A/N- Shizuru and Natsuki own by Sun and stuff. I wrote this fic b/c of the song 'Bartender' by Akon (or someone else, don't really know for sure) playing on the radio. No, if you are thinking of the anime 'Bartender' then you are wrong. That show has a lot of meaning when it comes to alcoholic beverage and emotions while this story does not. Anyway, i didn't bother to check for grammer/spelling (sorry) and now here's chapter 1.

1At The Bartender

Chapter 1: Welcome

It was a quite evening and a certain brunette was walking alone on the side walks of downtown. The streets wasn't crowded with the usually citizens like on most weekdays, making the woman quite lonely indeed. After all she dumped her boyfriend, make that ex-boyfriend, twenty minutes ago because he was being a pervert, like every other boyfriend she had before. Sighing, she continued walking down the deserted street.

"It's always the same," said the honey-haired woman with a Kyoto accent, "They just want my body and money instead of my personality."

While walking, the woman was lost in thoughts of how she was going to explain to her father of why she dumped another guy again. Although an explanation wouldn't be necessary because her father should, by now, know that the young woman always said the same thing. 'I don't like him' or 'He's not the one' and blah blah blah. Luckily, her father didn't mind the excuses as long as she found someone that she would truly love and the person did the same to her as well. So far, every guy she dated with, she loved but the guys truly loved…her body. Then again who wouldn't, after all, she had the perfect measurements and curves. The outfits she would wear would hug her upper and lower regions so perfectly while her legs are shaped beautifully along with her curved hips just right. So that when she walks, it had a bit of a seductive move to it yet it still had grace.

She also had a fan club at her work. It was mostly made up of younger women who envy the Kyoto beauty. It's like where every she goes, about five or ten different people are amazed with her beauty and some of them were brave enough to talk to her. Not once in her life has anyone ignore her, giving her least private space for a quiet time alone, that is untill now.

Moments later, the sound of the clock tower rang out through the streets, making the brunette snap out of her thinking and more in to where she was at. Looking at her surrounds, she noticed that it was much darker then before and the lights that were on were dim to a blur. The woman couldn't tell where she was, but she knew that she must've lost her way while thinking.

"Great…just great." The woman sighed and started turning back but stopped when something caught her interest.

The 'something' that got the woman to stop, was a shady little bar called Moonlight Wolves. The name of the bar had blue and white neon lights. Moonlight was in white along side a circle that appeared to be a moon. While Wolves was in blue with a small picture of a pack of wolves at the bottom right corner of the word.

The place didn't look crowded, making the brunette think that it wasn't a good place to get a drink but then again, she was feeling kind of thirsty. She decided to go in but called home to tell her dad that she might be coming home late tonight.

"Hello," said the woman, "father, I'll be coming home around eleven."

"That's fine Shizuru," said her dad, "thanks for calling honey and I'll see you later."

With that said, the call ended. Now to go in the bar.

Once in, she was amazed to find the place almost packed. There was people at the bar, at random tables and some playing pool while alternative music was on. Changing her mind on the place, the brunette headed towards to the bar to order a refreshment. Along the way, a few guys were eyeing her with lust in their eyes, making Shizuru uneasy but still calm on the outside. Some guys were even asking Shizuru if she wanted a drink on the house but she denied each one of them, after one of them could have spiked her drink without her knowledge.

"One margarita," said Shizuru who made it at the bar and asked one of the bartenders whose back was turned on her. The woman couldn't tell if the bartender was a man or a woman because now a days, some guys grow out there hair pretty long. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it was just hard to tell from behind if they were a guy or girl. So she decided to go with a guy. Now the other problem, which the woman was wondering if the man got her order or not.

"Sure thing miss," replied the bartender with a kind of deep sly voice. To Shizuru, it sounded very melodic in her ears but her hearing must have been bad since the sound of music and people talking were loud. At least he's got it, sighed Shizuru.

After a few minutes, the margarita was done and the bartender gave the brunette her drink. "Here you are miss. One margarita," said the bartender with a gentle smile.

Shizuru was amazed that the bartender in front of her was a woman instead of a man. "Thank you."

The bartender was a younger woman with long blue hair that was tied up in to a pony tail. She was slender and had just the right curves for her future. The uniform she wore was very simple though it looks very good on her. It happen to be black slack pants and a white dress shirt covered up by a midnight navy blue vest.

"Hey! I want a whisky little lady," said a man with bad alcoholic breath who came up to the bar and gave Shizuru a grinning smile.

Oh please.., thought Shizuru.

"Hey buddy, leave the lady alone," stated the bartender, "she's already had enough obstacles to deal with already."

Shizuru couldn't help but smile when the woman said that to the sneeze ball beside her. This is different, thought Shizuru.

"Just give me a whisky," replied the man making the bartender give him an angry look.

By glance, Shizuru could have sworn that the bartender's right hand was balled in to a fist but was soon relaxed by force with a sigh.

At first, Shizuru thought that the young woman would ignore the man, stay and bring a conversation with her like every other woman she met did. Other then that, there was about four other bartenders nearby that could get the man his whisky but to Shizuru's surprise, the bartender didn't talk to her and went to fill the order.. This was the first time that Shizuru was ignore.

