The Father Figure


He thought he was her father.

It was the most idiotic thing, really. She's not really sure how it got started, but he has a habit of calling her his 'beloved daughter'. They're not related in any way, and he's only a year older then her, hardly old enough to have fathered anyone yet, much less her.

She'll admit that his personality is one that brings to mind her father, but the fact remains that he is not her father. He is not her father, and, she cannot stress this point enough, he will never be her father. She wishes he would pick up on this point. It's the most annoying thing to love someone that way, and have them think they're related to you.

A Metaphor for Love.


In his opinion, love is a lot like a layered chocolate. The entire candy tastes good, but the outside is hard, while the inside is soft.

Take, for instance, those two. They've been licking the edge for some time now, but nothing ever changes. They're stuck on the outer part, unable to open it up. He thinks that what they really need to do is grow some teeth.

Less Then Deep


He gave the king credit for a lot more depth then the man actually has. All this time he thought the pretence of family was the man's way of drawing the club closer to one another.

Then he discovered that it was all just a fancy form of denial, and realises the fact that he should have known from the start; Tamaki really is an idiot.

Honestly, he thinks, mistaking a crush for fatherly affection?



He sometimes thought that she was the oblivious one. She never seemed to notice when people flirted with her, and that was worrying. If he let his mind stray to what would happen on an occasion he wasn't there to protect her, his inner mind theatre came up with some horrible stuff. So he vowed never to not be there when other men could talk to her.

It was all to protect her, and he wishes she could see that, and perhaps turn her scary gaze to one of those men, rather then him.

Pairs of Opposites


He approved. They were both kind people who deserved happiness, and what better way to find it then with each other?

Others might whisper that it would never work, that they were too different in both station and personality. Not him though. Even if he had been the type to gossip, he would never say anything like that. He knew that some of the best pairs were made up of opposites. All one had to do was look at his cousin and him to see that.



In his eyes she was almost perfect. She was beautiful, fun to play with, and most importantly, could tell them apart. No one, not even their mother, could do that. He had never thought they would find someone who could.

But maybe that was the problem. Maybe he only loved her for her ability, rather then for herself, as the other man did. Maybe he's to selfish.

Or maybe, he ponders, he's to smart. After all, if there was one thing the other man wasn't, it was smart.

That wasn't the best train of thought, however, because he had long ago figured out that it didn't really matter what he was or wasn't. No matter how he flirts with her, or how foolish the other man acts, it will always be the other man that she runs to.

She may be almost perfect, he thinks, but as far as imperfections go in a perspective girlfriend, loving another man is a pretty big one.

Ulterior Motives


Not only had he known about it all along, but he had planned on it. The fool was so used to females swooning at the sight of him that an unladylike beauty like her was sure to attract his attention.

A little longer and they'd be dating, and soon...soon he'd be rid of that awful nickname. The girl would be 'mommy', the boy would be 'daddy', and he would be out of it forever.

After all, he wouldn't have put the vase in front of a door if he hadn't wanted it to break.