Serena crossed the terrace, blinking in the sunlight. She looked over the desolation of her kingdom; the only sign of life was her beating heart. Her glance drifted over the graves of her friends. Ami. The first of her companions. Mars... so vivacious. Rei always fought with Serena but in reality, they were the closest. Jupiter, she was so eager to fight for her dreams and love. Lita always managed to put a smile on everyone's face. Venus...eager to protect. Mina always managed to be there for Serena, and everyone else. Luna and Artemis. They were always there when you most needed them. Always.

Just like they were there when I was in danger. They all were, and look what happened she thought bitterly.

Serena didn't let her eyes pass over the two lone graves atop the hill in the distance. She would never look again. Just knowing that Darien and Rini were dead was enough heart-ache for her.

Serena awoke with a start, sweat dripping from her eyes.

No, those are tears. What a nightmare!

Serena blinked in the sun's rays which poured through her open blinds. Yawning, she stretched her arms, and swung her legs over the bed. She covered her feet with slippers, and trudged to the bathroom. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she gasped. Where Serena should have been was Neo Queen Serenity.

"Don't give it away Serena! Don't!"

Serena shook her head vigorously, and rubbed her eyes hurriedly. Neo Queen Serenity still stared back at her. Voice tinkling like a bell, she repeated,


Serena nearly choked.

"Don't what? What are you talking about?"

"All will be lost. The Scouts. Darien...everything."

With those final haunting words, Neo Queen Serenity filtered away. Containing a scream, Serena slapped on a coat, and climbed out her window.

I've got to talk to Darien!

Knocking on Darien's door, Serena impatiently waited. Once the door swung open, Serena dashed inside, not noticing Darien still in his boxers. He quickly pulled on a robe and half-heartily rubbed his head and yawned.

"Serena? What in the world are you doing here at 8:00 in the morning?"

Serena finally looked at him and began to softly cry.

"Darien. I can't lose you! Or Rini! I can't!"

She collapsed to her knees, tears caressing her paper pale face. Darien cradled her in his arms and rested her on the couch.

"Serena, what's wrong?"

Serena slowly explained her dream, and then her menacing vision in the mirror. Darien looked at her, sympathy in his eyes. He knew too well the effects of prophetic dreams.

"Darien...I don't know what to do! She said 'Don't give it away.' But I have no idea what I'm not supposed to give away!"

Darien held her in his arms, and shook his head.

"I don't know what to tell you Serena, but I do know that I am going to be here, to help you every step of the way. We'll figure this out. Don't you worry. The Scouts."

Serena cut him off at the mention of the Sailor Scouts.

"No. I'm not involving them. Not yet. Not until I know."

While Darien couldn't say he agreed, he did understand, and she had every right to be concerned for them. Together, they walked out on the balcony, and looked at the streets below. They saw Rini dash inside Darien's building, and a look of alarm passed over their faces. Just a few moments later, Rini ran inside the room, tears flowing in her small eyes. She clutched a small pink envelope in her hand.

"I got a message from my mommy. She's summoning me back. She said to come immediately. I have to leave now!"

Serena once again collapsed to her knees. She was going to have to lose her future daughter...again for the second time in one day.

At least she's alive this time.

Serena held out her arms to Rini, and she huddled close to her, and Darien wrapped his arms around the two. ...

Once Rini left, Serena stood with Darien staring at the sky, the pink patch of time now gone.

Be safe Rini.

" don't think her being called back has anything to do with my nightmare do you?"

Darien shrugged his shoulders.

"I wouldn't know..."

His thoughts trailed off, as the Luna Sphere slowly drifted from another pink patch of time, and into the arms of Serena. Within the mouth was a similar pink envelope like the one Rini had earlier. Serena gently set the Luna Sphere on the ground, and took the message addressed to her. It contained a simple message, in the handwriting of Rini:

"Serena! Don't give away the Moon of the Earth!"

Serena looked at Darien, confusion in her eyes.

"The Moon of the Earth? What in the world is that? Could that be what Neo Queen Serenity was talking about?"

Darien stood dumbfounded, and read the message for himself. Rubbing his temple, Darien opened his mouth the speak,

"I don't know, but it sounds like it could be. Serena, don't you think we should ask the Scouts what they think?"

Serena stubbornly shook her head.

"No. I'm not endangering anyone else. I hate the fact that I brought you into this, but you're the only I could at the time. No one else needs to get hurt. And I mean that."

So...what do you think? My first chapter story in awhile...lemme know what you think!