zetsu-san.."

Zetsu's voice softens. "Would you like to stop here for the night?"

Tobi can't help it—the offer is too tempting. His previous efforts become pointless. "Yes, Zetsu-san." And, he feels pathetic as his voice is nearly begging for the rest.

Zetsu doesn't say anything. Instead, he inspects the bark of the tree and the ground for wetness. Tobi watches his slow hand seemly caress the rough surface, and he swallows nervously. When the plant-nin finds only dry crumbles of dirt between the tree's roots, he sits down and beckons Tobi to join him.

Tobi doesn't even hesitate. He fills in the gap between one root and Zetsu, and his head falls almost immediately upon older-nin's shoulder. "Thank you, Zetsu-san," he murmurs into the Akatsuki cloak sleeve.

Tobi isn't cold, despite the obvious chill in the air, his body is warming. The cricket's steady hum into the night is calming, and Zetsu feels the younger-nin's rushing heartbeat slow.

Leaves rustle again as the wind howls through the skeletons of the trees. Moonlight is filtering through the leaves and is coming down on the two Akatsuki members.

Zetsu pulls Tobi closer when he feels the wind trickle through the leaves. The masked-nin murmurs in contented pleasure at his touch.


The moon moves across the sky. It is going behind a purple cloud and taking the light with it. Tobi is falling asleep, but he wants to tell Zetsu something.

His eyelids are becoming heavier, and his lips won't part. 'In the morning I will,' he swears.

Zetsu watches the light disappear behind the cloud.
