Title:Game Without Tears

Disclaimer: I do not own, wish I did, but I don't. I only own my plot line. Full disclaimer, first chapter.

Author: ShaeLynn Teelle

All other information: See first chapter.

Polite constructive criticism welcome. FLAMES WILL BE FED TO THE DRAGON IN MY BED.

Epilogue: Return to Serenity

Draco relaxed back into his chair in front of the fire. It had been two months since Harry had woken and there had been little opportunity to relax. Only a week had passed before a captured Death Eater had released some of their names to the Ministry. Harry had hired a representative for the trials from Dumbledore's and Snape's recommendations. Veritaserum had been used as demanded.

Unfortunately Rita Skeeter had been present and latched onto the girls' story especially, though she made sure to include what happened when Vincent and Gregory were discovered as traitors. Neither they nor Snape was pleased when that was printed, especially as it had been published that he had also been found out as a traitor and that the punishment was universal.

Hogwarts had already started a new term, but Dumbledore offered them all sanctuary within Hogwarts' walls when the reporters and those that did not agree with the 'innocent' verdict were hounding them everywhere they were seen. To their surprise, and relief, they were given the same suite of rooms they'd had during the summer. Harry had moved in with the five at an open invitation from all of them. They had been quietly greeted at the entrance portrait by Gryffindor himself and entered to phoenix song from the two birds above the fireplace.

The portraits had yet to interact with anyone else, though the portrait in Draco and Harry's room would alert them if need be and could often be seen grinning indulgently when the door was open. The amount of people that were hounding them for stories or physical recompense died down after a time and the five Slytherins were left in relative peace. Still, none of them ever ventured out alone and most often with Harry, Remus, or Tonks escorting them.

Gregory had gotten hired working with Kingsley at the Ministry. His ability to place a face with a name instantly had earned him an office space in the Auror division. Occasionally Kingsley or Tonks would take him out to meet someone or identify someone, but otherwise he was responsible for recording Death Eaters that had managed to escape, but were identified by ones that were incarcerated and detailing everything he could find out about them. He enjoyed his work and was respected at least by the people he actively worked with.

Vincent had been offered a place teaching at Hogwarts in several years when Binns agreed to finally give up his post. He spent much of his time reading in the Headmaster's office with History books that Dumbledore had in his collection. He also went to libraries at other schools and in other countries for their own collections of history books. He had some opposition from a few of the governments, but Dumbledore was often with him the first time he visited at least and afterwards, some member of the Order that was known to the government or school accompanied him.

Daphne was taken as an apprentice by McGonagall and was enjoying the opportunity. The Professor believed that she would be ready to teach in less than five years. The Slytherins weren't aware of it, but McGonagall was planning on retiring in the next few years and hoped that Daphne would take her place. The Professor was grooming her to be able to handle the classes that came through Hogwarts. The only part of the apprenticeship that Daphne had to wait on was the animagus transformation. That McGonagall was adamant on not beginning until after Daphne had delivered the child she was carrying.

Pansy was lucky enough to be apprenticed to the Professor that had taken over Hagrid's post. The woman knew very little about her, but had agreed to teach her on a trial basis. The two had quickly reached an understanding of each other and got along quite well. A Care of Magical Creatures apprenticeship was more in depth than some of the others and Pansy would be spending her summers about the world, learning how to handle various creatures that were required before one could become a Master. Vincent was allowed to accompany her during the summer, but the two had agreed that Pansy would take a contraceptive potion again so there was no threat to either her or a child while they were abroad.

Neville, they had learned, was apprenticed to Professor Sprout and Daphne had told them he had been offered the spot months before classes had ended. Hermione had even received an apprenticeship. She was working with Madam Pince in the library and was taking classes at a nearby University, obtaining the degree required to be a Librarian. They had all agreed that it was a perfect choice for her… after they had stopped laughing.

Draco and Snape had reached a truce between them after everything was settled. The Potions Master was allowing him to begin an apprenticeship with him tentatively in a few days. Draco was also continuing to make the potion for Professor Lupin every month and was still translating Mo'ask Ta'ni Dan with Pansy's continued help. He had been reading the journals he had found in the rooms again and had just finished the final one.

The opening of the portrait door brought Draco out of his thoughts. None of his suite mates returned that early and Draco looked over in surprise to see Harry walking in. The Gryffindor had taken Ollivander up on his offer of apprenticeship and spent most of his days at the Wand Maker's shop. On the weekends, when Ollivander was often far busier, Harry trained with Lupin, Snape, or Dumbledore. He wanted to continue his education in Defense of the Dark Arts and when the time with Ollivander was over, wished to become a Master of Magical Defense.

"You're back early. Is everything okay?"

"Yes," Harry answered with a smile. "Ollivander had family business to take care of this afternoon and closed the shop early. I stopped by Ron to see how he was doing."

Draco laughed quietly. The red head had accepted the five Slytherins, but it had been with reluctance. After the trial and Skeeter's articles, he had calmed down and was openly friendly with them when Hermione forced him to visit with her.

"So how is Auror training going?"

"He was complaining about how much reading he has to do, but at least he doesn't need to buy most of them. Hermione already has them," Harry answered, his smile wide. "Ron's finally proposed. He's still in shock that she's said yes."

"As if she was going to turn him down. Mione's only been waiting since before the last battle."

"I know."

Harry had reached Draco's chair and wrapped one arm over his right shoulder. Draco took hold of the hand hanging down by his chest. He was content with his life with Harry and his friends. The five had not been sure they'd even survive the war, especially him. There was very little that he could ask for and most of that was impossible to have.

"You've finished the journals," Harry suddenly said in surprise. "What were they about? Did they answer your questions?"

Draco thought for a moment about what the journals had revealed. They mentioned no names, not even the name of the one that wrote it, but the detailed descriptions of the people's appearance was accurate and precise based on portraits that he had seen. Any the writer wrote of were often referred to by what they taught and the language was flowery and filled with words and phrases that had long ago died out. Draco could understand more than enough to learn that the histories of the school were horribly inaccurate.

Draco looked up at his partner with a mischievous smirk on his face, "So, Harry… how many galleons would you bet that Hogwarts had more than four founders?"

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