After a Samoan Spike to John's throat, and the subsequent pin to keep his winning streak alive, Edge sent the still-undefeated wrestler to the back. As he retreated, the Canadian blonde stood over his rival's writhing body, taunting the injured wrestler.

He reached down with both of his arms and pulled John to the center of the ring while motioning to Lita.

Lita stood atop the turnbuckle and jumped off, executing a perfect moonsault directly on top of him, the impact of which sent him into extreme pain.

Moving in for the kill, Edge dragged John to the corner of the ring, nearest the ramp, and picked him up. With some help from his harlot of a girlfriend, he propped up the dazed wrestler and backed up to the diagonally opposing corner, the one which was so often his own.

With a maniacal look in his eye, he stared at John, briefly reveling in the moment.

"He's going to spear, Cena!" Lawler announced, watching the current WWE Champion.

"Someone stop this man!" J.R. plead into the headset in disgust.

As if on cue, green and violet lights appeared on stage.

She's a rebel, she's a saint, she's the salt of the earth, and she's dangerous.

Almost immediately, Edge and Lita froze and turned to look at the ramp.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!"

"Is that who I think it is?"

She's a rebel, vigilante, missing link on the brink of destruction.

Jessica burst through the curtain to an immense ovation of screams, yells, cheers, and applause.

With a smirk, the caramel-curled blonde, dressed in a pair of acid washed jeans and a black top, emblazoned with her nickname in red, old English text, stared down at the couple. He was the man who had betrayed her trust and broken her heart. She was the woman who had caused all of the horrific pain she had endured in the last ten months.

Without warning, she charged the ring, but by the time she dove between the apron and bottom rope, the cowardly champion had already retreated into the crowd, leaving his girlfriend to defend for herself.

Jessica sauntered over to the redhead, the right corner of her mouth turned upwards.

Lita held up her hands and backed up, pleading for mercy, but soon ran out of room once she hit the ropes.

The caramel blonde nodded and began to backpedal, but immediately changed her mind and landed a hellacious clothesline on her nemesis, causing her to roll backwards over the top rope and onto the floor below.

Despite the loud pop of the fans in attendance, Jessica immediately turned and checked on her boyfriend, still propped up in the corner.

With the breather, he was now able to stand on his own and placed a hand on his neck. Finally, regaining his senses, John's sapphire gaze turned to his rescuer and locked onto the hazel eyes of his girlfriend.

Despite the incredible ache in his body, he reached out a strong arm and pulled her into his chest, using the other arm to steady himself on the top rope. A little while later, his other arm encircled her body and he was able to stand on his own.

"I missed you," he whispered into her ear. "Ten months was too long to wait until you stood in this ring with me again."

Jessica nodded, "I know. I missed you too."

John pulled back and looked into her eyes, "But you don't belong to me, Jess. You belong to them," he added and turned to look out at the crowd. "Go say hello."

Her hazel gaze followed out into the endless sea of bodies and nameless faces.

Wordlessly, she walked to the turnbuckle and pulled herself atop the corner between the crowd and the announcer's table, shooting a pair of rocker hands into the air.

The crowd burst into a huge ovation as John looked on from the center of the ring, a smile of satisfaction gracing the twenty-nine year old's face.

A jolt of adrenaline shot through Jessica's veins and she beamed out into the mass of loyal fans.

The Rebel was back and this was the moment she had been waiting for, over ten months in the making.

The chime of the doorbell echoed through the West Newbury house as Jessica finished preparing the various appetizers for her guests.

"John!" she called to her denim shorts and black tank-clad boyfriend in the other room as he was watching Sportscenter. "Can you get that?"

"Sure," he nodded and placed the remote down on the coffee table before making his way to the door.

After opening it, he found that his former Wrestlemania rival and one of his bosses was on the other side, but they were not alone.

"Look at you," John marveled softly at the baby in Stephanie's arms. "Your auntie Jess told me you were beautiful, but you are even prettier than I expected."

"Say thank you to your Uncle John," Stephanie smiled down at her infant daughter.

"Don't you think it's a little early for that, Steph?" Paul laughed in amusement beside her.

She rolled her eyes at her husband, "I know she's only a week old, thank you very much."

He shook his pony-tailed mane, "No, that's not what I meant…"

"Where is my niece?" a voice called from the kitchen. "Where is my Aurora?" Jessica asked as she appeared around the corner. "There you are."

"Hey, Jess," her brother-in-law greeted her from the hall.

"Hi, Paul," she greeted him in turn with a kiss on the cheek, followed by the same to her sister. "Steph," she added and bent over to smile down at her niece. "And you too, Rory."

"Are we the first ones here?" Steph inquired curiously.