"Yeah, yeah," said the bartender at the man, "just wait for a while Jack."

"Make it snappy lady," replied the guy.

Scoffing, the bartender left to make the whisky.

"Enjoy." The bartender said this with a smile to Shizuru before she left the older woman alone to make a whisky for the customer beside the brunette.

The bartender finished the whisky with speed and handed it to the man beside Shizuru. At the same time, Shizuru was done with her margarita and was about to leave, however, she didn't feel like leaving just yet because she was intrigued by the bartender who ignored her. Other then that, she wanted to know her name.

"Can I order a cup of Jin?" Asked Shizuru to the bartender so that she wouldn't leave to get anyone else's order.

"Sure," replied the bartender, "but it's a little strong. Are you sure you can hold your liquor?"

"Of course I can," said Shizuru.

"Oh?" Said the bartender with an amused look. "Can you?"

"Yes," stated Shizuru with a seductive look, "looks can be oh so deceiving." This made the bartender laugh a little followed by Shizuru's.

"Okay, okay…one cup of Jin coming right up." Off she went to fix Shizuru her drink.

The night was slowly ending and more and more people left the bar. It was close to eleven and some of the bartenders left except the cobalt hair bartender. The music in the bar was playing soft jazz and a certain brunette was starting to get a little hung over from the drinks she was ordering to make the cobalt woman stay with her. So far it worked, the two would talk a little about each other while the other one listen. Shizuru learned that the bartender was a college student at Fuuka University and would graduate in almost a year. The other thing that Shizuru also learned was that the woman loved to do extreme things that guys would usually do, it was kind of hard to believe since the young woman didn't look like she had a single cut on her.

Along the conversation, Shizuru told the bartender her troubles of going out with guys who she eventually dumped and about telling her dad an excuse of why she didn't stay with the poor guy. On and on, Shizuru told the raven-haired woman about her life problems and stuff that amazingly Shizuru would never tell anyone else. Wait….why would you tell a total stranger your life anyone.

Yeah…why am I telling a stranger my life? thought Shizuru and tried to figure out and answer to herself.

"Heh, oh yeah…I feel like she's the only one I can trust," whispered Shizuru.

"What did you say?" Asked the bartender.

"Oh, it was nothing," replied Shizuru and smooth music covered the silence.

Wait, I can't believe I haven't gotten her name yet. Yes, Shizuru didn't get the bartender's name after all the talking that they did. But in between their conversation, the bartender was either doing someone's drink or had to leave for a few minutes to change the music. This disturbed Shizuru.

"You should be getting home," replied the bartender, snapping Shizuru out of her current thought. "I'll order you a cab to get home safely."

"No wayyyy….hic," said Shizuru and was beginning to focus on her choice of words before her hang over took over her. "I'm ..hic…not leaving without cha."

"What? Look, I'm flattered but I can't just leave my bar open," stated the confused raven haired bartender who dialed for a cab to pick up the woman. "Just to make it easy, I'll let you have the drinks you drank for free, okay?"

What? thought Shizuru. She actually owns this bar? Heh, who knew? Then again I at least got some free drinks. Around Shizuru, there happened to be at least five different kinds of alcohol but it was all because she wanted to stay with the bartender. "Then I'll stay," said Shizuru, mostly to herself then the cobalt woman.

"No, I'll get you to a cab."

"No, I'm staying.

"No, you're leaving."

"No, staying."

"No, leaving."

The two were arguing for another five minutes until on of them gave in and finally one of them did.

"Tell me your name…hic…and I'll leave," requested Shizuru, although it sounded more as a demand then a request.

This statement left the bartender in amusement and kind of in shock. "That's all?"

"Yes," said Shizuru.

"O…okay. Do you promise?" Asked the bartender.

"Maybe….maybe not," replied Shizuru.

Sighing, the bartender told the brunette her name.

"Natsuki, Natsuki Kuga. It's a pleasure to meet you…uh…." Now the bartender was lost for words since she didn't know her company's name.

"Shizuru, Shizuru Fujino. It's also a pleasure to meet you Natsuki," said Shizuru who gave a wink to the younger woman. However, it Natsuki didn't react to the seductive wink.

"Okay, since I gave you my name," stated Natsuki, "Please leave." The older woman was getting on Natsuki's nerves.

"Ohh…but Natsuki," whined Shizuru, "after all we've been though, and you want me to leave."

"Today was the first time I met you and nothing happened between us." said Natsuki, "Now out you go."

The younger girl took Shizuru's arm and wrapped it around her neck while holding the older woman's waist. Half dragging and carrying Shizuru, Natsuki was able to bring them both outside.

Outside, a yellow cab was waiting and Natsuki slid Shizuru in the back sit. "Here, please take her home safely," demanded Natsuki who gave the guy about fifty dollars to take wherever the older woman lived.

"Okay, no problem," said the driver.

With that being said, the cab slowly drove off in to the night and Natsuki headed towards back to her bar.

Oh you foolish woman, though Shizuru, you can't get rid of me that easy. "I'll just have to come back tomorrow night," whispered Shizuru.

The cab turned a corner and the lights of Moonlight Wolves were turned off, calling it a night for the two women.