Ok. So I'm not finished with my other story, Truth or Dare, but this idea hit me on the head just now. So I'm gonna try to express it as best I can PLEASE REVIEW!!!!

Bella's POV

It was a little over a week since my wedding night. Edward and I had gotten married. I was now Mrs. Cullen. I smiled at the thought. And my love had kept his promise. I got one of my last human experiences during our honeymoon. And boy, was that a success.

But every since I had gotten the flu or something, I would throw up in the morning for no reason. Like right now! I hopped out of my bed, and I rushed to the bathroom where I puked my guts out. I wiped my face with a towel in there. I made sure to brush my teeth very thoroughly; I don't think Edward would enjoy that taste.

As I was slowly making my way back to my bedroom, I was swept up and plopped on my bed before I could blink. I looked up to see Edward's eyes, concerned and worried.

"Bella, are you alright?" he asked.

I nodded. " Just the flu or something."

"Or something…" he muttered under his breath, thinking I couldn't hear him. Well, then. Nice to know my supportive husband thought I would recover so quickly.

I was so happy that I was living with the Cullens. It was so much easier to not have to hide things from Charlie. Of course, I missed my father. But in the next couple of days, I would become a vampire, and I'd never be able to see him again.

"Bella!" Alice shrieked, waking me from my reverie. I scowled as Alice flew into Edward and I's room. She probably wanted to go shopping with me.

Edward looked at her curiously. "Why is your mind blocked?" he inquired.

Alice shrugged. "I just don't like having prying vampires poking their noses in my business all the time," She said. Edward raised a brow, unconvinced.

"Anyways," Alice rushed on hurriedly, "Bella. We need to go shopping now. It's an emergency." What a surprise.

I snorted. "When it comes to shopping, there's always an emergency." I said.

Alice got this desperate look on her face. It worried me a little. "Please. Please, Bella!" she whispered.

I sighed, and nodded my head dejectedly. She squealed and clapped her hands as she jumped into the air. I barely had time to plant a kiss on my Edward's cheek and say, "I love you," before Alice picked me up and dumped me in her yellow Porsche a second later. I looked at her in surprise.

"Why are we taking this car?" I was confused. Alice wasn't supposed to drive this around Forks or Port Angeles.

"We aren't going to the mall in Port Angeles." Alice explained.

"Oh? And are we going to drive across the whole country today?" I asked icily. I could think of much better things I could do than drive to New York or wherever Alice was headed. She threw the car in reverse, and it suddenly screeched away. Goodness! We were already going 150 mph!

"We are going to Los Angeles!" Alice screamed.