The younger sister nodded, "How was the drive?"

"Not bad," Paul shook his head. "She slept the whole way."

"Didn't get that from our side of the family…"

The youngest McMahon child smiled at the sound of the voice, "Mom."

"Hey, baby," Linda greeted her younger daughter with a kiss, followed by her older one. "Paul, John," she smiled and gave each one a hug.

"Where's my granddaughter?" Vince asked loudly as he entered through the open door, only to be shushed by everyone inside. "What?"

"Being loud again, are we, Vince?" a male voice asked in a heavy Boston accent.

John laughed, "Hey, Dad. Nice of you to show up."

"It was a long walk," he shrugged as he walked into the house, his two youngest sons in tow.

About ten minutes later, Dan arrived, followed by his mother, Carol. Soon after, Shane and Marissa arrived with Declan and Kenyon, but the gathering was not complete without Steve, Jamie, and their four children, who arrived forty minutes after the eldest McMahon child.

But now, hours after the last arrival, the barbeque was in full swing.

"I don't know how you do it, Vince," John Senior commented before taking a swig of beer from his can on the deck.

"Do what?" Vince asked, taking a drink of Diet Pepsi.

He chuckled heartily, "Everything. Be a businessman, father, grandfather, and husband."

He sighed and watched as Jessica snuck up behind Steve and pushed him into the swimming pool, "I failed at one."

"So did I," John nodded, glancing at Carol. "But three out of four ain't bad, Vince. You've done a hell of a job with your daughter, despite what you think."

"I should be thanking you for that," Vince countered and took another drink.

"Don't," he shook the chairman off. "It was all Diana."

"You know something, Cena," Vince leaned back. "You did a great job with John too."

Cena smiled with gratitude, "Thank you."

For a little while, they entered a period of silence, watching as their families interacted poolside.

Paul, a still-soaked Steve, and Dan were sitting with their beers, talking about various, non-wrestling related topics.

Stephanie and Linda were sitting with the infants, getting the cousins off to a good start.

Sean and Matt were both goofing off in the pool with their nieces and nephews, as well as Declan, while attempting not to drown.

Linda, Jamie, and Carol were drinking wine on one of the poolside benches, with Carol stopping every now and then to chastise her sons for splashing her.

Suddenly, Vince broke the silence, "Do you think they're going to be okay?"

Senior was confused, "Who?"

The McMahon patriarch watched the owners of the house intently as they sat close together on the side of the pool, their feet dangling in the water, "John and Jess."

He nodded, "I do. I think I'm more worried about him than her."

Vince couldn't help but chuckle, "Understandable. She'll take good care of him, John. We both know that."

"I know," the wrestler's father concurred. "But I swear, I look at them sometimes and I see two third-graders playing with Hulk Hogan action figures in my son's bedroom."

"They're good kids, John."

"Yeah… yeah, they are."

As the afternoon faded into the evening, the kids changed out of their bathing suits and sat down for dinner.

The large table at the center of the deck was reserved for all of the adults and the smaller table off to the side was for the children.

Soon, the hot dogs and hamburgers, side dishes, and drinks vanished from the table, as the sun did from the sky.

"Hey, Paul?" John called to his fellow wrestlers as the last of the dirty dishes were dropped into the black garbage bag.

"Yeah?" the older man replied.

He stood from the deck chair beside his girlfriend, "I've got some tiki torches in the garage. Can you help me with them?"

"Sure, man," he nodded and followed John into the house, patting him on the shoulder.

"Jessica, it's getting a little cold out," Linda decided as she zipped up Declan's sweatshirt. "You should probably go and change into jeans."

The blonde rolled her eyes, "Mom, I'm twenty-eight years old…"

"What does that have to do with the temperature?" her mother shot her a look.

Her daughter sighed, "Alright, alright."

And as they watched her disappear into the house, Stephanie, Marissa, Jamie, and Linda couldn't help but smile.

By the time Jessica returned to the table, in a pair of faded jeans and a royal purple thermal with silver foil designs on the front, John and Paul had put tiki torches up around the deck, illuminating it in a romantic orange glow.

"Better, Mother?" her eyebrow arched.

"Much," the older blonde nodded.

"What about you?" she turned to her boyfriend, now dressed in a pair of jeans and a light blue polo, with a white tee shirt cuffed underneath it, along with a pair of Reeboks.

His azure eyes glinted as he smirked, "This is Boston, not Greenwich. It gets a little cold in the summer."

"Whatever," she rolled her hazel eyes at him and reached for her wine glass, taking a long drink of the white zinfandel.

"Well," John began, slapping his hands down on his thighs, "If you guys don't mind, I'd like to make a toast."

"Go right ahead, son," his father replied boisterously, raising a glass to his son.

The younger John nodded and stood up from his chair, "We have quite a few things to celebrate tonight. For one, we have Jessica's official return to the ring this past Monday night, after what I know, firsthand, was an incredibly difficult road to recovery. Jess, would you please stand up."

With an embarrassed grin, his girlfriend rose to her feet as the family applauded and tucked a strand of straight, blonde hair behind her ear, "Thank you."

A proud smile on his face, John continued on, "Not to mention… an album that officially went platinum on Monday, as well."

Paul whistled loudly at that notion.

"Thanks, Paul," Jessica laughed at her brother-in-law's enthusiasm.

"But most importantly," John continued, allowing his sapphire eyes to glance around the table, "Tonight we celebrate the first occasion that all of the members of the McMahon family and the Cena family are together, in one place."

As he finished his sentence, the twenty-nine year old took his girlfriend by the hand and led her to the head of the rectangular table, unobstructed by any chairs.

"And it's because of this gathering of our familes," John began, now standing in front of her so that their eyes were completely locked, "That I'd like to add something to the list of occasions to celebrate."

A smile played at the corner of his lips as his girlfriend sported a look of total and utter confusion on her face.

He slid his hands into his pockets, looking from the wooden deck to her tanned face, "Ten years ago, I let you walk out of my life and it was the stupidest mistake I've ever made. But by some miracle, I managed to find you again and came to see just how much I truly love you."

Jessica's face softened and she smiled lovingly at him, "I love you too."

"And this last year we've been together has made me realize that I never want to let you go again," John added, allowing both of his hands to withdraw from his pockets before dropping to rest on his left knee, the other bent slightly before him. His right hand opened to reveal a black velvet box, which he popped open with his left. After a moment of pause, he looked up at her with shining azure eyes, "Jessica Juliette McMahon, will you marry me?"

Silence washed over the normally-talkative young woman who was rarely at a loss for words, but in that moment, John had managed to not only take her words away, but take her breath away, as well.

Jessica nodded as a bright grin spread across her face, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks.

"Yes?" his eyes lit up, still resting on one knee.

"Yes," she repeated after him, wiping away a stray tear. "Of course I'll marry you."

John removed the white gold ring, consisting of a seven karat emerald-cut diamond in the center, flanked by two matching, three and a half karat stones on each side, from its velvet holder and slipped it on her finger.

With a smile now equally as large as hers, John rose to his feet, "I love you."

Jessica reached up and slipped her hands around his neck, pressing her lips briefly to his, "I love you too… so much."

After a strong hand pushed a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, she wrapped her arms around him tightly, holding onto the man she had loved for as long as she could remember, the man she could now called her fiancé.

And as both John and Jessica's families looked on, they could only beam across the table at the couple, as the night marked the first step in permanently joining the McMahons and the Cenas forever…

An event over twenty years in the making.

A/N: I can't believe it's over. It's come a long way since September, hasn't it?

I must admit that I went back and forth over the exact way this ended around a thousand times and a few of my classmates and co-workers will attest to the fact it took me two or three days to just decide what John was going to wear after he changed.

I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed this ending and enjoyed She's a Rebel II: Unravel altogether. I think that Jessica deserved a happy ending in this one, considering she got such a crappy one last story.

Like I told you before, I totally hinted at this ending a bunch of times.

For example… in chapter 14:

Rob shook his head and laughed as Kasey appeared near the car, "I'm not too worried. You'll forget about all this in four or five months anyway."

This took place in February… five months later, John proposed. Guess what they were doing that day?

Ring shopping.

A few of you, namely Enigmatic Lotus Leaf, thought this was a strange answer, but no one really hit the nail on the head.

This was echoed again in Chapter 16, in John's monologue to Diana:

"You know better than anyone else that I love her. You saw what I did back in February, back in Tampa. You understand, don't you?" he sighed.

Once again, he was talking about the ring.

The last set of hints really came in this chapter, Chapter 20, mainly this one:

"Say thank you to your Uncle John," Stephanie smiled down at her infant daughter.

"Don't you think it's a little early for that, Steph?" Paul laughed in amusement beside her.

She rolled her eyes at her husband, "I know she's only a week old, thank you very much."

He shook his pony-tailed mane, "No, that's not what I meant…"

The entire family knew… and Paul was saying that it was a bit early for Aurora to consider John her uncle because he hadn't proposed quite yet.

Moving on…

I promise that She's a Rebel III is going to bring a lot more drama to the situation, especially when it comes to the fact that John and Jessica are… wedding planning! Eeek! A McCena wedding!

This next story is going to be written in a very interesting format. Once it's posted, I'll explain it in my first author's note.

Since I will NOT be telling you the sub-title of this one, I suggest that you add me to your author alert list. I'd like to surprise you all.

So for the last time in She's a Rebel II: Unravel…. Shout outs!

Goddessofthenite – Thank you, bestest friend! The mention wasn't of Charlie, it was of Katie Lea Burchill. That was a toughie though. You did get Kenny Dykstra and Cody, though. What'd you think of the ending?

Enigmatic Lotus Leaf – If you remember what the Rock said to Jessica about mentoring, it'll come into play somewhat in the fourth one. But that's a long ways off. As for Cody, I just refer to him as mini-Orton, sometimes as an insult, sometimes as a joke. I hope that the first chapter of SAR III lives up to your expectations!

Sideways anger – I do love to add little fun things every now and then. I'm glad you liked those flashbacks, but I'm guessing you liked the current match better, huh? I totally did too.

Da-Real-Mrs-Cena102100 – Whoa… total Twilight Zone birthday effect! It was sad to see Ric go, but it was time for him to move on. Speaking of moving on, I hope that you enjoy the end of SAR II and the beginning of SAR III!

CandaceMcMahon – I'm sure you loved this chapter because Shane made an appearance, knowing you!

Inday – You couldn't wait until they caught up with each other… now what do you think?

Nic-002001 – Yeah, I wish I was there for a secret meeting with John. Our schedules just didn't match up… haha.

The.Black.Psycho.Barbie – Hey, if you'll pay my gas money, I'll drive you. Obviously, I can too. I was my school spelling bee champion three years in a row back in elementary school. Not to mention, I was also my middle school geography bee champion two years running… sorry about the Runnels. But I think I made him tolerable for you. What'd you think of this update?

Snap DDT – Yeah, the plan is still on. But you've gotta keep it on the DL, Runnels… I mean, Becky.

Queen Chaos-Hardy – Yeah, British accents rule. Although, right now, Katie Lea's incest angle does not. So… was this worth the wait?

Chain Gang Princess – The other future superstars were Kenny Dykstra and Katie Lea. The Shawn in question was Shawn Spears, I'm not sure if I mentioned that or not. I can't believe this is the last either, but Part III will probably be up once I hit around 16-18 reviews.

Jada951 – Thank you!

Westfan – I know I've been telling you that this was coming for a while, but it's finally here! And I love how you knew exactly who the guy was the moment she walked in. Leave it to you and me. Now that the end is here, what do you think?

Miniature-hero – Well, this was a very good time to have two weeks to read!

Sailormama – Thank you… times two! I hope this chapter was up to your expectations.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes and for the praise you've given me over the course of this story. I hope that She's a Rebel III lives up to all of your expectations.

To the following people who have reviewed since September…

Goddess.of,discord, goddessofthenite, The.Black.Psycho.Barbie, AznIntegra, Sammy91, Enigmatic Lotus Leaf, JeffHardyFan02, TheRealKellyAnne, Chain Gang Princess, dj-ssdd, Chenai, hbkcenaortonaddict, Adrian Jade, Inday, Cena130, Broken.Baby.Gyrl, asher02, cena07, cassymae, miniature-hero, Da-Real-Mrz-Cena102100, JCEdgeRKO, lil-miss-wrestling-fan, AzMiGu, Ashleigh, CandaceMcMahon, sweetortonlover86, pr0udpnaii x33, giftiebee, Westfan, nic-002001, Dani, Help Me Delete, jada951, Queen Chaos-Hardy, Lady Luv, Laffy.x.Taffy, xtobelovedx, and Snap DDT

Thank you.

VERY Special Shout-outs:

Chantel (The.Black.Psycho.Barbie) – Thank you for keeping me on my toes intellectually and perpetually amused by your comments. No matter what anyone says, I love them.

Kasey (Westfan) – Thank you for preventing me from killing my husband and/or leaving him for David Wright… although I am still tempted… as well as supporting this story from the very beginning.

Brittany (giftiebee) – Thank you for being one of my loyal readers, as well as my loyal friends. Fifth Element forever! (And for sharing my love of Cena… through EVERYTHING.)

Charlie (Queen Chaos-Hardy) – Thank you for reading SAR I and II in a span of less than twenty-four hours, a feat that still floors me to this day. I can't wait until you come to the states and I finally get to enjoy that British accent of yours!

Julia (Goddessofthenite) – Thank you for nagging me to finish, even when I wasn't ready, and always keeping your expectations of me high.

For the last time in She's a Rebel II: Unravel... PLEASE REVIEW! If you haven't reviewed at all, or haven't reviewed in a while, please let me know how I did. It means a lot to me.

Rock on rebels,
